ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR Image Resizing Independent Of Visible Stage?

May 27, 2011

I have an air window that opens up and loads an swf half-size (my swf stage is 1280x720, but the 'preview' is 640x360). Right now, the user can import any-size image. From here the user has the ability to alter their image (elements on the stage, the positioning and scaling of the imported image, etc.). I know that there is a way to "screengrab" the stage and save that out to the user's hard drive (I got that working). Is there anyway to do this same thing, but at the full size of the stage. Meaning, the screengrab is only half-size, but is there anyway to perform similar stuff without screengrabbing,

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Actionscript 3 :: In AIR Capture Image Of Whats Visible On The Stage And Save That Image As Anything Like Jpg/pdf?

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In AIR/AS3 Flex Mobile for Android project.How can I capture an "image" of whats visible on the view then just save that image as anything like jpg/pdf to the SD card?Basically a screenshot on Android using AS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing External Image On Stage

Feb 6, 2009

This code works. It puts my external image on the stage:
var pngurl:URLRequest=new URLRequest("image.png");
var pngloader:Loader=new Loader();

This code works to, but not completely. It stores the same image inside of a movie clip that I've named "panel". However, the image is bigger than "panel":
var pngurl:URLRequest=new URLRequest("image.png");
var pngloader:Loader=new Loader();
panel.addChild(pngloader); //panel is the name of my movieclip

I almost fixed my problem by changing my code. My image is smaller than "panel" now, but its width and height should be the same as "panel":
[Code] .....
(Original image size= 350width and 250height) (Panel size=100width and 100height)

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Resizing Stage Dimensions : Make An Image Fade To The Next Scene Without A Whiteout Or Blackout??

Apr 13, 2009

how I could re-size my stage?As well as, I would like to know how I could pan my moving animation horizontally/vertically? And is it possible to make an image fade to the next scene without a whiteout or blackout? How can I do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fixing Stage Size Independent Of Resolution?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm sure it's been posted about a million times before but I've been trying vars searches and seem to always be coming up with answers to do with the exact opposite of what I'm trying to achieve! I'm creating a flash Movie that is 800 x 600 pixels in size and I'd like to fix that size so that it will always be 800 x 600 regardless of the screen resolution of the computer running it. At the moment it seems to scale by default and is winding up looking ugly on other people's computers.

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Flex :: Resizing FileReference Image Then Reuploading - Only Reuploads Original Image

Apr 22, 2010

I can;t figure out how to do this. Someone selects and image after calling FileReference.browse(). I take that image and make a thumbnail in flash. Then I upload that image like so:


All this does it upload the original image. How do I change the fileRef to upload the new thumb? I have traced out the size of the "myThumbImage" and it is correct. I have placed it visually on the stage after creating the thumb, and it seems like it works. But when I upload it to an aspx page (that basically just throws it into a folder), it uploads the original larger image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Visible Border To The Image That Allows To Resize The Image

Mar 19, 2010

i am building an editor which allows you to resize images and to do this (once an image is selected) I add a visible border to the image that allows you to resize the image. so i want to have a function something like,


and i have to call this redrawborder function inside the MOUSE_MOVE listener that controls the resizing (so that i am constantly removing and redrawing the border). constantly removing and redrawing the frame seems very inefficient. is there some property or better why to do this? i want to have, displayobj.scaleChildren = false or something like that

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Flex :: Changing Image Size Independent Of Scene Size?

Apr 6, 2011

I have three images and I want change the images size based on the scene size (default size is 1024x768). After each image has completely loaded I call bindableUtils.setter to set width/height when scene size changes but I don't know how to make a pointer or something like that. I'm using a public var img, but it only works with the last complete image.

Here is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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Flex :: Advanced Image Cropping And Image Resizing?

Apr 26, 2011

I have created a image cropping tool in flex using core copyPixel method.croppedBitmapData.copyPixels(croppedBitmapData, clipCan, new Point(0, 0));I have to crope area of dementions 20*20 and show this cropped area in an image of demention 250*350. Every thing going well.My problem is image distortion.Even i am using this method for smoothing image contents on complete.

private function smoothImage(event:Event):void
var bitmap: Bitmap = (( as Image).content as Bitmap);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set The Stage As Not Visible?

Oct 6, 2009

I had a question if there is a way to set the stage as not visible?  Meaning the .swf stage is transperent and takes the properties of the bg image of the bg of the page its laid on?  I'm trying to steer away from just using flash for the site and using a mixture of flash elements in a css site but I can't seem to get the stage to be transparent. 

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Artwork Visible Outside Of Stage?

Dec 18, 2010

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New Tweens And Resizing The Stage

Nov 17, 2009

I'm going nuts trying to figure this out. I built an animation project at 630 pixels wide. Turns out the project needs to be 430 pixels wide. In CS3, using the classic tweens, I would simply resize the stage, Onion All, then resize everything on the stage at once. But with the new tween structure, it looks like I can't do a mass resize like that. Anything that's been tweened using the motion editor does not resize.

I know I can just create a new movie clip, paste all frames into it and then resize the MC, but I have some JPEGs of signatures that pixellate when they are resized that way. So, can you onion skin the new tweens? Is there a workaround?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Not Visible On Stage?

Oct 16, 2010

I 'm created a movieclip with an image but it won't show on stage.

This is my code:
var btn_groep:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var i = new Loader();
i.load(new URLRequest("images/btn_groep.jpg"));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Only One MovieClip Visible On Stage

Feb 26, 2010

I have 5 mc on stage. Each mc is visible false. I want only 1 mc appear on stage each time. For example mc 1,2,3,4,5. If 5 appear the rest are invisible. If 3 appear the others are not seen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip And Stage Resizing

Aug 6, 2009

I am new to Actionscript 3 and i am making a basic flash site using CS4 and AS3.I need to have an image as my background that resizes whenever the window/browser is resized and that works perfectly. I also need to import another SWF to the stage as this contains the main body of the site, this SWF needs to be centered at all times on the stage even on a resize.I have pasted some code below as what i have working at the moment is the SWF gets imported, the background does scale and resize etc but the movieclip won't center when first launched and i just can't figure it out.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage MC Resizing And .Mins?

Nov 5, 2009

I have this code that works great to center a background image and even other MC's on the stage. However, I am looking to tweak this code slightly and I just can't figure out how.Instead of the button1MC being center, I need to define it's coordinates on the stage to line up at the bottom or even the left side or something...I'm creating a nav bar of MC's that need to have fixed coordinates on the stage and resize when the window is resized.Lastly I need to fix a .min for the stage so that the MC's on the stage stop repositioning when the stage/window get resized too small, like below 500x500 or something. know this is simple, but I can't figure out where to add the stage min parameters or even how to properly adjust the button1MC's

function init()


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Resizing The Stage Seems To Expand To The Right And Down

Apr 20, 2011

Resizing the stage seems to expand to the right and down. There a way to re size from the bottom to up?

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Flash :: Stage Resizing And Getting The Right Variable?

Jan 20, 2011

In my Flash Application (AS3), I want to get the stage size and use that so my objects (which the user controls) can't go outside of the screen. However, when I use:stage.stageWidth;stage.stageHeight;The values I get aren't actually what I want. They give me the stage size, but if I resize the window, the numbers change as well. Now, in a html page, I don't think that will matter, because the user can't resize it... however, I'd like for it to be more solid than relying on the window size.stage.width;stage.height;However, those gave me "801" and "601", one greater than my actual stage size. Those values did not change when I resized the window, but they were one greater.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resizing Stage With Loadvars?

Sep 17, 2009

My AS2 flash file is loading in preferences from a .txt file. Is it possible to redefine the stage of the swf with this method? In other words, if someone wanted a swf with different dimensions is it possible to load those in via a txt file and resize dynamically instead of having to re-publish the swf with the new dimensions?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing The Entire Stage?

Jun 12, 2010

The problem is, it wasn't tested well, and the stage is too big - on low resolutions or on small screen you have to scroll in order to see the lower/upper sections.I know how to resize it with HTML, but I just want to know if there's a way to scale the entire stage and all of the contained items from within flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Object Visible Off Stage?

Jul 14, 2009

I would like to make an object visible off stage. So that the object is floated over the HTML. Any Ideas. I don't seem to be able to do it using Transparent Window in the HTML publish options and think it may only be possible using javascript (layers) but I would much prefer to only use flash so if anyone has a idea I'd love to hear it.

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Flash :: MovieClip Is Not Visible At Stage, However It Exits?

Oct 20, 2010

My Flash file contains a movie-clip(Box1) that is exported for Action-script but it is not exported to Frame 1 in Linkage Dialog Box. Box1 has been put on frame-40 and the object is accessible in document Class but is not added to stage. However when it reaches to Frame 40, the object at Frame 40 get visible. My question is where is boxObj??


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Actionscript 3 :: Sprite Added To Stage But Not Visible?

Nov 30, 2011

I'm trying to get a simple AS3 app up and running, and for some reason, I cannot get a sprite to show. At this point, all I want to do is get a red sprite to fill the stage.

public class Main extends Sprite
public function Main():void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Cache Only What Is Visible On Stage

Jan 5, 2011

Now this one wouldn't be tricky at all if the vector graphic background I wish to cache wasn't nested. Unfortunately it is.

-- container
----- animated layer
----- bitmapCacheContainer
----- background

This is the hierarchy for the display list. The animated layer is slowing to a bad chug on the heavier backgrounds. This is due to the fact that when zoomed in on the container layer, the automatic cacheAsBitmap functionality in the flashplayer is caching a HUGE image, which takes a fair chunk of memory.

I have started dev on this, and this is my process.

Create a new bitmap object to hold the snapshot.

if( stage.stageWidth > container_mc.width ){
_width = stage.stageWidth;


Has anyone tried this before, or can anyone see any schoolboy errors here that I am missing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Few Mc's Visible On The Stage With A SetInterval?

Feb 18, 2005

I use the following function to make a few mc's visible on the stage with a setInterval.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: RemoveMovieClip - Reference Still Visible On Stage

Aug 22, 2008

I have an array of MovieClips, when I try and use .removeMovieClip on one of the array items it removes reference to the MovieClip Object but it is still visible on the stage. When I address the MovieClip directly and use removeMovieClip on that it removes references and deletes from the stage.

Scenario 1:
myArray = new Array();
Traces out undefined, undefined but the movieClip is still visible on stage (and can still interact with).

myArray = new Array();
Trace out undefined, undefined and the movieClip is removed from stage

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing Movie Clip Before Its On Stage?

Mar 18, 2010

I have all my content inside a movieclip called 'allmenu' but im only resizing it to fit the stage with a timer hehe , is there any way it could be resized before you see it on the stage, because right now you get this glitchy resizing moment on every page.

PHP Code:
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.StageAlign;


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HTML Page - MovieClipLoader And Resizing Stage

Aug 5, 2009

I'm currently trying to have a swf file to show up on an HTML page when the page initially loads. When the user clicks the close button (on the swf file), the swf disappears and the rest of the content on the HTML page shifts up. Similar idea to how CNN occassionally have their "breaking news" banner on their homepage. In order to do this, I thought of the idea of creating a 1x1 pixel main swf file containing a MovieClipLoader function to load the "content" onto the swf file.

As the user clicks on the close button, it will unload the external swf, returning back to the 1x1 main swf. However, how do I get the 1x1 main swf file to resize to the size of the external swf? and to do the reverse when the user clicks the close button? So far I have the MovieClipLoader function working, but not the resizing.
var myMCL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
myMCL.loadClip("test.swf", "container");

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Flash :: Keep Object Position When Resizing Stage?

Nov 4, 2010

im trying to keep a object in a certain position in the screen, without resizing it too (with the stage)

function Resize(e:Event = null):void
if ((stage.stageWidth)/(stage.stageHeight) > fundos.width/fundos.height)


my stage is resizing all ok (keeping the aspect ratio) and im trying to add a nav img that would stay in the same position as i resize the browser screen

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage Resizing To Browser Resolution ?

May 15, 2010

i am making flash website in AS3 and i have i problem with resizing.I tryed a houndrit codes, classes, examples, tutorials bud nothing worked correctly.In main timeline a have two movieclips first is as a background and second as wholesite. I dont want to resize Background. I want to resize WholeSite movie clip only. It will resize to browser resolution. But width and height stay constrain - width go resizing with height. Here is my FLA: http:[url]....and here is test of that site: http:[url]....

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