ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndPlay ('Frame Label') Not Working?
Nov 22, 2009
I just migrated to CS5.5, and I'm seeing some weird behavior with imported movie clips within Flash Builder. I've got an .fla with a MovieClip with an AS Linkage of 'Card'. I've exported the .fla as a .swc, and included it within an Actionscript Project in Flash Builder.
Previously, I would call the code:
for(var i:Number = 0; i < currentCards.length; i++) {
var currentClip:MovieClip = MovieClip(currentCards[i]);
and everything worked completely fine. When I run this code within Flash Builder 4.5, after reexporting the .swc from Flash 5.5, I get the error:
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label unselected not found in scene unselected
I thought there might be something funky going on with the scene assignments, so I changed the code to be:
I know that you are not supposed to target a frame number but here's the deal.I have 2 scenes (Scene 1 and Scene 2). Both scenes are currently the same and I will be customizing them at a later date.The scenes are made up of multiple MC's and I need to target a particular frame. I have named the frame and tried the following script to no avail. When it does work, it goes to the first frame of Scene 2 every time like it is just traveling along the timeline and jumping to Scene 2.[code]
I have an swf loaded into _level0. On button release I want gotoAndPlay a certain frame label in an swf loaded into an MC named Host on _level0 to. I have the following:
on (release) {"Main", "MainStart"); unloadMovieNum (2); }
The unload part looks fine, and I am back to my orginal page. But the page did not jump to 'MainStart'. What am I forgetting?
I want to do something like gotoAndPlay(frame label) for a movie clip with the instance name content. I am using an array for my buttons placing multiple instances of the button mc on the stage. When I add content.gotoAndPlay I get an access of undefined property error. If I add it inside the parenthesis I get an expecting identifier before my frame label name error.
I want to link a button in my main timeline to a label- frame in a movie clip. The movie clip is called "Adetail" and the label is "on01"... I type in the following script
I've got a simple button that when clicked needs to go to a particular frame and stop when it hits the stop(); however when I test it I get a type error #1009 Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at PostCard_fla::MainTimeline/frame25()
I need to be able to tell it what frames to go to manually so the user can jump around the time line using short animated transitions between pages (set up like a web page) in AC2.0 this was easy, but its different in AC3 and I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong.
This is my code:
stop(); btn_flip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClick); function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndPlay(28); };
After finally making a button with an animation in it, I get stuck with the button actually working. I followed this tutorial; [URL] for the most part. And when I link the button to an URL like it uses as an example in the tut it works. But when I want to link it to a frame label in my website it doesn't work. Atm the code in the movie clip on the hit area looks like;
Is it possible to change a frame label within a gotoAndStop('label') with the parameters in a function?I'm playing around with updating code as I learn more and more techniques, and at the moment the code is a basic click-a-button to select the object shape, and on press the button disappears:
// Change the object into a circle. circle_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,function(){changeShape_fun(circle_btn,circle);}); // Change the object into a square. square_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,function(){changeShape_fun(square_btn,square);});
However I can't/don't seem to know how to change a frame label through function parameters, or if what I'm trying to do is even possible.Also to note, while I'm all ears for any more efficient ways of doing what I'm trying to do, I would still like to know how/if you can change frame labels through function parmeters.
on my website there a short animation playing when u click one of the linksthe animation is in a MC on main timeline, when the animation is at frame 30, the main timeline needs to jump to a specific label so until now, if u click portfolio, MC starts playing,and after 30 frames this codes brings the maintimeline to label "portfolio"
I have a bunch of frame labels, and randomly choose one for the animation to bounce to. When all of this is on the main timeline it works fine, but I had to move it into a movieclip and I'm having trouble targeting those labels, it'll tell me the scene isn't found. How do I reference a frame label within a clip? Syntax?
Current non-working code:
ActionScript Code: var frame:Number = randRange(); var strFrame:String = String("frame"+frame); gotoAndPlay(strFrame, "main");
I need to access a clip named holder_mc on the main timeline, and a frame label within holder_mc.
I have a flash movie in 1 flash scene that has over 3000 frames. I didn't use Flash's "scene" facility because it was not recommended on forums (i'm not sure why?). In any case, I just placed scene labels in the timeline instead and called them: Scene1..Scene7.When I placed buttons on an opening frame that allows me to jump to any of my timeline scene labels and play the movie from there, I used gotAndPlay("Label"). That worked fine for scenes 1-4. But on scenes 5-7, the goto works fine, but the play happens in fast forward? It's very odd. I tried renaming the labels and that had no effect.
In this bit of code is there anyway to adjust the gotoAndPlay Command to play from frame 114 to frame 200. Are there any commands that will do this. I want it to play from frame 114 to frame 200 when a button is pressed.
I am making a website with a flash menu. I want it to gotoAndPlay a particular frame (frame A) when the cursor is on a button. When you roll the cursor off of the button I want it to gotoAndPlay a different frame (frame B). That part was easy enough. But here is the problem. If you click on the button I want it to continue playing frame A even when you roll off.
I currently have 3 major sections in my Flash file, and need to be able to play the frames backwards, within each segment, if the user so chooses to click the back button.Let's say it's on Frame 250 (or any other spot on the respective timeline for each section) and the user clicks the back button, I want to be able to "gotoAnyPlay" Frame 225 to Frame 220.So, jump from current Frame 250, start playing on Frame 225, play to 220, and then stop.
does anyone knows any way to code xml preloader? i need the XML preloader in the same frame.....not in two frmaes or with out using gotoAndPlay(); to next frame...
1. I make a simple movie (call it movieClip) first frame has stop(); action, second frame has label playMovie, last frame has action gotoAndPlay(2); (so that movie not stop anymore2. Now I place movieClip on stage3. Question... what is code to make movieClip play frame label playMovie?
I already try to put many different type action in frame one of stage this.movieClip.gotoAndPlay("2"); //NOT WORK this.movieClip.gotoAndPlay(2); //NOT WORK
nextTX.onRelease = function (){var nextFrameLabelNum:Number = (1+Math.round(thTX._currentframe/27))%10; thTX.gotoAndPlay("next "+nextFrameLabelNum); }[code].....
which works great IF I am moving one image at a time.What I have done now is tween 3 slides to move into a visible mask by pressing next, but when I press previous of course the above doesn't work.It just jumps to the previous three with no tween.I would like to maintain the tween but in reverse.I would like the previous just to undo, in reverse, what the next button just did with the tween?Is there anyway to make this happen with as 2.0?
if its possible, via AS3, to create a frame label in a movieclip on a specific frame.
Obviously I can do it by manually by setting up labels on the timeline within the target movieclip, but I would rather use an array so I can loop through it, creating a label name on a the specific frame each time?
so for example I would end up with: myLabelOne on frame 10 myLabelTwo on frame 25 myLabelThree on frame 115 etc
I am trying to use this if statement with a frame label instead of a frame number. I believe that _currentframe is looking for a number only. Is there a different command that looks at frame labels instead of frame numbers?
is it possible to find the frame number of frame label with AS if a button is rolled over, the timeline jumps to a label - which plays a set of 3D rendered frames to 'raise' and element, once a user rolls out of the 'button' area the button is meant to 'lower' - which can be done by simply playing backwards to the previous label.
I am trying to use this if statement with a frame label instead of a frame number. I believe that _currentframe is looking for a number only. Is there a different command that looks at frame labels instead of frame numbers?