ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Object To Stage On Mouseclick
Oct 28, 2009
Complete newbie to flash and as3, but im getting into it a bit with college and im making a small basic flash webpage. Im not sure if this is possible but im going try and explain it best i can to get a few pointers. So i basically have a webpage with 4 different pages, (each page being a MC ), But the pages arnt new keyframes, Instead they are small movie clips taht look like post cards. the idea i have is so when the about button is clicked it will add the about_mc to stage, it does not change to new frame, But stay's on the current frame, While it imports the about_mc to stage... My basic understanding is if i use code like this
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Dec 29, 2009
I'm trying to get an object to increase in size the lower it goes down the stage, and decrease in size the high it moves up the stage.
It only needs to increase or decrease by a small amount. Basically, it's for a game character. To ad realism to his movements, it would be nice to have this feature.
This is where i'm up to so far:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
I think I need something like:
if (object moves up)
else if (object moves down)
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Nov 26, 2008
Im currently making a game that has one of those old-skool Fallout maps (a world map where you click somewhere and the "you" marker moves there) that im trying to replicate.I already have the scripts ready for map interaction (using onhit here). But i was wondering if someone could help me with a script that works this way:
1. I have a movieclip (the character)
2. When i click somewhere on the map i want this movieclip to move there. Not instantly but moving over the screen to that point where you clicked.
3. I also want there to be passages that when the movieclip hit that movieclip (named hit for example) it stops dead and doesn't move (will be used on the map for mountains and such) and the player has to click somewhere else to move it that path (im assuming this will be something like onhit: hit - speed=0 something but im not a good scripter and it would had to be worked into the script.
4. ok this one is kinda optional but would be great! If it's possible to have it worked in the script that when the clip doesn't move (and is stationary on the map) the movieclip stays on frame 1 but when the movieclip is in motion (and moving across the screen) the movieclip is on frame 2 (and reverts to frame 1 when it's not moving anymore and so no)
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Dec 27, 2010
at first ihave 3 frames coded with AS3
frame1 has var i = 0;
then frame2 has AS3 buttons (action inserted)
function Click(e:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay(2); var i = 1;
and the last one has (without click, this one works very well)gotoAndPlay(2); i++ (but it gets i=0; on click)how can i change the value ? (and this way works very well on AS2)
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May 26, 2009
I have recently made a piano in CS3 using AS2. The basic idea is that you can both click on a piano key and click on a key on your keyboard to hear the sound that particular key makes.Everything works just dandy apart from the fact that the sound doesn't seem to work at all.Below I have posted the action script (the comments are in Dutch) perhaps you'll need the FLA file as well.
//Maakt een sound object en verbind het met de piano movie clip op de stage
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May 14, 2009
im loading a swf into my flash but the whole swf that is loaded gets the "click hand"
is there a way to get rid of this?
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Oct 12, 2010
All of my buttons load their respective external swf files. However, they load on top of each other. How do I set each button to UNLOAD the external swf's that have already been loaded by the previous buttons.Here is what I have now:
movieClip_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF);
var fl_Loader:Loader;
//This variable keeps track of whether you want to load or unload the SWF
var fl_ToLoad:Boolean = true;
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Jan 6, 2012
I have a most simple animation which I want to start on mouse click. I use CS5 and ActionScript 3.0. I have one layer where my animation is in, and an actions layer. When I add a stop(); at frame 1, the whole thing does not start. So far, so good. How do I tell Flash that it should then start the animation after clicking the mouse?I am a complete newbie but have tried since hours to overcome this problem.
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Mar 14, 2012
Is there a way to get the path to the movieClip I'm clicking?
e.g. event.currentTarget.path? (This doesn't work but I'd like something like it!)
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Apr 17, 2009
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new_carousel_item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLIC K, getValue);
new_carousel_item.buttonMode = true;
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Dec 2, 2009
I'm going to by chance include a message I sent out to a colleague in the off-chance someone also has a solution to it, but it also pertains to my issue. Skip to the bolded part below for just the question I have.I've been tasked with converting a Powerpoint presentation into a Flash presentation. I was considering manually doing it, but it seems like it would take an awful long time (240 slides, with videos and animations) - plus I don't know how to export the animations on individual slides over to Flash other than recreating them entirely.
I found a handful of programs on the Web that advertise that they will convert PPT to Flash (swf) and I tried a few to see which if any I should purchase. All of them had issues. Some either didn't run entirely or the end result was graphically ugly, videos weren't carried over (a problem I could easily rectify if the thing was an FLA where I could add videos back in that way), or animations were either mangled or ignored best tackle this challenge?Okay, so I basically started to just recreate the entire thing in Flash, using PrtScrn for backgrounds after deleting objects (then pasting in Photoshop and exporting as a PNG-24), as well as copying graphics into Photoshop as well to export as PNGs. No idea what to do about animations yet. Videos I can add back manually.
But anyways, as I do this, the movie is automatically advancing through every frame when I preview. I'm not sure how to go about setting up my Flash so that it only goes to the next frame when someone either presses the mouse button or the spacebar (either would be fine, I think).So that's my main focus at the moment. The other stuff is definitely part of the whole deal, but my main question is:ow do I set up Flash so that it only advances to the next frame when a mouse button or spacebar is pushed?
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Nov 8, 2011
I have this movieClip container/holder with several movieClips inside.The container is draggable over the Y axis with TOUCH_BEGIN(same as MOUSE_DOWN) and stops dragging with TOUCH_END(same as MOUSE_UP).But the movieClips WITHIN this holder are clickable with TOUCH_TAP(or CLICK).
Here's the problem:When I start dragging with my finger(mouse) on one of the movieClips within the holder, and release with my finger(mouse) still on the movieClip (I have an ease added to the dragging so it's possible my finger(mouse) won't be on the movieClip when done dragging) it will fire the function of this movieClip.This is really annoying because what if you started dragging, and wanted to click the movieClip beneath the one your finger(mouse) is on right now.I already tried something with removing/adding eventListeners but that doesn't work.
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Apr 12, 2012
I am trying to spawn a sprite (which works correctly). But i cant seem to remove the sprite on mouseclick. I have my object called Cactus. It runs fine but returns an error when clicking.
import flash.display.*;
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Oct 16, 2002
Is it possible to define the properties of a movieclip by clicking a button and then to play the movieclip by pressing another button.
for example:
clicking on buttonA defines the sizeA of a circle clicking on buttonB defines a second sizeB of the same circle clicking on buttonC makes the circel growing from sizeA to sizeB
this I need for 25 different circles which shoud grow at the same time
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Feb 20, 2009
I have a function that is called from clicking a button
PHP Code:
con.scrollerDetails_mc.content_mc.info_mc.spin.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, spinIt);
var isTurning:Boolean = false;
function spinIt(e:Event):void
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Nov 5, 2008
I'm working on a custom AS visual component, based on UIComponent class. Inside this component, I have a button I programatically added. I set the mouseClick event of it, and it works fine. When the mouseClick for the button starts, it adds a listener for MouseDown on the stage. This is my problem. Once that MouseDown event listener is initiated it won't ever pay attention to the MouseClick listener of the button (which will
turn off the MouseDown listener!). I've tried setting the priority number when creating the listeners, but this is not working. My mouseClick listeners gets ignored.
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Oct 30, 2010
If I want to have a mouseEvent and add an image to a sprite I need to add the image in the class and not after? See where I have used addChild?
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Jan 26, 2009
Let's say I have 10 different buttons, a click on each button will open a different website. Currently, I have 10 different functions for 10 buttons. Is there a way to simplify the code and only have one function for all the buttons and only pass the URL to the onclick function?
button121.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickButton121(""));
function clickButton121(event:MouseEvent, urlString:String):void{
myURL = new URLRequest(urlString);
I can say it will be very inefficient if i have 100 buttons and having to write 100 functions.
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May 16, 2010
I've got 2 different movieclips, one named playScreen and one named gameOverScreen. I've got a function in playScreen that plays a gunshot everytime I press the left mouse button, but when I do removeChild on playScreen and addChild on gameOverScreen, the gunshot sound still plays when I press the left mouse button.
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Oct 12, 2010
I am trying to load an external swf as soon as my main movie starts AND when I click a button. I already have it set for a mouse click event, but I cannot figure out what to add to get it to load automatically when the main move starts also. [code]...
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