ActionScript 2.0 :: When Roll Over The Movieclip With The Instance Name "button"
Jul 20, 2004
Well i am using the code:
But the thing is i want to make it so when i roll over the movieclip with the instance name "button", it will gotoAndStop on frame 2 of a DIFFERENT movieclip (which is located on _root). Can someone tell me how to do this?
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I have a movieclip serving as a button in a slideshow. The movieclip instance name is tmb1_mc. The second frame in the movieclip is a little brighter than frame 1. How could I write a function to go to the second frame in the movieclip and another function to go to frame 1 when the mouse rolls out?
I tried the nextFrame command in this function
function mcOver(e:MouseEvent):void{ nextFrame();}
But that went to the next frame on the slideshow, the main timeline.
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Mar 11, 2011
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intelbtn.onRollOver = function(){
This is the code for the roll on state.^
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May 30, 2011
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Feb 19, 2002
I just want to design a button when the mouse roll over the button will gradually become larger (to a fixed size) and gradually comes to the originally size when roll out. I try to use "Adding Buttons to Movie Clips" method, ie, one MC with two layers, an amimation MC (tween from small to big and then big to small) and a button. Add script as follows:
on the first frame:
if (Playing eq "True") {
play ();
} else {[code]....
When I roll over the MC tween small to big and big to small and when roll out the MC gradually small. What I want is when I roll over the MC tween small to big and keep it is except when I roll out.
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May 27, 2010
on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(2);}on (releaseOutside, rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(11);}
i am using this this scrip in flash 8 scrip 2
and i want to use in flashcs5 script3
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Mar 10, 2010
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Nov 25, 2011
It used to happen in AS2.0 as follows :
my_Mc.onPress = function()
trace( this)
//output :
[my_Mc Movieclip]
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Nov 19, 2010
Movieclip I want to fade out: "StartupText_mc" Within "StartupText_mc" I have a frame labels "normal" on the first frame and "over" on the last. On the actions layer I have "stop();" on the first and last frame. On the third layer I have a simple alpa tween from 100% to 0%.
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What I want to know is how I would go about making them all their default colors when you hit a movieClip instance that acts as a reset button. I can't seem to get it.
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Jan 4, 2006
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this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){
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Button class:
The Roll Over and Roll Out State isn't working.
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function playMovie(event:MouseEvent)
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make a roll over and roll out? with roll out appear image and with roll over disable
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Aug 17, 2009
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Jan 29, 2012
I have a menu bar button for my website but I need to resize the object on the roll over state, so it can be seen so it needs to be much bigger the problem is, when I create the hit are it can either be the size of the small button on the up state, or the large button on the over state. The problem here is when I make the hit area Large or as large as the over state it make the hit area way past the perimeters of the up state button so you scroll anywhere near that button and it will activate to the roll over state which can be anoying. My question is how to I make the scroll area as small as the up state button and once I am on the button itself, make the scroll area as large as the over state. So I don't scroll off by mistake. is that possible without making a roll over animation on the time line its self I would want to avoid this if at all possible.
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Sep 22, 2009
I have a scrollBar movieClip inside an interface that is not always responding to the onPress event. Sometimes, it works fine, and sometimes I have to roll off of the scrollBarMC for the cursor to change back to the finger and respond to the onPress event. Other times, it responds more than once to the event on just one click.
I realize that there could be other issues within my interface's code, however, when I trace my function calls they seems to not execute or execute more than once. Has anyone else ever run across such an issue with the movieClip.onPress event? Below is the code for the scrollBar mc. Anyone see something glaring?
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Feb 9, 2011
The movieclip itself has button functionaliy (ROLL_OVER etc) and is on the stage with a bunch of other movieclips with listeners.The hidden layer of this movieclip off to the side a bit from the main part of the clip, and its getting in the way of other movieclips that also have listeners... so the other movie clips lose their 'functionality' when I'm hovering over them at a spot where the hidden layer is. I need this hidden layer to appear at certain times so I can't get rid of it totally. Currently I am changing the x value of the hidden layer to push it off the stage, and then pulling it back when I need it (and this works) but this seems a bit unnecessary..
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Feb 12, 2007
what i have to put to change the color on 0xAAAAAA? and... can i put all in a function? and... can i put a text on that mc, with the change of color of text too on roll over?
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Jul 15, 2009
I have a graphic that when rolled over it starts a movie clip, when rolled out or off I would like the clip to instead of stop actually roll the movie back whether the clip is at the end or not. Like an animated button I would guess.
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Jan 29, 2004
I want to be able to make a movie clip (that acts as a button) so the roll over effect finishes before the roll off effect is triggered. Like if a marker circles a button, i want the circling animation to stop before the roll off effects happens. Anyone know how to do this.
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Apr 28, 2009
I'm trying to make a button that plays a sound when the mouse rolls over it and when it rolls off it stops. I've got the roll over play working but I can't get the roll off stop to work. So far I have this (I'll be adding more buttons with more sounds later, which is why it's in an if statement):
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