ActionScript 2.0 :: Perform Functions On That MovieClip Such As GotoAndStop

Jun 2, 2006

My question is that I have attached a movie clip using loadMovie() function.Now how do I perform functions on that movieClip such as gotoAndStop().In the sense how do I tell the movieclip to goto a frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To Perform Two Different Functions?

Jan 8, 2005

I'd like a button to load a movie but only every third or fourth click. Is this possible? I don't know much about variables.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons Are Set To Perform Transitional Effects Which Have Been 'saved' As Functions?

Jun 24, 2009

i'm having real issues with what I thought would be quite a simple transitional effect.I've made a simple test fla with 3 images (movieclips) which move on to the stage from left to right and fade from alpha 0 -100 at the same time. Images move on to the stage in response to clicking 3 separate buttons (Image 1, Image 2 and Image 3). Buttons are set to perform transitional effects which have been 'saved' as functions in the actionscript.
The image that is currently on the stage should fade out as a new image is called in - but I cannot seem to achieve it. Trying to research how to achieve this is getting me nowhere fast, just getting more confused with 'image loaders','transition manager','arguments' etc, etc .Here is my (embarrassing) sample code so far:
 import mx.transitions.*;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
 //transition functions[code].....
There is more code, but nothing that relates to the transitional effects.Currently, each transition function 'tells' the other 2 images to fade out (whether they are on the stage or not). This works, but some images appear above others which means that they fade out on top of the image that has just been called on to the stage, which is a serious problem.
I guess some additional functions are required in the code that somehow differentiate between what is the current image (which should fade out) and what is the new image (which should move in and fade in above any other image on the stage).

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Perform Action To All Movieclips Inside A Movieclip?

Jan 14, 2009

I have a movieclip with about 50 other movieclips inside it and I want to set all their visibility to false (I can't do this to the parent because I will need to eventually just show one of the movieclips at a time). Is there any type of method I can use to apply, something like mymc.allchildmcs.visibility = false or mymc.mychildmc[i].visibility = false;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] : Getting GotoAndStop From Main Timeline To Movieclip Within Movieclip?

Nov 20, 2008

I have a main timeline with a button. I need the action for this button to gotoAndStop to a frame within a movieclip, within another movieclip. I have tried on the main timeline setting the actions of the button to:

on (release){

and tried:

on (release){


on (release){

If I double-click on the movie clip (clip1) and then double-click on the movie clip (clip2), I have several frames labeled "frame1", "frame2", etc.The button doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndStop - Team1 Movie Clip To GotoAndStop At Frame 10 On The Stage

Feb 8, 2007

I have a movie clip on the stage and have given it the instance name "team1". inside this movie clip there are two states. at frame1 it says one thing, then at frame 10 has an image. team1 stops at frame 1 and what i want to do is when the main time line reaches say frame 50, i want the team1 movie clip to gotoAndStop at frame 10, thus showing the image and not the text. i tried doing it by putting this on the main timeline at frame 50: team1.gotoAndStop("team");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop From On MovieClip To Another

Apr 2, 2009

But I have ran into another snag. This is what I currently have: A MovieClip for the quiz. 10 more MovieClips one for each question. 2 buttons inside question (btnCheck and btnNext). 4 radio buttons to select then click btnCheck to check the answer. Then click btn Next to move to the next question. The functions inside the movie clips are setting the variables outside the question clips perfectly. What I want to do is to eliminate the btnCheck and have it check the answer when the radio button group is selected.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop - Linking From A Movieclip To Another?

Dec 15, 2010

I´m working on a project and i want a button in a movieclip to link back to a frame in another movieclip when pressed.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Control The Movieclip (other Domain Swf) Using GotoAndStop()

May 18, 2010

I need to load a swf in other domain and call its functions and access its variables, using the allow domain i have accessed the variables and functions. now i need to control the movieclip (other domain swf) using gotoAndStop(). i tried lot using gotoAndStop frame number or lable name it is not working. but i can able to trace the currentframe of a movieclip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop On Certain Frame When MovieClip Ended

Jan 16, 2009

I made a movie clip or movements and what not and put it on scene1 frame 1. And when the movie clip end I want it to go to scene1 frame2. I tried a few things I have:
Right now it says
1120: Access of undefined property _root.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip(scrollpane.content).gotoAndStop(2)?

Sep 7, 2010

I need to get my main swf A to tell the swf B (swfB is my scrollpane content or source) to gotoAndStop at frame 2 but it doesn't communicate.Here is my code on my main swfA:

function xbutton (e:MouseEvent):void {gotoAndStop("p1");MovieClip(sp.content).gotoAndStop(2);}
button.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, xbutton);

Here is my code on frame 2 in swfB:


to better visualise what i am doing; swfA is my website with lots of pages, swfA has one page* that holds my scrollpane, inside my scrollpane is swfB with a flPlayback (*this page is the tv page). when I exit the tv page to another page on my website the tv must stop. swfB has my flPlayBack on frame 1, frame 2 is blank (no tv).

Ps: The code in swfB works fine independently! I know this because tested it by adding a button (when pressed it goes to frame 2 and the code does stop the tv).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Movieclip To GotoAndStop On A Certain Variable?

Aug 13, 2009

if its possible to make a movieclip to gotoAndStop on a certain variable, and whether or not you can decide which movieclip to go to also through a certain variable?

var frame:Number = 2;
var target:String = movable;
// movieclip named movable


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Flash :: Way To Add A Movieclip At Frame "n" Of Parent Movieclip Without GotoAndStop()?

Nov 24, 2011

Is their any way to add a movieclip at a frame n ( n > 1) of a parent movieclip, without using gotoAndStop on parent movieclip ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Parent / Child MovieClip - Nested Frames And GotoAndStop

Dec 2, 2011

I have a very specific AS2 parent/child movie clip issue. I have a main Character movie clip which contains as nested frames each profile of the Character (front,back,left,etc). Within each of these child profile MC frames, animations for those profiles are further nested in frames. Then, essentially I have movement code as part of the key listener:

case 87:
Character._y -= 10;
[Code] .....

And later code to reset to the character's resting frame after key release:
case 5:
[Code] .....

The problem is that when I try to Character.gotoAndStop('Front'); after key release, flash thinks, you're already on the Front frame (because the walk animation is a child of that MC and is already playing). Therefore the walk animation just keeps playing after the key has been released.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop(myFrame); Returning Null?

Jul 26, 2011

Ive embeded my file as a movie clip into a new .fla which has 1 frame for the game, 1 frame for the win screen, 1 frame for the loose screen and 1 frame for the intro screen.

So at the end of the game I do MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop(myFrame);

where my frame is either the win screen or the loose screen frame.both screens have a playagain button that returns me to the game frame.Sometimes I get the error after the first win/loss sometimes I get it after I do play again and then when I win/loose.

the error is at:MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop(myFrame);

Im not exactly sure why or how to fix it though any tips?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: MovieClip(parent).menu2.gotoAndStop(1) Hiding The Navigation

Mar 8, 2011

i've got a problem where i use the code below to communicate with another movie clip on the stage (from inside a movieclip), i don't get any errors and i even put a trace command to test it so i know it is going to that particular frame but visually it doesn't change, done the usual research, tried using a frame label instead of a frame number and also using root instead of parent.


none is a frame label by the way! extra info:- what i'm trying to do is integrate an as3/xml slideshow into a website which is no problem, however my menu is in another movieclip so its making it difficult to 'unload' the slideshow correctly without having an exit button (exitBtn) and hiding the navigation (menu2)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop() / Stop() Fail - Sending An Event From One Of The Frames Of A Movieclip

Dec 3, 2009

I've recently had a problem in my application's flow. I was sending an event from one of the frames of a movieclip and the issue was that it was being sent over and over and over when I wanted it to be sent only once. I assumed that placing a call to stop(); at the last frame of the clip would prevent it from looping. This was not the case however. After that I tried calling gotoAndStop(0); to reset the movieclip and stop it from looping. This did not work either. Then I went through my code to make sure nothing else was causing it to play.

I solved the problem by adding an extra frame to the end of the clip and calling gotoAndStop to that frame instead of 0. I've looked around the forums and google for information on this phenomenon but have only found cryptic answers. I was wondering if someone could explain the divine purpose that drives MovieClips to play regardless of whether they are told to stop or not when they get to frame 0 or 1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use MOTION_FINISH (or Equivalent) To Trigger A GotoAndStop After The Movieclip Has Reverted Back To Frame 1?

Jul 28, 2009

I'm using TweenMax to play a movieclip in reverse with a CLICK:


import gs.TweenMax;
mAboutGlow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mClickAbout);
function mClickAbout(e:MouseEvent):void {, 1, {frame:1});

How would I use MOTION_FINISH (or equivalent) to trigger a gotoAndStop after the movieclip has reverted back to frame 1?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random MovieClip Load In Another MovieClip, With Its Own Functions?

Dec 29, 2002

I've got 12 MovieClips, which all have specific functions in the movie. Those MC's will appear and dissappear after a few seconds. But what I want is, that those MC's have to appear at random .If all 12 MC's have appeared, the appearance has to be stopped. So for example MovieClip number 4 has to appear just once. So 12 MC's will appear, but everytime when the movie starts, the appearance has an other sequence.What is written above I want to place in an other MC. So there is one MC which 'load' 12 MC's within it

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Field - Movieclip "numbers" To GotoAndStop To The Frame Number Imported Via The Variable Daysleft

Sep 11, 2005

I have a movie where a variable named daysleft will be loaded from an external text file into a dynamic text box, this bit works fine. But I then need the movieclip "numbers" to gotoAndStop to the frame number imported via the variable daysleft. Although daysleft displays on the screen a trace(daysleft); says the variable is undefined.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Two Functions For One Movieclip?

Apr 19, 2004

I have declared two functions to work for one movieclip. The first one start on EnterFrame. The second one should start onRollOver and should pause or end the first one. What is the right notation to do that ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Functions Dyname Movieclip Name?

Jul 10, 2011

How can I give this a dynamic name. I know this is simple but going from as2 to as3.

function Love(mc:MovieClip):void
var loadit = new Loader();
loadit.load(new URLRequest(mc));

How do I change the "one" and "mc" to work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons In Movieclip That Need To Have 2 Functions In The Root

Sep 10, 2008

Even though i know not much of actionscripting, i like to make sites that are flash-based, so i keep on challanging myself with that. But now i stumbled into something, and i just cant find a solition! here is my problem: I have made dropdownmenu's in a movieclip and the mc works with hittest like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button (MovieClip) With Two Click Functions

Aug 9, 2009

I'm almost 100% sure that I have to write an if, else statement for this. Below is the code I have for a button(movieclip) I created. It is suppose to play an animation when you click on it. Then when you click it again it's suppose to play a second animation that will take it back to the original state. What is happening is, it goes straight to the clicked state without playing the animation. However when you click the second time it plays the animation that takes you back to the original state. Am I correct in believing the only way to get the animation to play on both clicks is to use an if, else statement.

function clickPlus(event:MouseEvent):void {btn1.gotoAndPlay("clickOpen"); }btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPlus);
function clickX(event:MouseEvent):void {btn1.gotoAndPlay("clickClose"); }btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickX);
btn1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPlus);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referring To Functions On The Stage From A Movieclip?

Mar 2, 2010

I just started "coding" in AS3. By "coding", I actually mean trying around with features and generally trying to grasp the vast amount stuff you can do with this software of. I have some coding experience, however the way  Flash likes to hide code snippets all over my project does tend to confuse me. Not knowing where I tried putting the code and/or rewrote some other stuff keeps me sorta busy.
Anyway, my issue is this:
Messing around with movieclips inside movieclips, I've keep encountering the error "1120: Access of undefined property onTimerComplete." I do realize that this error generally is caused by not having defined an instance correctly or not having it defined at all - an error beginners tend to make. Nonetheless, I'm not trying to refer to an instance/symbol, I am trying to call a function defined on the stage from within a movieclip that also is placed on the stage.

I've been reading huge amounts of text/articles and how-to 's, but they all seem to only touch the subject lightly or simply going in head-first - becoming far too complicated for me (a beginner) to grasp.
So, trying to sum my questions up into something that looks like a tl;dr:
- What's up with levels, "_root" and referring to functions like in the older versions of flash?

Flash tells me to use some display-package instead of _root, when I use that... (I do realize the article is from Flash 5.0)
- How do you refer to a function defined on the stage, from inside a movieclip? (The function is a timer, that is supposed to make the mother-movieclip continue to the next child-movieclip.)

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Creating A Movieclip That Functions Like A Button

Aug 16, 2010

This has served me well, but I've been designing a new sight and wanted to get more into Action Script to control functions to help improve both my programming and keep my file size down.
So I decided to create an instance of a block (rectangle shape as another movieclip) and have multiple layers.  One which controls the actions of two other blocks.  The upper most block would not be visable until I ran the cursor over it (increase its Alpha property from 0 to 100 one step at a time in a loop).  This would reverse when the cursor ran off (reduce Alpha property from 100 [or less] back to 0 in a loop).
I've read and re-read every flash book I own on the subject and cannot understand why I can't control another instance of a different movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Events As Class Functions?

Aug 1, 2006

I have built a movie which has some nested movies within. I have created a class called ButtonMc in a .as file and used linkage to connect the symbol in the .FLA file with the class code in the file . This is the code for ButtonMc class:

class ButtonMc extends MovieClip


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Stop Movieclip / Call Drawing Api Functions?

Jul 5, 2004

I made a movieclip with 5 frames inside. Well, outside, when i push a button stop, runs the code: this.movieclip_name.stop(); , but, doesn't stop.Inside these frames there is a enterframe function that call drawing api functions.

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Flash - Tell The Root Timeline To Root.gotoAndStop(2); From The Timeline Of A MovieClip Added Using AddChild?

Nov 7, 2011

How do you tell the root timeline to root.gotoAndStop(2); from the timeline of a movieClip added using addChild?In the maintime line I have


and in fade_eng I have the following on frame 20


But I am getting 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndStop through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flashing Dynamically Appending Movieclip Names To Goto Functions

Aug 16, 2011

I have a virtual on screen keyboard for a touch screen interface. I get the name of the key (Q, W, E, etc) by calling Now each button is a movie clip with a small animation and I need to know which key is pressed so it can call the relevent movieclip..Below is the code:


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