Professional :: Swap A Symbol On Each Keyframe Of Animation?

Oct 18, 2011

I have a VERY big animation, with a huge amount of keyframes, and I like to swap a symbol in this animation with another one. If I just use the swap button on the first frame, Flash only swaps the symbol for the first tween, whereas I have hundreds of tweens in my file... So how do I do this for every keyframe in every tween ?

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Professional :: Can't Swap Multiple Instances Of Same Symbol

Sep 29, 2011

I can select one symbol and swap it with another, but why can't I swap multiple instances of the same symbol?

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Professional :: Converted Symbol Can't Be Pasted Into Keyframe: Motion Tweening

Jul 24, 2010

I have two files one is called tween_start.fla and the other is called tween_end.fla I am trying to create a motion tween where the animation begins at tween_start.fla and ends at tween_end.fla Each file consists of 7 shapes (it's a tangram if you're curious). At frame 10 of the tween_start.fla timeline I right-click on each layer and do Insert Blank Keyframe. Then I go to tween_end.fla click on a shape and do Modify>Convert to Symbol. Then I go back to the timeline for tween_start.fla, right-click on frame 10 and do Paste Frames or Insert Keyframe. If I do Paste Frames with all of the symbols I've created in tween_end.fla then the shapes end up stacked on top of each other. If I do Insert Keyframe it doesn't insert the symbol I've just created, instead it just keeps the same shapes that were at the first frame of tweet_start.fla. So how do I insert the symbols from tween_end.fla into the tenth frame of tweet_start.fla and then execute a motion tween between the frames?

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Professional :: Palette Swap Animation Without Overly Duplicating Symbols?

Jan 10, 2012

This is to be exported into a movie, so not an Actionscript question. I'm making a parody of a fighter-game scenario. One character looks like Subzero and the other like Scorpion. They're the same models but one should be colored differently. They're comprised of symbols such as arms and legs to make a larger overall character animation. There are several animations of them, for kicks, punches, bobbing, etc. Now, I know that if I went in and edited the colors, that all instances would change accordingly. Duplicating the symbol doesn't work because they share the same inner symbols. Is there a method for "deep" duplication? A tint doesn't work because essentially I only want to change the color of some of the components.

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Professional :: Keyboard Shortcut For "swap Symbol"?

Jun 8, 2010

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Professional :: CS5 Animation Symbol Replacement

Jan 7, 2012

my company (FB games) has fired everyone who knew what they were doing leaving me, with no knowledge of flash, staring at my to-do list near tears, unable to complete basic tasks.I need to take an existing walk cycle animation and replace the character with another design. After breaking the new character body into symbols, I've tried to sub them in using swap symbol. The body parts do not line up with the previous symbols, and they also seem to go flying all over the place when I run the cycle. I can't figure out how to just update the symbols without disrupting the placement.

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Professional :: Movie Clip Symbol Plays At End Of Animation, But Does Not Appear In Timeline?

Jul 11, 2011

When I play my animation in the Flash working file, the animation stops at the end of the timeline, as it should. But when I test the movie, or export it to any movie format, it will play an instance of a movie clip symbol that I used within the animation. There are no extra frames in the timeline beyond what should be considered the last frame. Is there a setting or something I have overlooked that might cause that instance of the symbol to play at the end of the animation, without appearing in the main timeline?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swap Symbol With Button?

Nov 16, 2009

How would I go about setting a button so when pressed, it swapped one symbol for another?

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Professional :: Adding Button Symbol Disables Movie Clip Animation?

Mar 29, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Button Swap A Symbol?

Nov 17, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Perform Swap Symbol Action?

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Aug 5, 2008

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swap A Symbol With Fade From A Button?

Jul 24, 2011

I am trying to swap a symbol using a button, but also have the old symbol fade out and the new symbol fade in. For instance say I have this blue circle with two arrow buttons to move forward and backward through a series of different colored circles. Like a red green and a blue one.When you click on the right button it should change to red, if you click it again it should change to green. If you were to click the left one now, it should take you back to the red.SO I basically want it to cycle you through the 3 different symbols. Unloading one, and loading the next. As an extra nicety, I would like the one that is leaving fade out, as the new one coming in to fade in.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Activating A Symbol Swap With A Tweening Shape?

Jan 6, 2011

I need to create an Flash animation that simulates dots moving like 'flocks' between different areas of the stage. I've created an image to show you what I mean:

*edit* Don't have 50 posts yet, so I can't show you visually what I mean

My idea is to create a symbol that starts red and goes black when a tweening shape 'touches' it. That way I can create a 'flocking birds' movement effect without having to manually change each symbol for each frame (I would just animate the shape around the stage and the dots would turn black when touched by the shape and return to red when not).

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Converted Symbol Can't Be Pasted Into Keyframe: Motion Tweening?

Jul 24, 2010

I have two files one is called tween_start.fla and the other is called tween_end.fla I am trying to create a motion tween where the animation begins at tween_start.fla and ends at tween_end.fla Each file consists of 7 shapes (it's a tangram if you're curious). At frame 10 of the tween_start.fla timeline I right-click on each layer and do Insert Blank Keyframe. Then I go to tween_end.fla click on a shape and do Modify>Convert to Symbol. Then I go back to the timeline for tween_start.fla, right-click on frame 10 and do Paste Frames or Insert Keyframe. If I do Paste Frames with all of the symbols I've created in tween_end.fla then the shapes end up stacked on top of each other. If I do Insert Keyframe it doesn't insert the symbol I've just created, instead it just keeps the same shapes that were at the first frame of tweet_start.fla. So how do I insert the symbols from tween_end.fla into the tenth frame of tweet_start.fla and then execute a motion tween between the frames?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Display/Swap Symbol While Staying On The Same Frame?

Jul 12, 2010

I am making flash segments for one of my professors for online teaching and the way he has his server set up, whenever there are interactive segments, the segments are done on one frame. Right now I am trying to make an interactive segment where you click on input variables to an AND gate (in circuitry) to change the input from 0 and 1, and then based on these inputs it will show the output.

Basically I want to start out by having them all display ?'s, and then if you click on the ? it turns into a 1 and then clicking again goes to a 0 and 1 and 0 etc. How can I either change what these buttons look like or how can I change the buttons to go from the ? button to the 1 button while all staying on one frame? I am very very new to actionscript (I know how to AddEvent Listener, etc, I just need to know what to write for my function)

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Swap Depths: Not Working With Animation

Jul 31, 2009

*I can't post the file due to the company policy, so I'll do my best to explain. 3 movie clips: slide 1, 2, and 3. Each loads an external image.

Layers (how I have them set up):
slide 1
slide 2
slide 3

The slides have a 3d feel, as if they are in the distance. When the user clicks one, the slide(mc) motion-tweens towards the screen, while the other 2 stay back. Obviously, if slide 2 comes towards the screen then slide 1 will be over top of it DUE TO layer structure (above). And of course, 1 & 2 will be over slide 3. To get around this I made a "current" layer over top of all the slide layers. So if I click on slide 2/3 then the tween is up on the "current" layer instead of the "slide 2/3" layer so that it's the highest.


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More Efficient Keyframe Animation In Flash CS4/5?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm doing a lot of keyframe masking of vines/flowers for a project I'm working on, and it looks really good but is, of course, very time consuming.I'm curious if there's any techniques/tools for making these animations faster, and more importantly making them more editable later. I'm afraid I'm going to keyframe out entire sections of animation only for the client to say "Looks great, but can you speed it up just a touch?" and I'll have to rebuilt it all from scratch again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keyframe Animation As Preloader

Aug 23, 2008

In my SWF I have two scenes. A preloader Scene and the actual scene where the magic happens...

I have made all the graphics for the preloader. It's my logo which is unmasking as the loading progress. The animated mask is keyframed, as the logo is abit complex.

After a several searches here, and on the net "outside"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swap Out One Image For Another In A Flash Animation?

Aug 28, 2009

I am trying to swap out one image for another in a Flash animation. On a mouse over, the want the new image (appb_mc) to appear OVER the existing image (appa_mc).I used the following code, but the new image keeps flashing. I am assuming it is because the new image is appearing OVER the existing image. If I have the new image appear other than over the existing image, it works fine. What can I do to make it work properly? These images need to be within the Flash file and not in an array.Actionscript I am using:

appb_mc.visible = false;
function showGraphic1(event:MouseEvent):void

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keyframe Animation Control Class?

Oct 11, 2007

i'm looking for some class that does something similar to what mcTween2's method "frameTo" but with looping on the end of the movieClip.what i need is to control a 3d animation (frame by frame) with the mouse, - drag to rotate.

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Flash :: Rails 3 Swap A Layout Image For A Animation?

Feb 11, 2011

So I have a helper that I'm using to swap my header image for another image that seems to work fine. This is my helper.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access The Frames Of An Entire Animation Within One Keyframe?

Apr 3, 2011

I've created a movie clip and within that movie clip I've posted my animation, thus making an animation within one keyframe (this makes it easier to manage because instead of having to say "gotoAndPlay(70)" I can put "gotoAndPlay(1)" for the standing animation, "gotoAndPlay(2)" for the moving animation, etc.) But I don't know how to refer to the certain frames within that one keyframe via AS3.

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Professional :: Blinking Inside Of A Movie Clip Symbol And Placed The Symbol?

Aug 5, 2011

I animated eyes blinking inside of a movie clip symbol and placed the symbol on a face outside of the symbol.The eyes are stuck on the first frame. I am using CS5. What do I do?

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Inserting Keyframe - Place A Simple Text Animation On A Separate Layer And Animate It

Apr 30, 2009

Basically all I am trying to do, is place a simple text animation on a separate layer and animate it. Every time I insert the first keyframe on the first character of the text I am animating, it turns the whole document white. When I preview it like this, the white "layer" pulses at the set frame rate I have applied. I have played around with moving the layers and what not and I cant get this problem to go away.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Plays One Keyframe Then Switches To 2nd Keyframe When Date Changes?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a simple flash that has 2 layers 2 images. one image is on the first frame and the other image is on the second keyframe. Actionscript starts on 1st keyframe.  What I have it doing is loading frame one stop() reads the actionscript checks the date if the date is met it goes and stops on frame 2 and plays other image:
Everytime the flash refreshes it plays frame one then jumps to frame 2 if the date is met.  How do I avoid playing frame one if the date is met what it's doing is playing the first image before the date change and a split second after it plays frame 2.  (you see a hiccup)
i need the flash to "preload, check the actionscript before it loads if the date is met automataclly go to frame 2 avoiding frame one all together.

actionscript used on frame one:

var year:Number = 2012;
var month:Number = 3;
var day:Number = 22;


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Professional :: Putting A Symbol Into Another Symbol?

Feb 13, 2011

I am following this tutorial, [URL] and everything works until i actually try to place a graphic symbol into another symbol. I am trying to make a character walk across the stage. Flash tells me I cannot place a symbol within itself. Why not and how can i!!

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IDE :: Converting Animation To Symbol?

Mar 28, 2010

I made an animation on the main stage and I need to convert it to a movieclip but Im having an issue. The animation consists of 3 layers one of which is a classic motion guide. Another layer is a ball that follows the guide.

I followed these adobe website instructions- [URL]

But when I play the movieclip my ball no longer follows the guide. Is it possible to convert an animation with a guide layer to a symbol?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Text Animation(revolving Text) - Pause For 5 Seconds At Completion In The Second To Last Keyframe ?

Apr 6, 2009

I have a simple text animation(revolving text) it works fine althought i would like ti to pause for 5 seconds at completion in the second to last keyframe i added the following:
i added a final keyframe and added this to it:

it does not re-start as expected instead it stops and thats it,,,,, i need it to restart after 5 seconds?

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