ActionScript 3.0 :: Activating A Symbol Swap With A Tweening Shape?

Jan 6, 2011

I need to create an Flash animation that simulates dots moving like 'flocks' between different areas of the stage. I've created an image to show you what I mean:

*edit* Don't have 50 posts yet, so I can't show you visually what I mean

My idea is to create a symbol that starts red and goes black when a tweening shape 'touches' it. That way I can create a 'flocking birds' movement effect without having to manually change each symbol for each frame (I would just animate the shape around the stage and the dots would turn black when touched by the shape and return to red when not).

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Converted Symbol Can't Be Pasted Into Keyframe: Motion Tweening?

Jul 24, 2010

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Professional :: Converted Symbol Can't Be Pasted Into Keyframe: Motion Tweening

Jul 24, 2010

I have two files one is called tween_start.fla and the other is called tween_end.fla I am trying to create a motion tween where the animation begins at tween_start.fla and ends at tween_end.fla Each file consists of 7 shapes (it's a tangram if you're curious). At frame 10 of the tween_start.fla timeline I right-click on each layer and do Insert Blank Keyframe. Then I go to tween_end.fla click on a shape and do Modify>Convert to Symbol. Then I go back to the timeline for tween_start.fla, right-click on frame 10 and do Paste Frames or Insert Keyframe. If I do Paste Frames with all of the symbols I've created in tween_end.fla then the shapes end up stacked on top of each other. If I do Insert Keyframe it doesn't insert the symbol I've just created, instead it just keeps the same shapes that were at the first frame of tweet_start.fla. So how do I insert the symbols from tween_end.fla into the tenth frame of tweet_start.fla and then execute a motion tween between the frames?

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on (release) {

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Feb 23, 2010

When using the bone tool, I have been fairly successful in working with either a shape or a selection of symbols.  However, I am unable to connect a shape to a symbol.  Is this possible with the bone tool or am I barking up the wrong tree?  If not, is there some sort of work-around when part of the animation is constructed from symbols and part is constructed from shapes?

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CS3 Animation - Object (shape Or Symbol) Spanning Across Many Frames?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm creating an animation kinda like a travel map, x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x .where the x's equal the start and the end point, and the dashs are like your direction etc, a good example is if you've ever seen those pirate movies where they have the maps and it shows where they have to if there is a better way to do it than I currently am (Still finding my way around the whole Animation thing - and I'm sure theres an easier way than this!)

At the moment I'm going frame by frame and in adding objects, so for example, in frame one I have my 'x' object, then frame two I pasted the 'x' object plus one 'dash' objects, and so on and so forth, and I have a feeling that doing this is going to take agessss, and I'm sure there must be an easier way! I essentially need the 'x' object to span across ALL of my frames, is there a command or something for this? I'm not too knowledgeable with tweening, but can it be done with that?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Activating/de-activating Buttons?

Mar 9, 2009

I want to create some AS to disable and enable a button.Let's call this ButtonX. I want this button to appear disabled at first, and then allow the user the option of enabling this button(ButtonX) by clicking another button. Let's call this ButtonY. I cannot get this to work. I am attaching the code I am trying. I have this AS added to ButtonY and ButtonX is the instance name for the button I want to de-activate-activate.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set In Motion Automatic Shape / Motion Tweening?

Oct 27, 2010

I would like to create a polygon that changes its shape (circle, trapezium, square, rectangle, triangle) based on specific buttons that the user clicks? An existing shape has to be able to morph into all the others. For instance, the trapezium has to morph to a square, circle, rectangle or triangle.

If I were to create each transition manually, I would end up with 5x4=20 scenes. Is there a way that I can just assign each shape to its own frame, and deploy actionscript to set in motion the transitions from one frame to the 4 other possible frames? I am very grateful to anyone to just point me in the right direction,

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Jun 8, 2010

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Motion Tweening Error : Motion Tweening Will Not Occur On Layers With Ungrouped Shapes .....?

Jul 27, 2009

I'm getting the following error: Motion tweening will not occur on layers with ungrouped shapes or on layers with more than one group or symbol. I don't have any ungrouped shapes (it's all text), each layer has 5 instances of only one symbol (keyframes), no objects are grouped and text is all static text.

When watching the animation, the first word (web) looks fine, on the second word (design) the tween fails on the last couple of frames of that clip (the blur filter disappears), the third word (and) is OK, and on the forth word (development) the blur filter is not applied to the last 16 frames of that clip.I broke each animation into its own MC thinking that was causing the issue, but that didn't fix anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: New Shape - 1046: Type Was Not Found Or Was Not A Compile-time Constant: Shape

Nov 30, 2009

ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Base extends MovieClip {
public var baseHP:int = 50;
var newRect:Shape = new Shape();

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Shape. 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Shape. What does it mean by "undefined method"? I am somewhat of a newby, so sorry if there are any stupid errors

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Professional :: Adding Shape Hints Makes Shape Disappear In Between Frames

Jun 22, 2010

Whenever I add shape hints to a shape tween the shape disappears in the between frames. I am using CS5 on Vista. I using files from [URL]to practice.

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