ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoandPlay Scene Frame Label
Dec 14, 2010
I know that you are not supposed to target a frame number but here's the deal.I have 2 scenes (Scene 1 and Scene 2). Both scenes are currently the same and I will be customizing them at a later date.The scenes are made up of multiple MC's and I need to target a particular frame. I have named the frame and tried the following script to no avail. When it does work, it goes to the first frame of Scene 2 every time like it is just traveling along the timeline and jumping to Scene 2.[code]
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Apr 1, 2010
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label null not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay() at intro_fla::MainTimeline/intro_fla::frame606()[intro_fla.MainTimeline: :frame606:3]
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May 21, 2010
I'm trying break down a large Flash project into smaller swf's using a Loader :
var reqA:URLRequest = new URLRequest("New_Inro.swf");var loaderA:Loader = new Loader();
function imageLoadedA(event:Event):void { addChild(loaderA);} loaderA.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoadedA);loaderA.load(reqA);
Some of these swf files are animations which have code that states :
The first loader works but I cannot get that swf to move on to the next frame(frameThree) to load the next swf file
Instead I get this message
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label frameThree not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at New_Inro_fla::MainGuy_1/frame146()[New_Inro_fla.MainGuy_1::frame146:2 ]
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Sep 2, 2011
I'm getting this error in the OUTPUT window, when I PREVIEW (COMMAND + RETURN) my SWF:
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label nGallery_btn not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at BrookBrovazMusic004_fla::MainTimeline/pageSelect()
- The funny thing is that the SWF works the way I want it to. You can view it here:
- I just don't like the idea that something's wrong, according to the OUTPUT window anyway.
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Jun 22, 2010
the error is:
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance121 not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/goLabel()
this is my code:
function goLabel(e:MouseEvent):void
i am using a movie clip button to open a swf with a loader. hope i m not missing any information/other coding....
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Mar 4, 2011
I have created a new Flash file using A3.It has a menu system which all works, I have included trace code that outputs button pressed.So the next step is when the right button is clicked it takes them to the next scene. Please note I have coded it in AS3. When I compile it returns no error however at run time when I click on the buttomit returns the following error:
Menu 1, button 1
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label contact not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at menuformason_fla::MainTimeline/itemButtons()
View 1 Replies
Nov 22, 2009
I just migrated to CS5.5, and I'm seeing some weird behavior with imported movie clips within Flash Builder. I've got an .fla with a MovieClip with an AS Linkage of 'Card'. I've exported the .fla as a .swc, and included it within an Actionscript Project in Flash Builder.
Previously, I would call the code:
for(var i:Number = 0; i < currentCards.length; i++) {
var currentClip:MovieClip = MovieClip(currentCards[i]);
and everything worked completely fine. When I run this code within Flash Builder 4.5, after reexporting the .swc from Flash 5.5, I get the error:
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label unselected not found in scene unselected
I thought there might be something funky going on with the scene assignments, so I changed the code to be:
MovieClip(currentCards[i]).gotoAndStop('unselected', 'Scene 1');
but then it couldn't find Scene 1. I finally changed the code to:
and it worked fine. But why isn't it picking up my frame labels?
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Jun 23, 2010
I have a movie clip button, however, once you click on it the output will say: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance15 not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at index_fla::MainTimeline/goLabel() i am new in flash and trying to learn as3. i've looked at what error this is but i cant get my head around it. what i m trying to do it if you click on a button, a swf file will load on the the page. but it is not loading and the error comes up!
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Jan 23, 2012
When I try and run my program (check .zip), I get the following error:
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label math not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
at MainGameforRAT1_fla::MainTimeline/TouchingGrass()[MainGameforRAT1_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:55]
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label math not found in scene Scene 1.
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Jun 27, 2010
-How would I make it so when my clip gets to a certain frame, it will randomly gotoAndPlay a random frame on a different scene?
-All of the frames that I want it to randomly go to are labeled.
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Dec 14, 2009
I am making a small website out of flash and I have a photo gallery in a separate scene. I have five photo galleries and so I have five buttons that will lead to those five galleries.
The code of one of the five buttons is
on (release) {
Works great, but the first 10 frames of this new scene "Content_Photography" is an intro and then I would like that it would jump to the corresponding gallery that these galleries will be laid out on the timeline.
What would i put after _root.gotoAndPlay("Content_Photography");?
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Feb 13, 2010
I have a mc INSIDE one of the layers in main scene, how to make it go to specified frame back on the main scene, when finished playing? Flash, cs4, as3.
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Aug 19, 2002
I have an swf loaded into _level0. On button release I want gotoAndPlay a certain frame label in an swf loaded into an MC named Host on _level0 to. I have the following:
on (release) {"Main", "MainStart");
unloadMovieNum (2);
The unload part looks fine, and I am back to my orginal page. But the page did not jump to 'MainStart'. What am I forgetting?
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Apr 5, 2011
how to code a simple load sequence scene. This is how I had it set up in AS2 -I've got two scenes, "Scene 1" and "Scene 2". I've got a 10 frame shape tween in Scene 1. On the 9th frame, I assigned actionscript that will check to see if frame 40 of Scene 2 is loaded, and if it is, gotoAndPlay Scene 2, Frame 1. Then have action in frame 10 of Scene 1 that says to gotoAndPlay scene 1 frame 1 of the current scene. This way scene 1 loops until frame 40 of scene 2 is loaded, at that point, scene 2 frame 1 plays.
How could I set this up in AS3? Here is what I tried - I've got two scenes, "Scene 1" and "Scene 2". I've got a MC that is a simple shape tween that loops in the "Scene 1". I'm trying to assign codein "Scene 1" that will check to see if frame 40 of Scene 2 is loaded. If it is, gotoAndplay Scene 2 frame 1. If frame 40 of Scene 2 is not loaded, continure to loop the MC unitil it is. Here is the code I've got for the MC in the "Scene 1"
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Jan 25, 2005
I need to make it so when the movie clip that is in frame 1 of scene 1 is done it plays frame 2 of my scene 1. How do I do this Im making a cartoon where a characters mouth which is the movie clip which is moving and when it is done moving i want it to go to and plays frame 2 on scene one. Its to late to do everything on the timeline, and I cant just copy the movie clip, i could but I want to just be able to do this go to and play on scene one from the movie clip instead of doing all my work all over again
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Jan 25, 2005
I need to make it so when the movie clip that is in frame 1 of scene 1 is done it plays frame 2 of my scene 1. How do I do this , PLEASE HELP ME!!! Im making a cartoon where a characters mouth which is the movie clip which is moving and when it is done moving i want it to go to and plays frame 2 on scene one. Its to late to do everything on the timeline, and I cant just copy the movie clip, i could but I want to just be able to do this go to and play on scene one from the movie clip instead of doing all my work all over again.
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Jun 12, 2011
I want to do something like gotoAndPlay(frame label) for a movie clip with the instance name content. I am using an array for my buttons placing multiple instances of the button mc on the stage. When I add content.gotoAndPlay I get an access of undefined property error. If I add it inside the parenthesis I get an expecting identifier before my frame label name error.
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Dec 28, 2004
im trying to call a frame label in a mc in scene 2 is there a such thing as...
on(release) {
this scene?
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May 18, 2010
I want to link a button in my main timeline to a label- frame in a movie clip. The movie clip is called "Adetail" and the label is "on01"... I type in the following script
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Nov 17, 2009
I have a Flash movie that uses three scenes. In scene one I have a button with some actionscript to take it to a frame label in that first scene and play the movie from that point on. It works fine. The problem is, in the third scene, I am trying the same action with a different button, going to a different frame label in that third scene. I am getting an error saying the frame label does not exist in that scene. Even though it does! I've checked for typos and everything looks fine. I've copied and pasted the simple actionscript from the third scene below. Is there a line I need to add to make this work in a scene that is not the first scene?
rocketstart_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rocketbutton);
function rocketbutton(event:MouseEvent):void {
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Feb 11, 2011
i have a button instance, within a movie clip within a scene. i can not get the gotoAndStop on a frame label within the scene to work. I CAN however get the gotoAndPlay code to work (which defeats the purpose).
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Dec 28, 2004
I am in a second scene... and am trying to call a frame label in an mc in scene 2 is there a such thing as...
on(release) {
this scene?
View 5 Replies
Apr 10, 2010
I have this script in Scene 4:
contact_bttn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bClick);
function bClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
I have a frame labeled getInfo in Scene 4. When I test scene it works fine. When I test movie I get this:
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label getInfo not found in scene Scene 4.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at ig_index_3_fla::MainTimeline/bClick()
View 1 Replies
Jun 21, 2011
I'm incorporating Flash for the first in my site [URL] it should a simple navigation but it has had me stuck for a while. I would like users to click any button on the stage (listed or thumbnails) and open a MC, then close the MC, using a close button , then return to Scene One, which is frame labeled "home".
I am able to successfully open and close the Movieclip but I am not directed back Scene One. When the MC closes, the thumbnail buttons are inactive.
Here is some sample code from The last frame of the MC actions.
closeVogue_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickVogue);
function onClickVogue(event:MouseEvent):void
{ gotoAndStop("home");
View 1 Replies
May 9, 2009
My navigation file just doesnt seem to work heres the code:
function navigation(event:MouseEvent):void{
trace("button was clicked");
} home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,navigation);
I have labels home, news, about, portfolio, contact. I keep getting this error
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance6 not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at whywontyouworkdamyou_fla::MainTimeline/navigation()
and my buttons dont work. I am seeing spaces in the word navigation why rofl its ok in edit mode? The Fla [URL].
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Nov 9, 2007
For some reason i'm having problems swapping scenes in my flash movie. At first i put the action in a "actions" named layer and a link to a button. So basicly when scene1 loads the frame 1 action is "stop ();". The viewer clicks on button1 which has a code of;
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Dec 6, 2009
I'm working on a friends site - using CS3 and all of the code for the buttons is pointing to the right scenes yet it goes to the wrong scenes. Does anyone know what the problem could be? I also have some stop actions at the end of each scene. For buttons I'm using On release, gotoAndPlay "Scene, frame number"
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Aug 10, 2004
Im designing my own game in flash, iv set up a score text box and it works fine. Except i just cant seem to get it to gotoandplay another frame,scene, when it hits a certain score??
View 4 Replies
Mar 18, 2012
I've got this output: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label pubPlayer not found in scene pubPlayer.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
at MTAssignment2General_fla::Backround_2/goVideos()
and my code is:
function goVideos (e:MouseEvent):void{
video_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goVideos);
does anyone know what i need to do in order to dont have errors?
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Dec 24, 2003
I want the movieclip in Frame 1 Scene 1 to finish before skipping to Frame 2 Scene 1 im using gotoAndStop("Scene 1", 2); at the end of the MC
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