ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign F11 Key To Button?

Nov 2, 2009

Is it possible to assign the F11 key to a button in as3? Couldn't find anything on the www.

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Assign A URL To A Button?

Jan 28, 2011

When I worked with Flash CS3 and CS4, you could click on an element (such as a photo or a button) and a URL field would appear within the properties pane. From there, you could assign a URL to this element. I'm trying to figure out how to do this in CS5, but I can't find any way of doing it without actions

Is there anyway to simply assign a URL to an element in CS5?

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How To Assign Action To Button From Timeline

Oct 2, 2010

I am new commer I have 29 buttons on stage by which I have to call 29 swf externally. Can I assign action to this button in keyframe to call external loadmovieNum. I can assign directly to button but I want it by keyframe. I have tried by instance name. On release loadmovie but there is a problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign GetUrl To Button In AttachMovie?

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I'm working with some XML-supplied data, with a variable number of elements. I'm using a loop to add instances of a symbol for each element via attachMovie. But something is preventing my URL action from getting properly assigned.

When I do this:

ActionScript Code:
itemY = 0;
urls = [];


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Using XML To Assign URL To Movieclip Button In Carousel?

Feb 13, 2009

I just completed the carousel menu tutorials 1 and 2, and I'd like to adapt the menu for my own use. I want to have each button go to a different URL when clicked, and I've assigned a URL to each button in my XML document under the name "URLREF" (because flash would assume URL wasn't an identifier.How can I tell flash (Using CS3 and AS2) to read the URLREF values for each button, and then tell it to open those URLs in a new window when their buttons are clicked? (note - The getURL should, as far as I'm aware, be in the function "released," where my "tooltext" trace is.)Here's my actionscript: (and XML a little further down.)

import mx.utils.Delegate;

var numOfItems:Number;
var radiusX:Number = 300;[code]................

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Button & Assign Value To Text Box

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Action To Dynamic Button?

Feb 3, 2005

I am creating a dynamic group of buttons based on a string that i pass to flash file. There is no problem creating these buttons (that I do duplicating a movieclip from my library) The question is, that i need these buttons to open another page, all buttons the same, but passing a parameter. How can i assign the action to my buttons?

My frame 1 code is at this moment:

for (i=0; i<totalItems; i++) {
_root.attachMovie('loader', 'imageLoader'+i, getNextHighestDepth());
_root['imageLoader'+i]._x = 132*(i);
_root['imageLoader'+i]._y = 1;

The string that flash receives is something like

totalItems=3&img0=pic01.jpg&id0=01&img1=pic02.jpg& id1=02

and the parameter i want to pass to the new page is the value of 'id'.

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Nov 26, 2003

Me and some friends here at school (hyper island) has got an assignment to make a flashgame.Now we have some problems. We want to assign a button on the keyboard to a specific player. Something like this "Player 1 choose your button" and so on.

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Flex :: Assign A Button's UpSkin Property With A Remote File Dynamically?

Mar 18, 2010

I am building a Flex application with ActionScript 3. Unfortunately I've hit a wall with this one...I would like to be able to apply an upSkin to my dynamically generated button like this:

//this theSkin variable is dynamic in my app, but for this example it's a simple string
var theSkin:String = "";
var navBtn:Button = new Button(); = "thumb1";


When I attempt this, I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@3dac941 to Class.

How do I skin this button with my image dynamically? A couple of things to consider:The upSkin image must be remote. It can't be local.The button must be generated dynamically (it's in a for loop).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML- Assign More Than 1 "action" To The Button - Senocular Tutorial

Jul 6, 2004

I have studied Senocular tutorial at Kirupa : XML- Driven Drop Down Menu at this link an I learnt a lot. The menu1.xml has a structure like this : Code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML- Possible To Assign More Than 1 "action" To The Button?

Jul 6, 2004

I have studied Senocular tutorial at Kirupa : XML- Driven Drop Down Menu at this link an I learnt a lot.The menu1.xml has a structure like this :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<menu name="example">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Assign Value To MovieClip

Feb 24, 2009

I am new to AS3 and, I am just trying some simple(maybe) functions. Is it possible to assign values to a movie clip? I have three buttons and I want each one to have a value (1, 2, and 3). I tried
var buttonOne = 1 and I get this error "ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property buttonMode on Number."
How do I assign a value to a movieClip(if possible)?

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May 12, 2009

How do you make it so that pressing "back space" goes back one frame in the time line on a swf using action script 2?

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How To Assign Variable To Text Box

Mar 11, 2010

I created an input text box. But when i try to go and click on the "variable" option to assign a variable i get this error: "This feature is not supported by ActionScript 3.0. To use this feature, you must target ActionScript 1.0-2.0." How can i do that? By the way, the variable textbox where you need to enter the variable name is gray. I can't write in it. I'm using flash CS4.

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As3 :: Can't Assign Text To A Variable

Aug 31, 2011

I wanted to make a little quiz kind of game, 4 choices and a sum randomly displayed.And i wanted to assign each time a random choice (to contain the answer) and i've done that, and can trace that 'rightChoiceBox' = _choice(random num)and i can trace the answer itself but what i've commented at the end won't work I get the error

Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 5, Line 221119: Access of possibly undefined property text through a reference with static type String[code]...

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Assign Icon From Liabrary?

Dec 3, 2009

I have a button, my_btn on stage. I want to assign a movie in the liabrary to this button. In the liabrary I assign the movie linkage identifier as "good" and have this script in first frame : my_btn.icon="good";. I have no result,

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Any Way To Assign MovieClip Name?

Apr 15, 2010

for (var j:Number = 0; j<myObj.rows; j++) {
var clip:String="clip"+j
This is my for loop and my movieclip path is _root.re1.reel1.clip0 to _root.re1.reel1.clip3
So how can assign clip no?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign A Number Value To A Mc?

Dec 16, 2011

assign a number value to an mc. So I'm done my early work on it and am ready to try and integrate this function. I'm making a small change game. So game is split into five scenes, each scene the person will receive a receipt. The person will have change in their hand (all canadian denominations). They have to look at the receipt and the change in their hand (both mcs), and figure out if its correct. If not they drag change from another pile and place it in the hand. So here's what I'm looking at trying to accomplish. I'd like to have a check change button (simple mc). I'm guessing that each coin needs a numeric value associated with it (no clue on if or how you could do this). If the numbers add up to the predetermined bill value (so I'm guessing I'd give that a numeric value as well), i hit the check button and it'll see if the change in the hand adds up to match what the bill should. So here's where my code sits currently, still tweaking as we speak. I'm still new so be gentle on my code I know its long.  
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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Flex :: Cannot Assign To A Non-reference Value

Jan 22, 2010

I have a strange problem, I have a XMLList with elements who have the attribute position from 0 to x. When I want to add text to a element of that XMLList by the following statement, I get a error message:

textElements.(@position == columnIndex) = "anyString";

1050: Cannot assign to a non-reference value.

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AS3 :: Assign A Value To Variable In Flash?

Aug 18, 2010

I am able to get the name of the MovieClip a user clicks on.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign GetURL Value With XML?

Feb 2, 2006

I'm having trouble getting urls to work with an XML document I'm pulling into flash.

The XML looks like this:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Var Value To Mc Both Taken From Array?

Mar 8, 2006

I can't seem to find a way around this one.2 arrays:

//array containing mc instance name placed on stage
var mc_array = new Array(mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4, mc5, mc6, mc7, mc8, mc9, mc10, mc11);
//array of values for var selMc, to be assigned to mcs


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Assign Var And Loadmovie

Feb 12, 2007

quires the main page to fade to black and then load an .swf using .loadmovie. The swf begins with black and fades out to reveal a set of buttons. This should create a seamless fade-to-black and un-fade to the loaded swf.The problem is that there are multiple buttons presenting multiple choices on the main page, and I want each one, when clicked, to create a variable with a certian value corresponding to the button pressed. I want to use that variable in a switch statement to load the right .swf that corresponds to the button pressed on the main page.'m not sure if this is a syntax problem, flash seems to think my code is okayI put this on the first frame...

_global.yearVar = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Assign Variable?

Aug 24, 2007

I define my instance as msg1. It is a text box with Dynamic Text.Then, I wrote the ActionScript as this:var var1:String;

msg1.text = var1;
My code included this:
<param name="movie" value="card01.swf?var1=Testing1" />.......


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