ActionScript 2.0 :: Pause A Preload After A Few Frames
May 17, 2007
I need to grab just one frame from an external swf file. Though, I'm not even sure if it's possible. So, my alternative is to try preloading just a few kbytes of the .swf and use those within a container movie clip, stopping the entire file from being loaded.
Ideally, this would use very little bandwidth, as this method has to be repeated numerous times on one page, with LARGE swfs as the target. I have no difficulties with preloading the swf, but stopping the process once it's started is not documented anywhere.
If not, I will have to 'open'->'export image' about a trillion times.
I have a full flash site that loads a lot of external flash files. They are not all needed though for the main interaction. So let's say there's five links from the homepage, each one sending to a different page. Out of those five, there's two that are essential and that are pre-loaded, and three that will be loaded only if the user clicks on them. Now, I thought that, while the user is browsing one of the two essential pages, why not preload the other pages in the cache? This way he won't have to wait later on. So my config is:
1 - preload pages 1 and 2 2 - Load pages 3, 4, 5 in the case user is browsing page 1 or 2 3 - If user clicks on page 3, 4 or 5, load this page 4 - If user clicks on 3, 4, or 5, preload the clicked page and stop the preloading of the two others 5 - If user clicks on another non-essential page, resume loading of the page
Ok, steps 1, 2 and 3 are obvious and easy. But I'm stuck for steps 4 and 5. If I begin preloading the pages 3 4 and 5, how can I "pause" two of them to let the page clicked by the user use as much bandwidth as possible? And if the user clicks another page, and it has been loaded up to 70%, or 30% or whatever, how will I resume the downloading from there? I am confused. I hope my question is clear enough. Basically, if someone can point me to a way to stop a preloader, meaning, stop it from downloading an external file, and resume it later from where it stopped, I think I could work up the rest.
I have all the graphics together,I have a .swf file that is to large it will not play at desired speed. The background images need to run 882 frames while the rest only needs 210 frames. I want all the layers to loop. I am trying to preload the 882 frames but don't know how to.
So I have a movie containing some content that I would like to pre-load. I made the pre-loader and it works fine but it could be more friendly for the user. Because the movie is quite long in duration, I think its good enough if I only load say the first 35% of the movie and then let the remaining 65% download while the user is watching the first 35%. Is there a way that I can modify my pre-load script to do this to say something like: 'load content for frames 10 to 200, play from 10'.
I am trying to eliminate the Loader component from a project. Run locally, the Loader is sufficient to load-up the voiceover swf files that exist on many of the frames in the parent file. On the web, the short download delays at runtime due to the Loader are causing timing issues. I'm not sure if there is a way to preload multiple swfs into specific frames of a parent file so that they are available before runtime.
I am new to Flash and was hoping for some help with an actionscript 3 problem. I have imported an FLV onto my timeline and I wanted to pause the first frame for 20 frames before it starts to play.
I've set up my flash movie to play and stop at certian frames in the movie. I'd like to add a pause button to pause the movie anywhere in the timeline or animation and then resume from spot it's paused on. This is for a presentation.
I am trying to create a pause button that will pause everything on the screen including movieclips/audio. Right now I can't figure out how to pause the movieclips.
I have some banners I am doing right now and have a pause timer question. I am fairly green at coding. In my first frame I have this:
I want it to pause each time in the last frame for 8 seconds and loop only 3x. Is there a better way to write this? I know all my code should be in the first frame but I still suck.
I am using Macromedia Flash Pro 8. I have a flash intro that has words (phrases) which slide in. I would like to add a 7 second pause between each phrase to give people time to read them (no buttons). Could someone tell me the script(s) to use with all functions, etc. included - as I am so new to all this. I have been looking for weeks & tried many codes but none seem to work - or I don't know exactly where to place them - or both
I have a timeline of 30 frames, each it's own mc (page01_mc, etc.). In each mc I show a picture or two and hear narration.I have a first, prev and next nav on the main timeline. I need to add a play/pause btn that will pause both pictures and sound. I assume I do that in each mc, but do not know where to find the code.Here is what is in each mc now:
var mySound:Sound = new Sound(); mySound.load(new URLRequest("english/Intro01.mp3"));
I've a preload bar in my movieclip that i add on the stage for every thumb. With this code only the last preload bar does the preload...the others don't do anything...Here the code:
I want to create a preloader that plays a certain amount of frames as it loads the rest of the frames. So, I have labels on the frames basically and need a preloader to play the "loading" frames as it is loading the "content" frames. Does that make sense? I have no idea how to even start this one... p.s. I am using AS 2.0, but if it can be done in 3.0 easier, I can switch over its no biggie
there seems to be no accepted method of playing multiple flv using buttons. My latest attempt has me putting multiple instances of the flvPlayback component in different frames and using buttons to navigate to those frames. It works but nothing anyone has posted anywhere will result in removing the flv when you go to a different frame and instance. This was simple in AS2. Load movie to a traget and each time you load a new movie the other one goes away. REALLY goes away.
basically im making a quiz on my main timeline ive got my questions and answers and on the last frame i want it to say how many answers the user got right. ive made a movie clip on this last frame. in the movie clip ive got 11 frames with the posible totals so frame one would be 0/10 frame 2 would be 1/10 etc what i want to do is when the user clicks the correct answer on the other frames i want flash to make the frames within the movie clip to go 1 step forward.
I have a function that counts days and some other variables and displays the values via dynamic text.
I have to place the incrementCount(): function every 12 frames so that it increments the values. Seems like it would be easier to simply modify the script to count "every 12 frames" but I can't find anything that tells me how to "count frames" in flash. Seems to be this is probably basic but I've searched how do you do this. How do I get my script to work so it's frame based so I don't have to put incrementCount() every 12 frames?
Is it possible to have an movieclip of about 50 frames and navigate between these 50 frames? As if u put a marker on frame 10 and one at frame 30 and if u use a button it plays to frame 10 and stops and use another button to go from frame 10 to frame 30 and stop... and reverse if u use the earlier button.
I want to preload all of the voiceover swf files before a lesson starts so that they are instantly available when each frame / page that incorporates a voiceover is first visited.
I have a site with several images on it. there is a main image with buttons on it, and each button load a series of images (simulating a zoom) What i want to know is if there is a way to preload the external swf (the ones each button loads) while the user is looking the main movie, so, when he presses a button, the external swf plays inmediately and there is no "loading" time. I try several ways and google it and find some tutorials but no one works.
In order to put some dynamic content into my flash site, I have used loadvariables in order to retrieve into variables some html content.I have also used dynamic text (renderred as html) in order to retrieve the values of those variables (using Var parameter).My problem is that whenever html indicates <img> tags, those images are loaded when the dynamic texts first appeared in screen.
I have 3 swf containing FLV instances, and one main swf file. There are buttons on the main file which link to preloaders for the other 3 swf . I have created 3 separate preloader swf for the 3 sub pages, using movie clips and this [code]...
i want to make a preload. I search a lot and i make one preloader with 100%. But i want instade of 100% i want to load a movieclip tha i make and when the movie clip goes in 47frame (last frame) the goes to play the next scen.
I'm currently doing my first project in Flash.My client has complained that it pauses after the start of the animation when loaded through a browser for the first time.They are asking me if I can set it up to pre load the animation.
having a few problems with preloaders - starts loading at 50% i want to preload everything in my swf. I have the preloader action on my first frame (along with the sounds)
My clients have alarge flash presentation (kind of microsite) which is 18MB of size.How can i embed it to their site, and have a preloader for it.The Clients dont have the FLA, as the developer didnt provide, as is out of reach.I am a Zero-Flash knowledge, just a small time web (CSS/HTML) developer.[URL]
I am having a movie with 8 scenes and being in Thailand where the internet is slow I would like it to preload before it opens because now, after it opens a lot off the stuff ain't there yet like buttons and animations that are built into different scenes.
I've almost finished my flash website for a friend and just want to add a simple MP3 player.I have the following code which reads an XML file and loads the mp3s referred to in it and plays them... this is all cool...(i've removed the bits for the buttons as i didnt think they were relevant)what I really really want to be able to do is buffer the MP3 files so that they begin playing when 1/2 loaded or similar (ideally preload 1/2 of track 1, play track 1, when track 1 loading is complete start preloading track 2 etc.)I just cant work out how to do it...
var my_songs:XMLList; var my_total:Number; var my_sound:Sound;
I have 3 swfs containing FLV instances, and one main swf file. There are buttons on the main file which link to preloaders for the other 3 swfs. I have created 3 seperate preloader swfs for the 3 sub pages, using movie clips and this code:
It preloads just fine, but it doesnt preload the FLV contained in each swf. It just preloads my 200kb swf file, not the contents, so my movie still has to wait to play. how can I get my preloader to preload everything so that when the SWF comes up, all data will be loaded and I can click through to the end of he FLV movie?
I have made an xml slideshow but my issue is that the images take a few seconds to load when going to the next image. I want to put a transition between them but because of the loading time it doesn't work right. way to getting all the images to preload?