ActionScript 2.0 :: When The Mouse Cursor Is Over It A Drop Down List Animation Starts Revealing More Buttons
Oct 19, 2005
What I'm wanting to do for my web site is do a animation on a button so that when the mouse cursor is over it a drop down list animation starts revealing more buttons. How would I go about doing this using Action script in the noobiest terms possible?
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May 19, 2009
I was wondering if anyone knew how I would go about making the following animation (just an example) start after the mouse has been inactive for, say, 20secs.
Code: Select allimport gs.TweenMax;, 1, {blurFilter:{blurX:5, blurY:5}});
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Feb 3, 2009
I need to set a mouse-controlled scrolling animation to ease when it starts and when it stops in AS2. Here's my current onEnterFrame script. Might be a little crude, but it succeeds in starting and stopping the animation when the mouse rolls off the movie. Moves left on one side and right on the other. I just want the starting and stopping to be eased a bit.
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Dec 2, 2010
in the following SWF example: [URL] you can see small iphone application created with flash cs5, this application has blue rectangle, you can drag and drop this rectangle with your mouse cursor.. ok no problem in the code, but i want ask a question: when i run this application in iphone device, my finger will drag and drop the rectangle instead of mouse cursor ? or I need change the code? here is the code i used:
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May 24, 2010
I am aware that the follow will show a hand cursor:
component.mouseChildren = true;
component.useHandCursor = true;
component.buttonMode = true;
When I do the above on a List component, the hand button is shown and the whole component loses it's interactivity (Hand cursor is shown even on scrollbars).
So how can I show the hand cursor only when rolling over the list items?
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Aug 20, 2011
Having a problem with part of a project that I know is something small that I omitted someplace relating to mouseEnabled or mouseChildren, but I think I have tried everything and nothing seems to work.I set up a demo FLA that replicates the issue somewhat here (remove spaces)- t i n y u r l . com/4429vbx
Basically, I have a little game that involves finding things in an image with a custom mouse cursor that is a magnifying glass. One large image over a smaller version of the same image, the cursor masks the large image. There's a bunch of Math figuring out the movement/positioning of the large image on MOUSE_MOVE to match up with what you are mousing over in the smaller one, and I have a Rollover/Rollout on the smaller image to swap the cursor in/out. The problem started when I put 5 invisible buttons down inside the large image. You get cursor flicker when rolling over the invisible buttons, because smallImage.rollOut is being triggered, then smallImage.rollOver, then out, then over, etc... and I have no idea why.
I can't use startDrag() because of the large image movement needed on MouseMove, and I tried it with EnterFrame and it's worse.Like I said, the demo isn't exactly what I have in my project, but it's close. There's no parallax math, and the project I have is class-based, but the demo is on the timeline. There are 3 levels - A is the root child, B inside of A, and 3 buttons AA, BB, CC inside of B. I have a simple circle Sprite as the mouse cursor.
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Oct 29, 2010
I'm trying to convert my sniper game to as3 but coming up with the problem of hitting the scope crosshairs (the cursor) and not bubbling down to the stick man.[ode]I've come up with two solutions but they both negatively impact the accuracy and game play.
1. use objectHitTest, this works but makes it frustrating to hit small objects
2. make a small hole in the scope, this would probably work but could also cause problems
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Jun 24, 2009
I'm working on my personal portfolio site and desperately need help with some AS3. my knowledge about AS3 is very rudimentary. Hope anyone who's I want to change the pointer cursor to custom movieclip when mouseover different invisible buttons. These buttons are mainly forward & backward button for my gallery. I got some help from other site but still unsolved. Please take a look at my fla attachment to point out what's wrong with the coding. To elaborate a little bit more as what I wish to achieve you can take a look at the sample URL...I just need the pointer cursor to turn to custom mc when it mouseover the hit area of the respective buttons.
View 6 Replies
Aug 10, 2011
I have an 2 animations that I need to syncronize. The first animation is a projector screen entering stage, the second is few text layers and images. I timed the second animation 2.2 sec after the screen animation starts (using timer event) and it worked. When I tested it in other computers and on the internet the screen movment was much slower so the second animation entered the stage too fast.
I want to order the second animation to enter only when the projector screen reach it's destination on stage. The screen animations has 2 parts, in animation and out animation connected by a stop(); commend in the middle.
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Jan 23, 2010
Its seems to me that there isn't any Spanish speaker, so I reformulate my question in English. What I want is to place the cursor in the text box so that the user can enter the text.
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Aug 31, 2010
Working on a small kiosk app that runs in Firefox for Ubuntu. Mouse.hide() works for everything else, but the cursor is showing up in Firefox for Ubuntu
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Jan 31, 2004
I am trying to make a simple game in flash it is a target shooting game i would like to make it so that the mouse cursor dissapears and a crosshair is shown as the cursor (if you get what i mean). I have created the crosshair and made it into a graphic symbol called: "crosshair" so what is the script i need to make it the cursor for the game
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Jun 5, 2010
in the swf, when my mouse reaches a dynamic text box, the cursor always changes to the 'I' cursor and the text can be to prevent this from occurring?
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Jun 21, 2010
how to change the cursor when move over a chart in flex i have tried useHandCursor="true" but it's not working in charts.....and it should show values also....
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Nov 1, 2009
I was able to create an animation which only runs when I place my cursor over the animation box.The animation stops playing when I remove the cursor off the animation box.I was able to do this using button rollovers.How do I apply a URL link to this animation.When I place my curser over the animation box it plays,and when I click on the animation box I would like it to link to a web page.
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Nov 3, 2011
So what am i trying to do is when text in textfield is lets say 95 it starts an animation that is in library.dont know how to startby the way text in the text field decrases by when it gets to 95 it starts the animation
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Mar 12, 2010
I'm creating a thermometer with the mercury animated as donations come in. I haven't touched flash in a long time, so be gentle. How can I change the code below so the animation is faster without increasing the framerate?
ActionScript Code:
var maxMercuryHeight = 192; // Mercury height at 100%
var currentDonations = 80; // Percentage of donations taken
var currentHeight = (currentDonations / 100) * maxMercuryHeight;
How can I make the animation ease out so it starts fast and slows down at the end?
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Feb 8, 2011
I am using the video component with AS3. I have an external flv which loads nicely...that's fine. Now I am looking for a way to remove a preloader animation once the video starts streaming. The preloader is just an animation without a status (percent) bar. In plain English the code would be: if flv file is streaming, fade preloader animation I am also noticing that the first frame of the video shows while it's there a way to change it so that nothing is seen until streaming? If worst comes to worst I can always make a mask.
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Mar 13, 2012
As of Flash 10.2, Flash supports hardware accelerated mouse cursors:[URL]..Unfortunately, the mouse cursor doesn't update until AFTER the mouse moves. You can see this behavior on the web page above. If you click "Set to custom cursor" in the sample app at the bottom of the article, you'll see that the cursor doesn't change until you move the mouse.
Anyone have a trick for updating the mouse cursor immediately, before the user moves the mouse? I tried doing Mouse.hide();; but that doesn't work.
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Jul 2, 2004
I changed the mouse cursor using a tutoral from this forum, but when I press the right mouse button,the standard mouse cursor reapears.How to prevent that?
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Feb 25, 2012
I installed Adobe Flash CS5.5 a couple of days back...Trying to learn a few basic tricks such as motion tween (messed up things with the bone tool though)..Well the problem is, a friend of mine made a 3D drawing in Solid Works(a modelling software). It is a sort of box, now he wants me to make a flash animation for the box which starts from a sheet of paper and folds into a box and then the camera zooms out.
Now i have no idea how to do that..jpg file can be made and imported to flash...but as it will be an imported file how can it be manipulated to achieve the final task....taking screen shots of the box at various stages of solid works can be done and then played all together in flash baut it would be very tiresome and time consuming...
I dont want anyone to make it for me just guide me what tools and tutorials to look at.
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Jul 2, 2004
I changed the mouse cursor using a tutoral from this forum, but when I press the right mouse button, the standard mouse cursor reapears...
How to prevent that?
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May 25, 2009
I'm making a drawing application, everythings looks and works ok, except for one thing...My mouse cursor is hidden and a paintbrush like cursor follows it. This cursor is a movieclip, because the user chooses a color, and the tip of this paintbrush changes to the selected color.But there's one problem... when I draw to the left the line is drawed with no problem, but when I draw to the right, the line is interrupted, and I don't understand why.I made one experiment, and with no movieclip "attached" to the mouse cursor, the line is drawed with no problem, both to the right and left.
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Jul 12, 2004
made a custom mouse cursor but the cliente wants that little hand when the mouse is over a button and/or links.
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May 6, 2003
I have a very large projector movie with many loaded in swf files. I want to make it so as you are reading and viewing the whole movie the screensaver is not active. I then want it so after 10 minutes of no activity a screensaver (or movieclip in the movie) starts playing and then goes away when there is activity again. How do I do this? What would be the best way... just have the screensaver (movieclip) the only thing in the first scene and it just goes to this after 10 minutes?
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May 4, 2010
I want to make a mc stick to a cursor from the start and then drop the mc.So far I know how to make a mc follow the cursor and drag and drop a mc.I need an AS3 code for "dropping" a mc at a position (cursor must transform into regular arrow again)The position the cursor needs to snap to is another mc - it should be the nearest, so the distance needs to be measured. So the position is not a grid, but the mc's is can be dropped onto are always on the same positions.
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Mar 17, 2010
Each time I make a drop down menu I face some problems, For example, when I use tweening to roll out a menu ( via ROLL_OVER/ ROLL_OUT), sometimes the menu gets stuck, or starts flickering after it is rolled out if I move the cursor away, and move back on it.
How could I solve this, should I use a timer to disable the button until the tween finishes (or this would be good for nothing)?
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Sep 28, 2009
I am creating a map of the USA and when a user mouses over a particular state,I want to display a movie clip (which is just a text list of our dealers in that state). When the user mouses out I want the list to disappear.However, I want the user to be able to mouse over the list to scroll the list and whenever I try it, obviously the state loses focus and the MOUSE_OUT Event fires.How to I get around this?Here is the code I have currently:
PA.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showDealers);
PA.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hideDealers);[code]............
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Mar 17, 2010
I placed this code in the actionscript so i could drag and drop the mucles and place them into their targets. My issue is that once the mouse is down on the muscle "temporalis", the temporalis muscle lifts up but does not drop it when the mouse is up. I set functions for drop it and pick up when the mouse is down and when the mouse is up. Also I set the pick up to be true so the temporalis muscle is picked up from the middle, but it is not picking up from the middle. Here is the Code:
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May 11, 2009
I want is the Hand Cursor when it moves over an item in the List. I've tried the CellRenderer on it but that elimates all but my last item in the list. And it does show the Hand Cursor over that item. This seems pretty simple to me but I am missing something somewhere. I used a Listener on a Data List I had but think there must be a simpler way. In my List I can view the activeCellRenderers and can see that the useHandCursor on that item is set to false. I think this is where it needs to cahnge?
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