Professional :: Preload A Certain Number Of Frames Only Instead Of The Entire Movie?
Sep 22, 2010
So I have a movie containing some content that I would like to pre-load. I made the pre-loader and it works fine but it could be more friendly for the user. Because the movie is quite long in duration, I think its good enough if I only load say the first 35% of the movie and then let the remaining 65% download while the user is watching the first 35%. Is there a way that I can modify my pre-load script to do this to say something like: 'load content for frames 10 to 200, play from 10'.
I have been having this Error #1009 issue repeatedly. My understanding of the error that I am getting is that I am trying to call something that does not yet exist. My latest 1009 Error:
My question is this: Is there a way to preload the entire animation so that I can avoid this issue (assuming I am understanding my issue correctly)? I know you can do a preloader, but my understanding is that those are for large images or movie clips. I don't have that. just one image that loads and stays up for the entire video.
I've been scavenging the web for examples of preloaders. I can find lots of loaders (bulkloader etc) which you can use for multiple files, but I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to preload the contents of an entire folder? (ie all of the images in an entire folder - without having to name each image individually?). The reason I ask is that the content of this image folder will change over time (and not by myself), so I need a preloader that is versatile in this way...
create a variable that represents the number of frames in a movie clip? I thought maybe something like var = getProperty(my_mc, frames); might work, but it doesn't. I'm trying to make a "last" button for a template that goes to the last frame in a movie clip, and as we'll be updating and changing the number of frames in the movie clip quite often, I'd rather just have it find the last frame rather than have to update the actionscript every time.
I have all the graphics together,I have a .swf file that is to large it will not play at desired speed. The background images need to run 882 frames while the rest only needs 210 frames. I want all the layers to loop. I am trying to preload the 882 frames but don't know how to.
I've created a movie clip and within that movie clip I've posted my animation, thus making an animation within one keyframe (this makes it easier to manage because instead of having to say "gotoAndPlay(70)" I can put "gotoAndPlay(1)" for the standing animation, "gotoAndPlay(2)" for the moving animation, etc.) But I don't know how to refer to the certain frames within that one keyframe via AS3.
Still getting used to the subtle changes in FL can I select all the keyframes within one or two lines in order to move (drag) them further down the timeline? In previous versions, you simply click on the first frame, then hold down shift and click on the last frame, and it would grab everything in between. Seems like in CS4, the new tween "hi-lighted" frames do not want to be included, so I am unable to move the entire line, as a group.
I need to grab just one frame from an external swf file. Though, I'm not even sure if it's possible. So, my alternative is to try preloading just a few kbytes of the .swf and use those within a container movie clip, stopping the entire file from being loaded.
Ideally, this would use very little bandwidth, as this method has to be repeated numerous times on one page, with LARGE swfs as the target. I have no difficulties with preloading the swf, but stopping the process once it's started is not documented anywhere.
If not, I will have to 'open'->'export image' about a trillion times.
I want to add an animated .gif file to my movie. So I created a new symbol and then imported the .gif file to the stage. This created the symbol containing the animated .gif.I dragged the symbol onto the scene where I want it. However, the animation seems to play at a different speed (fps) than normal. So I changed the fps of the symbol (at bottom of Timeline where it says "fps"). But for some reason this changes the fps of the rest of the entire movie.
This ActionScript is creating reading an XML file, and laying out thumbnail images. I'm stuck though! Each thumbnail is given a value of thumbnail[x], going from 0-5. I wrote some mouse actions and need to access each thumbnail's number, not entire name (where I have it in red below).
I have some PNG files with alpha numbered 'image0001.png' up to 100 frames. I want to import this as an animation (movie?) into Flash CS4. The docs for Adobe Media Encoder suggest there should be an "export stills as movie" option under Settings but I can't find it. What would be the best way to bring in these .png files into Flash?
what i am trying to do is, put a flash frame by frame movie into my flash web site. So i go to the frame by frame movie and hit Edit- Time line - Select all frames. i then hit Edit- Time line - Copy frames. i switch over to my web site, Create a new layer select the layer and hit Edit - Time line - Paste Frames. and the frames i copied are pasted into order and all my symbols are brought into my library. The problem is than when it is pasted its pasted in the upper left hand corner of the page on top of all my other stuff when i select the the frames of the frame by frame movie and move them to the center of the stage.
It seems to work fine but when i test my movie the first frame will be fine and than some stuff goes back to the original pasted spot and some stuff will stay where i moved it to. my question is. How do you paste the frame by frame movie to the center of the stage so it does not have to be moved at all? or else how do i move all frames and objects to where i want them and not just the first frame?
I have a CS5 FLA file with AS 3.0 with the following code for the preloader:
var pct_load:int = Math.round(framesLoaded/totalFrames*100); if (pct_load == 100) { play();
The preloader is in the first four frames -- it's just the background photo, a graphic logo, and the loading numeral text.
Everything runs great the first time it's loaded; then if you refresh the page, the graphics in the first four preloader frames flash on the screen before the movie plays.
I have created a flash website and have encountered a problem. I am using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3.0.I have created a text box (at the moment it is Dynamic because I have it scrolling) with text entered into it. I want hyperlink sections of the text to other frames within the flash movie. The text box is on the "news" frame - this is a page for archived news. I want to highlight pieces of the text and create hyperlinks to each of the archived news stories (each of which is on a different frame).I know how to create buttons from text and link them to different frames, however I do not want to do this because I want to maintain the text box (with hyperlinks within the text box) so that I can make this page scrollable.I have tried highlighting the text and hyperlinking it to the frame number, to the frame name, to the frame anchor, ec..
I am trying to eliminate the Loader component from a project. Run locally, the Loader is sufficient to load-up the voiceover swf files that exist on many of the frames in the parent file. On the web, the short download delays at runtime due to the Loader are causing timing issues. I'm not sure if there is a way to preload multiple swfs into specific frames of a parent file so that they are available before runtime.
Does anyone know if it is possible to set the quality of a particular movie clip rather than the entire flash movie?
For example, say i wanted to start a drag of a movie clip. So when it started, the quality of that particular movie clip would be set to 'low' then when the drag is stopped it is set back to 'best'
basically im making a quiz on my main timeline ive got my questions and answers and on the last frame i want it to say how many answers the user got right. ive made a movie clip on this last frame. in the movie clip ive got 11 frames with the posible totals so frame one would be 0/10 frame 2 would be 1/10 etc what i want to do is when the user clicks the correct answer on the other frames i want flash to make the frames within the movie clip to go 1 step forward.
how to get a movie clip to loop a specific number of times in Flash? I know how to stop a movie clip from looping by using the this.stop (); command by placing the command in a separate Action Script layer, in a keyframe, inside of the movie clip's timeline. This allows the movie clip to play through once and then stop. But I need for the movie clip to loop more than once, maybe 2 or 3 times, and then go back to the main timeline.
Also, is it possible to place a pause (I'm guessing, maybe by using a timer of some type?) between the loops, so that the movie will pause a couple of seconds before it loops again and then stop? Please note I do not need the movie clip to stop when there's an event like a rollover or anything. I just need it to play a couple of times, pause between plays and then stop and go back to the main timeline.
I have a SWF which loads another SWF with addChild(), but the graphic designer, says that he wont put code into the animation. So is its possible to check how many frames there is in the external SWF and if it has reached the last frame, checked from the master SWF? and then the master can do a function...?
I'm making a game with health bars in it and I'm trying to have it so that if a character is hit, the bar will go forward a certain number of frames before it eventually hits zero.The thing is, I'm a dunce and I'm not sure how to do this exactly. All I need to know is the going ahead a certain number of frames part.Say on an action I needed a movie clip to go ahead three frames. How would I code that? I thought I could use nextFrame(); while putting a 3 in the parenthesis, but that doesn't seem to do anything.
Even though I HATE TimeLine based code (despite it being convenient for quick prototypes) I have been dabbing a slight bit in "addFrameScript()"
The problem is, there doesn't seem to be any way to set the number of frames in a MovieClip via code, and Flash doesn't automatically adjust the number of frames based on where "addFrameScript" code is located.
I'm not sure what use it would server, but is it possible to set the number of frames in a MovieClip without using the Flash Professional IDE?
And, as usual, a "No, Andreas. For the n-th time, it is not possible." response is okay.
Is it possible to find out the number of frames of a movieClip using actionscript? Like in the main timeline have some actions in frame 1 to find out the number of frames in "content" movieClip?
I work on a PC and use flash CS3 and am truly struggling to slow down this entire file someone kindly made for me. I can move all the end key frames from 40 frames to 600 frames but it is working out how to do the others accurately plus the key frames on the arc start line which is the 3rd line down.
Okay, so I've got a happy little movie that shows an atom diagram. Every seven frames shows an electron popping up in the ring around the nucleus. This is all contained in a movie clip. I want a button that when pressed, tells the movie clip with the atom to advance the seven frames ( making an electron pop up ) and then stop. The same button if pressed again, will advance the movie clip an additional seven frames ( thus adding another electron ).
I've looked around quite a bit but haven't found a solution that will work for me. Also, I am working in AS2. (if you're feeling especially helpful, do you also know how to do the same but in reverse? I've found how to play movie clips in reverse, but not for a certain frame interval.)