ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Apply Gravity To Array Of Sprites
Nov 3, 2009
var spring:Number=.1;
var frizione:Number=.98;
var gravita:int=1;
var limite:Number=stage.stageHeight;
var colorsArray:Array = new Array();
[Code] .....
I'm making a game were parts of the level are randomly generated and move across the screen and while I have made it so all that works correctly I am having trouble running a hittest on them to allow for gravity. Below is the piece of code attached to the player movieclip that I think is causing the issue (shortened for sake of space)
I'm having one of those brain cramp days..I'm trying to add a number of items (sprites) from an array to the stage. There are 5 items in the array, and I want to randomly pick one of them, add it to the stage, and do this 100 times.My end result only has 5 items. I can see why, because when I try to add the same item again, it replaces the previous placed item. I can't think of how to duplicate the item in the array to add as a new Sprite
ActionScript Code: private var sizes:Array = new Array(15,10,5,20,30); private var squares:Array = new Array(); // becomes populated with square sprites the sizes
var glideShootingTimer:Timer = new Timer (500); glideShootingTimer.start(); glideShootingTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, glideShoot);
What it does:Every half second create a torpedo underneath every "glide" sprite on the stage.What is wrong:Every "glide" fires at the same time as the others.What I need:A way to individually time the firing. A way to make it fire in independent half second intervals, not all at once.
I'm trying to figure out how to apply a colorTransform to certain indecies of an array. So far, I've had no success. I think the issue I'm having is with using the proper syntax... I've tried
PHP Code:
nArray[0].transform.colorTransform = 0x000000; b0.transform.colorTransform = 0x000000; etc.
I have 3 balls and i want them to turn around a center point.The physics is right but I'm finding confusing how to apply the equation to any object of my array.
Here it goes the code:
Code: var movies = ["ball_mc", "ball2_mc", "ball3_mc"]; var angle:Number = 0; var centerX:Number = center_mc._x;
adding multiple childs to an array these childs are added using timer after a time interval.actually there two classes and child of both classes are added to stage one through timer as i described and other through keyboard event. now is it possible to do this if yes than how?? and is it possible to apply hittest object between these two array.
I have 3 balls and I want them to turn around a center point. The physics is right but I'm finding confusing how to apply the equation to any object of my array.
Here it goes the code: var movies = ["ball_mc", "ball2_mc", "ball3_mc"]; var angle:Number = 0; var centerX:Number = center_mc._x; var centerY:Number = center_mc._y; var radius:Number = 100; [Code] .....
I have this function that I want to apply to 10 different MovieClips that are on the stage by using an array. I wrote the array, I just need to know how I can apply the array to the function. [code]...
I've an empty array and some global variables, and I have two movie clips in my library: one is a trigger, second is the movie clip that is placed on the stage when the trigger is activated (a testdummy, if you want).
var dummies:Array = []; var i:int = 300; var j:int = 500; var k:int = 0;
...I get an obvious error : Scene 1, Layer 'actions', Frame 1, Line 66 1120: Access of undefined property dummy. Because dummies are created within a function. I don't have any trouble addressing items in the 'dummies' array though.
Though dummies are crated by the same pattern, data stored in them is the whole point of creating the application.
how can I apply a function to each of those dummies, which is executed on click and affects only one dummy?
I worked on a new Flash project, but I cant seem to find a good solution for how I want my objects to collide. In my project I have: a Ball(moving object) and a Floor(not moving).
The ball is positioned over the floor and drops onto the floor through the gravity that is applied with the code.
Is there a way to have a global gravity in flash AS3. In which you could choose what objects you want to be affected by it? Is there a way to have a block of code that separates moving from still objects and will not let any objects collide(not overlap)?
In my project I have: a Ball(moving object) and a Floor(not moving).The ball is positioned over the floor and drops onto the floor through the gravity that is applied with the code.
First: the -23 in the code is what I don't like. Second: every single object that deals with collisions would need to be put into the if statement.Is there a way to have a global gravity in flash AS3. In which you could choose what objects you want to be affected by it?Is there a way to have a block of code that separates moving from still objects and will not let any objects collide(not overlap)?
In my project I have: a Ball(moving object) and a Floor(not moving).The ball is positioned over the floor and drops onto the floor through the gravity that is applied with the code.
Code: var gy:Number = 0; var gravity:Number = .2 function ballMovement(event:Event):void{
First: the -23 in the code is what I don't like.
Second: every single object that deals with collisions would need to be put into the if statement.Is there a way to have a global gravity in flash AS3. In which you could choose what objects you want to be affected by it?Is there a way to have a block of code that separates moving from still objects and will not let any objects collide(not overlap)?
referring to Pom's tutorial on gravity (up and down), I was wondering how to alter the code to make it so that the object moved and bounced along the x-axis. I tried this:
Code: onClipEvent (load) { gravity = 2 ; // We get the time when the ball is released for the
I am using Box2d 2.02, and am having trouble with setting linear velocity of a body in 0 gravity. When I trace GetLinearVelocity() when left is pressed, it reports the correct vector (-20.0, 0.0) but the body does not move. It is a dynamic body.
Code: if (Key.isDown(Keyboard.LEFT)) { if (mover.IsSleeping()){ mover.WakeUp(); } mover.SetLinearVelocity(new b2Vec2( -20.0, 0.0)); }
I am creating a flash animation for my physics class. I am demestrating free fall. I know how to create a free fall object, but how would I make it so that the user can change the gravity?
check this code onClipEvent (load) { k = .2; damp = .9; grav = .1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ax = (_root._xmouse-_x)*k; ay = (_root._ymouse-_y)*k; vx += ax; vy += ay; vy += grav; vx *= damp; vy *= damp; _x += vx; _y += vy; } tell me where am i going wrong??? cos after giving the code to mc its not responding in any terms except the drag and drop to the invisible button.
i have a game where fish fall out the sky and a penguin on ice skates has to catch them before the fish get to heavy for the ice, the ice cracks and the ice skating penguin falls into the water and freezes. I have all the code but cant work out how to set the random location along the Y axis for the fish to fall. I have a gravity script but cant work out how to include the random position for the fish. There are 30 fish and i want to be able to have one fish fall wait a half a second and have another fall and so on....until all 30 have been dropped...
I want to do gravity effect on a ball . I found some thing do this but I need to make the ball goes to the floor direction actually I want it to follow the sloping of the floor with the gravity effect .
I'm trying to find a way to do a cable in papervision(great white) that has the behavior(gravity and elasticity) like the following two links:url... Any clues as to how should I approach this?
I've made a character, and used the bone tool to make it move in runtime.This works fine, but now I want to add gravity/physics, so I can throw my character and it lands on the ground like a real ragdoll. How do I do this in actionscript 3 ? And is it possible to do this within the fla (no class file).
i designed a ball that falls down in soft place and goes under the eart ...when we carry this ball uper ...ball goes more under the eart...i make this ball dragable and with varible speed=..... &...&...make this ball.but may metod its not good.and not works correctly.
how to set boundaries for the y coordinates of a falling box with gravity. i am using the gravity AS, and i could not find a specific tut for setting the floor boundary.
I am in a pinch for time and know very little about Flash and even less about Actionscript, but I need to know how to make a ball fall according to gravity!
Thomas <a href=""></a>
I have a file where two objects fall from the top of the stage and bounce and then eventually stop (using gravity and hit test). You can grab the objects (a ball and a box --- each has a button symbol n the movie clip) and toss them and they bounce off each other and off the 4 sides of the stage. The issue is when one of the objects is dropped directly on top of the other object, after it stops bouncing, it slides down until it hits the bottom of the stage (in this case, the box slides down in front of the ball, and the ball slides down in back of the box).