ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Things Not On Stage In Html?

Apr 22, 2007

is this possible? i have a box with falling stars and i want the stars to fall out of the box and be visible in html.

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Loading Things Like Html An Fla Files?

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Is it just me or are others having problems loading things like html an fla files?

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Flex :: How To Put Things Above HTML Element

Jul 20, 2011

How do I put things above an mx:HTML element? No matter where I place the code it's always under the <mx:HTML> element.

<mx:Canvas x="50" y="50" width="50" height="50" backgroundColor="#ff0099"/>
<mx:Label x="150" y="50" color="#ffffff" text="CAN YOU SEE ME?"/>
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Things On The Stage?

Sep 15, 2008

I have a movie clip on the stage. In the main .as file, I can easily access the instance i.e., myMovieClip_mc.x = 10; How do I do that from a class in my "classes" package? I am passing the stage instance into the constructor of the class, so I would think something like myStage.myMovieClip_mc.x = 10 would work, but it comlains that it is null.

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Professional :: Displaying Things Out Of Stage

Sep 1, 2010

I have a menu movieclip that has 800 x 22 px i need to embed this flash menu in a jsp page and make that the displayed menus got outside of this size and overlay the contents of jsp. kinda of what does the menus of the adobe page

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display List / How To Make Things Appear Behind Other Things

Feb 8, 2011

In my game, Ive got a HUD, (heads up display, life bar, points scorer etc...) and when an enemy comes onto the stage, the lifebar is appearing behind everything else, and it should really be the thing that's infront of everything else. Is there like a line of code and a function or variable I should declare or import that allows me to create depth and put my lifebar at the front.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Preloader - No Longer See Certain Things On The Stage

Apr 29, 2010

I am making a site in flash. Without a preloader everything appears on the stage fine. Once I add a preloader I can no longer see certain things on the stage. I know they are on the stage because I can call them through code and I traced their getChildIndex and they are the same across both files. Files w/ preloader and problem:[URL] The main file is Test.fla. The code that adds the objects that I cannot see is in and the objects that I cannot see are menuBG, menuBGL, menuBGR, menuBGB, shader, grid, and imageStatus, or anything that is imported from the library.

Edit: The problem is caused by me exporting my classes in frame 2 which is needed by the preloader. In my init() function I tried adding gotoAndStop(3);

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Actionscript 3 :: Remove A Bunch Of Dynamically Created Things From The Stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Things On My Main Stage Based On The Preloader Swf?

Jan 1, 2004

I have a looped sound and some components in my main movie (scroll bar) which for some reason is really bogging down my swf and causing the preloader bar not to show up until like 46% or something ridiculous.So I am trying to solve the problem by having a preloader swf as suggested by Kode in this thread. However, now all my targeting is messed up in my main movie. Everything that was _root has to change but I can't tell what to load it into. I tried using _parent, _parent._parent, _root.container_mc (which is a blank movie clip created in the preloader swf that main is loaded into after the preloader is 100%) and others but nothing works. Even the simple looped sound which was originally just _root.backsound.start(0,999) can't be to target things on my main stage based on the preloader swf?

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Html :: HTML - Flash Not Installed Show A Div Or Image?

Feb 20, 2011

I asked a question last night and got an answer almost instantly. LOVE stack overflow!I am working on the same site and the other day I was on a computer and the uploader script was not working (uploadify), I was frustrated and looked through the code and everything was fine, worked on all other computers, then I decided to check if flash was installed and it wasnt.

Is there any way to check if the user has flash, and if they dont somehow say that on the page? I know for Javascript there is a tag, but is there something I can use for Flash?

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Flex :: Compatible Html Tag To Show Flash On Html?

Sep 1, 2011

There are various ways to show flash(swf file) on html, for example, object or embed tags.I want to support IE6-9, FireFox3-, Chrome, Safari, and as many other browsers as possible.(especially IE6-9)But I also want to use simple tag as possible.What is the best way to write html tag to show flash(swf file)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Edit Movie When Right Click The Movie / Wont Show All Things Like 'zoom In' / 'zoom Out'

May 23, 2002

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Html :: Show HTML When Flash Fails?

Nov 1, 2010

I am using jcupload whats nice is all i need to write is the below and the flash+js does the rest

<div id="jcupload_content"></div>

However this is the ONLY flash on my site. If the user doesnt have flash (think ipod) i'd like to fallback to an html implementation. How do i do it? I know logically ppl wont be uploading via ipods but if i were to play music i can use a flash audio player fallback to html5 audio in that case.

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Html :: SWF Doesn't Show Up?

Feb 3, 2012

I don't have a clue on what I'm doing wrong. Sometimes, when I open this page my html page , the swf don't appear. It won't happen always, but is really frequent.Important: when it don't appear, I do can hear the sounds that the swf movie makes. In other words, I'm shure that the object is on the page, but it just won't be visualizable.The error occurs on Firefox and Chrome (I didn't see it happening with IE, but I won't doubt that it is possible)The problem isn't in the swf because I have already tested with another file that have no code at all and the same problem occurs.Here is the page's code, generated by Flash CS5.5 when publishing the swf:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">


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Webkit - Show HTML In Flash?

Feb 19, 2010

You can build apps in HTML using Adobe AIR which parses it using Webkit, can this be done in Flash?For example you have a string that contains <html><body><b>hello world</b></body></html> and then call a function that runs the WebKit parser over it and then outputs 'hello world' in bold to the stage?

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Html :: Show Flash While Buffering?

Nov 11, 2010

i'm developing a web where i want to show a flash on the index page. The flash got 3Mb size. But while it is downloading, i just see a white space where it should be.

I have tried putting an image in the background, but i just see white until the flash is fully downloaded...

I would like to see the first image of the flash, or an static image while it is loading?

im just putting it in the direct way

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0" width="899" height="138">


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Html :: Show Alternate For Ad Blockers?

Jan 22, 2011

I was recently testing the Amazon MP3 Widget on my site. It was not appearing and I realized it was being blocked by my ad blocker plug-in that prevents cross site flash objects. I want to know if there is a way to tell people that they are missing this content. It seems like the ad blocker simply removes any embed code. What can I do to tell people they might be missing something they actually want to see. I'm hoping there's something similar to the no script tag, but I'm assuming its more than that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show HTML In Flash?

Apr 11, 2010

i need to show HTML in Flash

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IDE :: Flash Files Won't Show In HTML

Dec 23, 2009

I've created a full screen flash website. When I test the file in flash, its all good. Now I need to put it online to show the client, but whenever I try to do this...all I get is a black screen. Even if I use Flash's own Publish as HTML option, all I see is a black screen. the code on my main timeline is like this:

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;


nothing is wrong when I test the actual SWF from Flash, or even just open the SWF in windows...

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Html :: Flash Doesnt Show Up Until Mouse Over On Ie?

Jun 23, 2009

I developed something in flex. It works great on FF and Safari. But on IE the "swf area" remains blank until mouse moves over it. I am embedding it like that:

<object height="100%" width="100%" id="myApp">
<param value="example.swf" name="movie"/>
<param value="high" name="quality"/>


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AS3 :: Flash - Nested Swf Doesn't Show In Html?

Oct 20, 2011

I'm using the following AS3 code to load an external swf (one with dimensions I don't like) into another swf. When I view the loader swf while embedded in a html page nothing is displayed even though the loader swf displays the nested swf without a problem in preview.

import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


If I substitute the name "loaderSwf" with the nested swf name it plays fine. It seems as though the local html page does not like the fact that I'm playing a swf through another swf.

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Actionscript 3 :: Show The Alert On HTML Component?

Feb 22, 2012

I want to show PDF in Flex AIR. I have done this with HTML components but the problem is that whenever I view the PDF in Flex HTML component the popup or Alert goes behind the component.

how can I show the Alert on HTML component?

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Professional :: Slide Show Not Working In Html Page?

Jun 30, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tables In External HTML To Show In Flash?

Aug 16, 2010

is it possible to get <tables> from a external HTML file to load in flash? I've searched google like crazy and everywhere I see they say it can't load the tables from the external HTML file..

Is there maybe a way to cheat in this? or make something that will look the same?

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Html :: Display Message If Flash Doesn't Show In IE8?

May 14, 2010

so apparently with the new update in IE8, it starts up with NO add-ons. Since I cannot program a code to turn on add-ons in a browser, I need to show a message when this occurs. Much like an image has alternative text in the event the image doesn't can I add a message that states:

You are using Internet Explorer 8+ and need to turn on your add-ins like FLASH Player. This site is optimized for Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

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Php :: Show HTML Pages Instead Of Flash To Search Engines?

Mar 28, 2011

Let's say I have a plain HTML website. More than 80% of my visitors are usually from search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. What I want to do is to make my whole website in Flash.However, search engines can't read information from Flash or JavaScript. That means my web page would lose more than half of the visitors.So how do I show show HTML pages instead of Flash to the search engines?

Note: you could reach a specific page/category/etc in Flash by using PHP GET function, for example: you can surf trough all the web pages from the homepage and link to a specific web page by typing page?id=1234.

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Jquery :: Show And Hide HTML Before Flash Inserting?

Apr 20, 2011

the thing i'm searching for my site is something that can show, and after 10 seconds, hide some html.Exactly is for a games site. I want to show ads during 10 seconds, and after this time, load the .SWF file of the game.During 10 seconds i want to show the window of the ad in the center of the field where later the game will be displayed. It's like a 700x500px window.One of the problems is that the ad window maybe 300x200px and i want to put it in the center. It's like i want to make a scene of 10 seconds with tha ad showing like the game is loading.I beg you to answer in a begginer level, i'm not expert in scripts, just know some html, that's why i'm a bit overwhelmed with the info i found in the net.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Button In A SWF To Show/hide DIVs In HTML?

May 13, 2010

getting a button in a SWF to hide and/or show DIV layers in the HTML page the SWF is sitting in.

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Aug 17, 2007

Can Flash hide/show a DIV-Layer on a html-page?

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