ActionScript 2.0 :: On The Button Release It Doesn't Go To The Frame That I Labelled?

Dec 15, 2006

here is my script:

//setting up the list of frame names for the buttons
imagelist = ["horror","legs","chair"];[code]....

So my problem is that on the button release it doesn't go to the frame that I labelled .My button symbol is called b_next with instance name of next_b. So don't think thats the problem. Is it because I made an array that equals the instance name of my frames?

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DISCLAIMER I've just started to learn flash to fulfill a class assigment. This problem probably has a very easy answer, but I can't find it and now I'm getting close to my deadline.

PROLOGUE The title describes what actions I'm trying to put in a button. I'm making a quiz. Each keyframe has a pic and 4 buttons. The correct answer should show a green V onscreen; the wrong answer should show a red X. After one second, it jumps to a new question in a new keyframe. I've made the X and V as both 12-frame movieclips and 1-frame graphics on the library, but can't seem to make them show up correctly.

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loadB=new secondFile(button1);

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public function secondFile(button1:SimpleButton){
button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonPushed);


Basically I'm trying to get the MovieClip labelled "blok" to move by 50 pixels on the stage when button1 is pressed, but when I test my FLA I get the following error:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property blok through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObjectContainer.

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on (release) {
mybutton.enabled = false;

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Aug 27, 2009

I have a movie that consists of various audio files fading in and out of various scenes as the timeline progresses. The current mute button I've created only appears to stop the audio track currently playing when pressed. How do I silence the movie from the point of button release until the movie has played to the end? Just as an FYI, the audio files are loaded and managed manually on the timeline itself.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop All Sounds On Button Release

Jul 11, 2010

Im making a soundboard and I chose AS3 by accident.What I need the code to do is STOP the CURRENT sound from playing if another is pressed. the code that worked for AS1 and AS2 was onMouseDown [code] plays the sound once and messes the sound up after playing for only half a second or not at all.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Button Release To KeyDown?

Aug 7, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple virtual keyboard. So if I click the btnA, the A keydown will be inputted.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Animations When Release The Button?

Aug 22, 2007

I have 4 buttons,(home, about, gallery, contacts). and each button have their own animations, when you rollout/over them. well, this is my problem, i want to stop animations when i release the button. pls help me with that. i was so confused about that.

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IDE :: Movieclip - Make A Button Access A URL On Release?

Apr 30, 2009

I know you can use the following code to make a button access a URL on release:


Just wondering if there is any other code or actionscript you can put on a movie clip so that on release, it accomplished the same thing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Allow Movie Clip To Appear On Release Of Button?

Jun 13, 2010

I will like to allow movie clip to appear on release of button for a certain period say 10 seconds, how to set interval for the movie clip ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Load On Button Release?

Sep 7, 2010

I will try to make this as sysinct As possible. I'm working in Flash CS4, AS 2 and I'm trying to make an online image gallery/portfolio but I'm having trouble making an image appear when I release the button. (I've uploaded the fla if you want to look). Basically, I have a movie clip that will contain all my thumbs and that enters the stage with this action script:

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.xnew = _root.mask._x + (-9-1)*100/2 ;


I made the first 3 squares into buttons: imgbtn1, imgbtn2, imgbtn3

I've tried loading the images into an empty movie clip a hundred different ways and I've also tryed writing action script for the button to just play at a certain frame to show a picture but I have not really gotten anywhere.

Essentially I would like for the thumbs to swoop in as they do and for the user to click a thumb and for that thumb to dynamically load a photo in the center of the stage.

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Professional :: Configure Which Symbol To Play Upon Release Of A Button?

Aug 17, 2010

I installed a Flash template that has some "Read More" buttons.I see the actionscript for a button is:

Header 1onClipEvent (load) { num = 1; this.title2.num = 4; // this line is the frame number of the symbol which the button links to this.title2.name1 = "More 04";}

After experimenting, I realize that it is the 3rd line which controls which page (ie/ frame number) the button links to.So in the above example, the button will link to frame 4 of the symbol.In another button that same line reads:this.title2.num = 5 and so clicking that button will link to frame 5 of the symbol.Now here in that above code shows which symbol to go to - it just seems to know where to go (it actually goes to a symbol called 'Content Movie Y6').So my question is, how does it know which symbol to link to?I'd like to know in case I want to change the link in the future.

More info:All of these "Read More" buttons have a roll-over effect which is a movie clip symbol called 'button_more'.The actionscript code for the button_more symbol is:

Header 1on (rollOver) { if (<>6) [code].....

I still can't see anywhere where it configures which symbol to play upon release of the button.

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