ActionScript 2.0 :: User Can Change Gravity?

Oct 5, 2003

I am creating a flash animation for my physics class. I am demestrating free fall. I know how to create a free fall object, but how would I make it so that the user can change the gravity?

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Here is the error I am getting:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.


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var targetIndex:Number = 1;
//var xValues:Array = [100,200,220,300,330,370];
//var yValues:Array = [100,150,220,300,310,400];
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Gravity And Collision In CS4?

Sep 14, 2009

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The ball is positioned over the floor and drops onto the floor through the gravity that is applied with the code.

Is there a way to have a global gravity in flash AS3. In which you could choose what objects you want to be affected by it? Is there a way to have a block of code that separates moving from still objects and will not let any objects collide(not overlap)?

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IDE :: Gravity And Collision In CS4?

Sep 14, 2009

In my project I have: a Ball(moving object) and a Floor(not moving).The ball is positioned over the floor and drops onto the floor through the gravity that is applied with the code.


First: the -23 in the code is what I don't like. Second: every single object that deals with collisions would need to be put into the if statement.Is there a way to have a global gravity in flash AS3. In which you could choose what objects you want to be affected by it?Is there a way to have a block of code that separates moving from still objects and will not let any objects collide(not overlap)?

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<table border="0">


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On (keyPress ("Enter") {
if (_parent.Input.text == "encode") {
tf = new TextFormat();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Gravity And Collision In CS4?

Sep 14, 2009

In my project I have: a Ball(moving object) and a Floor(not moving).The ball is positioned over the floor and drops onto the floor through the gravity that is applied with the code.

var gy:Number = 0;
var gravity:Number = .2
function ballMovement(event:Event):void{


First: the -23 in the code is what I don't like.

Second: every single object that deals with collisions would need to be put into the if statement.Is there a way to have a global gravity in flash AS3. In which you could choose what objects you want to be affected by it?Is there a way to have a block of code that separates moving from still objects and will not let any objects collide(not overlap)?

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onClipEvent (load) {
gravity = 2 ;
// We get the time when the ball is released for the


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[AS]G = 0.005;
m1 = ball1._width;
m2 = ball2._width;
scrnW = 550
scrnH = 400


the script looks alright to me but when run, the effect is wrong...

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Feb 26, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hittest Array - Allow Gravity

Oct 15, 2010

I'm making a game were parts of the level are randomly generated and move across the screen and while I have made it so all that works correctly I am having trouble running a hittest on them to allow for gravity. Below is the piece of code attached to the player movieclip that I think is causing the issue (shortened for sake of space)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Spring And Gravity Code?

Sep 15, 2004

check this code onClipEvent (load) { k = .2; damp = .9; grav = .1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ax = (_root._xmouse-_x)*k; ay = (_root._ymouse-_y)*k; vx += ax; vy += ay; vy += grav; vx *= damp; vy *= damp; _x += vx; _y += vy; } tell me where am i going wrong??? cos after giving the code to mc its not responding in any terms except the drag and drop to the invisible button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX: Gravity And Random Positioning

Aug 16, 2005

i have a game where fish fall out the sky and a penguin on ice skates has to catch them before the fish get to heavy for the ice, the ice cracks and the ice skating penguin falls into the water and freezes. I have all the code but cant work out how to set the random location along the Y axis for the fish to fall. I have a gravity script but cant work out how to include the random position for the fish. There are 30 fish and i want to be able to have one fish fall wait a half a second and have another fall and so on....until all 30 have been dropped...

My gravity script is this:

ymov = 0;
grav = 2;
_root.onEnterFrame =function() {
ymov += grav;


Anyone know how i could set a random location in this or something similar?

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I want to do gravity effect on a ball . I found some thing do this but I need to make the ball goes to the floor direction actually I want it to follow the sloping of the floor with the gravity effect .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Apply Gravity To Array Of Sprites

Nov 3, 2009

var spring:Number=.1;
var frizione:Number=.98;
var gravita:int=1;
var limite:Number=stage.stageHeight;
var colorsArray:Array = new Array();
[Code] .....

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Flash Bone Tool - Add Gravity/physics?

Oct 8, 2011

I've made a character, and used the bone tool to make it move in runtime.This works fine, but now I want to add gravity/physics, so I can throw my character and it lands on the ground like a real ragdoll. How do I do this in actionscript 3 ? And is it possible to do this within the fla (no class file).

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