ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding MovieClips To Container Versus Arrays
Sep 21, 2009
I have here 2 options here of adding movieclips to a container, but I don't know which one is better. I want to know the pros and cons of each one. Also, What of the options is faster?. (i mean, which one uses less processor and memory resources?.
Option 1.
Select allvar container:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
for (var i:int=0;i<10;i++){
var tank:Tank = new Tank(); //Tank is a movieclip in the library.
} MovieClip(container.getChildAt(2)).visible = false;
Option 2.
Select allvar container:Array = new Array();
for (var i:int=0;i<10;i++){
container.push(new Tank()); //Tank is a movieclip in the library.
} container[2].visible = false;
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var picContainer:PicContainer = new PicContainer();
picContainer.x = stage.stageWidth / 2 - picContainer.width / 2;
picContainer.y = stage.stageHeight / 2 - picContainer.height / 2;
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[Code] .....
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all objects in inactiveArray gotoAndStop("inactive");
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Jan 31, 2010
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// there are 4 movielcips on the stage with name a1 - a4.
// create array
var Bro:Array = ["a1","a2","a3","a4"];
// for loop
for ( var i:Number = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Add event listener to array values to buttons.
Bro[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, roll, false, 0, true);
//execute this function on rollover
function roll() {
trace("why wont my arrays work in for loops");
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Jan 21, 2011
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var slideDataArray:Array = new Array();
var slideShowDataArray:Array = new Array();
slideDataArray[0] = xmlData.SlideShowParameters.SlideShowImagesDirectory;[code]........
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Sep 21, 2011
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else if (newPanel == false){
// simpleData is just for the title bar of the new panel
// otherwise the panel has no content
The error I get is: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property panel4.4 not found on components.readTest and there is no default value.
I have tried setting the "name" property instead of the "id" property.
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detailContent.RatingContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ratingClickHandler);
private function ratingClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{
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Sep 19, 2010
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Jun 19, 2009
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See this step of basic code:: and perhaps someone may have an obvious point to make about the differences of standard procedures, moving from AS2 to AS3::�
var container:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var wing:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
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Mar 18, 2009
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Nov 22, 2010
How can I make an array that accepts only a single kind of element?For example, this:var arr:Array of MovieClip = [ mc1 , mc2 ];Basically, I want to do something like this:for ( var i:Number = 0; i<arr.lenght; i++ ) arr[i].alpha = 0.5;Of course, I could to it manually, but that's ugly, and I'll have to add a bunch of "if"s if I want to access the next element (as "if ( element == mc1 ) mc2.alpha = 0.5;")
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Oct 26, 2007
I'm trying to create something (which has probably been created a 1000 times before) that will fade in and out a series of images. I load the images into my movie and then I want to make some action script to loop through them to fadeIn/Out.So to begin with I want to store all the image names in an array and then loop through this. But I'm having problems accessing the movie clips from the array. Where am I going wrong?
var images:Array = new Array();
images = [wine_mc, sunset_mc, poppies_mc, pool_mc, eastView_mc]
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Feb 17, 2009
i have an array of movieclips that are only in the libray:
var aeropuertosInfo:Array=new Array (iacapulco,iaguascalientes,icampeche,icancun,idf,i carmen,ijuarez,iobregon,ivictoria,
ichetumal,ichihuahua,icozumel,iculiacan,idurango,i guadalajara,iguanajuato,iguaymas,
ihermosillo,ihuatulco,iixtapa,ilapaz,iloreto,imoch is,imanzanillo,imatamoros,imazatlan,
when i try to place them in the scene, for example: addChild (aeropuertosInfo[2]) , an error pops up telling me that it can't convert icampeche$ in flash.display.DisplayObject.
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Jun 10, 2010
I have a problem creating multiple movieclips inside a container mc. The one created later always overwrited the one created immediately before it and ended up with only the last one left in the container mc. Below is the code:
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Oct 21, 2009
point in the right direction if there's been a post previously on this, I did a search but didn't find anything. So my problem is that I'm creating objects dynamically and adding them to a movieclip container. I.e. click button -> generate new instance of Item class -> container.addChild(item).
What on earth am I missing?! I've googled and found working examples of that, but it just does not do the trick for me. I'm compiling the project as an Adobe AIR file, but as far as I'm concerned, it should not intervene with the x and y values of the movie clips. I also tried getting the values by methods in the Item class, but with no luck.
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Mar 8, 2011
How can I check how many movieClips exist in a container and how much space are they taken?
In other words, how can I make this calculation if I have a rectangular movieClip (containerMc) that is 5x1px and five square movieClips (sq1Mc,sq2Mc, sq3Mc, sq4Mc and sq5Mc) that are 1x1px and which can dynamically be placed inside containerMc and I want to know how many and which of these five movieClips already exist in containerMc so I can determine where the next square movieClip needs to be placed?
Can someone be so kind and show me how to do this or direct me where I can find the answer?
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Jul 29, 2005
I've got a movie clip that consists of a few other movie clips. This is to maintain a certain degree of order in the chaos. I use action script to load the container mc on the stage. Now I want to change some properties of on of the contained mc's, but they seem to be unreachable. So I did a little testing and I found out that when you just place an instance on the stage, those contained MC's are accesable, you can see in the debugger that the container MC contains other stuff. But if the MC is loaded with attachMovie(), the debugger does not show that the container has other mc's within it, and therefor I cannot change the properties of those mc's.
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Mar 8, 2011
In other words, how can I make this calculation if I have a rectangular movieClip (containerMc) that is 5x1px and five square movieClips (sq1Mc,sq2Mc, sq3Mc, sq4Mc and sq5Mc) that are 1x1px and which can dynamically be placed inside containerMc and I want to know how many and which of these five movieClips already exist in containerMc so I can determine where the next square movieClip needs to be placed?
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Oct 27, 2011
I have a game where i add some cartoonish ants, that when they are clicked, they need to be removed from stage. There are 4 differend kinds of ants, so im doing a Math.random for picking which one to add. (ant 1+2+3 have 50% chance to spawn and 4th 50%) rnd_nbr = (Math.random() * 5)+1;
I have a timer doing 10 tick, and i reset the timer to make neverending. Then i have a math random and if sentences adding mc' to the stage with movement from Tweener, and event listeners for clicks. But i cant figure out how to remove them when clicked. I have done alot of failed tries right inside the click_candy_anty function. I've left them commented out.
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Nov 16, 2010
I've a container in a scrollpane with some vertically ordered movieclips in it (one on top of the other). I have another container of movieclips that I can drag into container 1. Once the new movieclip is dragged in, the other clips move to make space for it. Also, the clips in 1 can be dragged to a new position, and the other clips move up or down to accomodate the moved clip.
I did it using a lot of x and y positioning. It works, until I use the scroller. Then the positioning gets all screwy. My thinking now is to use arrays, but I'm wondeirng if it's possible when you're pushing an item into an array, to push it into a certain position in the array? So, push it into position 15 for example? How do you tell Flash to add an item to a certain array position?
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Oct 3, 2002
I have several external SWF (child) movies that are to be loaded upon demand into another SWF container (parent) movie file. Pretty straight forward. Each of the child movies has MCs communicating with other MCs within the same child movie. For instance the timeline of one MC will have a frame action, which targets another MC instance to play(). Again, Pretty straightforward stuff.
These files work beautifully when viewed independently. The problem is when they are loaded into the parent container movie the target MC functionality no longer works. I believe it's because once the child movie is loaded into the parent movie the absolute path of the targeted MC has changed and what was once the '_root' in the child movie is no longer the actual root?
I have tried both methods in the child movie:
//method without using 'with';
And using the 'with action like so:
//method using 'with
with (_root.ContentWindow) {
It would seem that in theory once the Child SWF file is loaded into the Parent SWF file the targeted path would have to have another level in it - cuz now the MC 'ContentWindow' is no longer one level down from the '_root' but two levels?
For example:
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Nov 26, 2010
I'm fairly new to AS3. In AS2 I often used objects to store properties so I can creatre them dynamically and refer to them later.Sometime I use an array as a property. I am wondering if my method of doing this is the best way, or if AS3 has other methods that might be better suited.In this case I have an object that stores properties like ID no. and I also want to store an array of sub properties which are in array.[code]
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Feb 24, 2011
I have a custom component extending Group and containing a viewstack child. The component is coded in actionscript.
When instantiating the component in mxml like so:
<components:CustomGroup width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:HBox backgroundColor="0xDDFF11" width="100%" height="100%" />
<mx:HBox backgroundColor="0x22DD63" width="100%" height="100%"/>
...I would like to override whatever function that adds the children to the parent Group and add them to the child viewstack instead but I can't seem to find where the adding occurs. Breakpoints in addChild and addElement shows that they are not called during the add.
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Nov 29, 2011
I have 2 movieclips(mc1, mc2) nested inside a movieclip(container) who is nested inside another movieclip(main).
(mc1 & mc2 -> container -> main)
How can I define an array for those 2 movieclips(mc1 mc2) so that it can be used in the main timeline?
E.g: if the 2 movieclips were on stage then var theArray:Array = [mc1, mc2]
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