ActionScript 3.0 :: Background Loading Causing Animation Slowdown?

Feb 9, 2009

I am using Bulkloader [URL] to load in a succession of 10 images whilst the main elements of my site have already been preloaded. It is required that these images are not loaded within the preloader as they are large in size and this will increase the wait to an unacceptable level. They are not added to the display list upon succesful load but instead are added at a later time.

The problem I am having is that the menu navigation of the site is slowed down considerably and looks sluggish if the user navigates around whilst the images are being loaded in the background. Once loading stops everything is fluid and smooth. The animations are being carried out using a combination of timeline and Tweener.

Firstly, does anyone know if this is normal behaviour? I don't see why something being loaded should interfere with something moving on the screen, they are doing completely different tasks so I am a bit puzzled as to why they seem to clash.

Secondly, can anyone suggest a feasible workaround? I have been experimenting with using BulkLoader's pauseAll and resumeAll methods and have had some success by detecting mouse events and pausing/resuming as and when required, but it is proving a lot more complicated than I feel it should be, especially as I don't think loading should be affecting animation in the first place.

I have tried loading the images in one-by-one as I thought having too many connections open (apparently bulkloader can open multiple connections for faster loading) may cause some memory issue or suchlike, but that made no difference, everything is still choppy and sluggish whilst the background loader is running.

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var numberOfItems:uint;
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var xml:XML;


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import com.greensock.TweenMax;
//Save the horizontal center


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leafNumber = 30;
for (i=0;
i<leafNumber; i++) {
newLeaf = leaf.duplicateMovieClip("leaf"+i, i);
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[Code] .....

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//GFX_Dot class
public function GFX_Dot() {

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Jun 3, 2007

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1. first part of game gets loaded in an empty movieclip (container_mc)
2. a listener is created that will listen to an event broadcaster that exists within the external swf.
3. when the listener receives the "done" message, I run container_mc.removeMovieClip() and then load part 2 of the game in a new empty clip called container2_mc.

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Assemble Animation / Sound And Background Image Automatically?

May 16, 2011

I need to learn how feasible it is to automatically assemble Flash animations which take a background image, an animation (or a set of vector drawings that can be turned into an animation) and a sound file from a set of files. In other words, assume that I have the following set of files:

3 background images (let's assume JPG)
3 animations (no sound, no static background)
100 sound files (let's assume MP3)

So if I want to code something like:
for i 1 to 3
for k 1 to 3
take animation i
take background image k
for j 1 to 100
take sound_file j
resulting_swf = assemble (animation[i], background[i], sound_file[j])

Which will produce 900 Flash animations with different combinations of sound and background, what is the starting point? Are there some libraries (in Python, Perl, PHP, etc.) with good documentation and examples to develop something like that, some program that I can run from the command line?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Single Background Animation Running Through All Scenes?

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I currently have 6 scenes in my current movie. It's going to be an online portfolio and each page is a section of the portfolio. However, I have an animated background (400 frames long) that I want to be played throughout the entire site. Of course, when I try and do this the animation resets every time the scene changes. The best I could do so far is to have it running on every page this way but like i said, it resets every time the scene changes. Is it possible to set this background to run smoothly through the portfolio without resetting?

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on (release) {

There are 9 scenes which are very short.BUT, when I tried to export it, it took about 15 minutes to export.

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ActionScript Code:
package  {
import flash.display.Sprite;


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Aug 11, 2009

I am working on some particle effects, and I am experiencing noticeable slowdown anytime I move the mouse. I am not using any MouseEvents, and I even see this slowdown when the mouse is moving outside of the Flash window. Also, I only notice this slowdown when running the movie from within Flash CS3 (when I run the .swf externally, it runs flawlessly).How can I make this slowdown disappear?

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May 21, 2009

I'm trying to create a simple splash page for a site that has a scalable background animation, with a fixed size content animation that will stay centred for different sized browser windows or if the window is resized.[code]In general am I on the right track to achieve something similar to the example I posted? Is there a better method to use?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CPU Intensive Animation - Get These Huge Animations To Run In The Background Smoothly?

Jan 24, 2009

So I'm building a music site for a client, he's got a record theme so I thought it would be cool to build the site to look like a big turn table with all the content on the record.the record is designed to spin (not as disorienting as you'd think, just the grooves spin)...but the record image, which I did in Photoshop, is huge.

It was just slowing things down to a near crawl in browser. So I split the record image into four pieces and then mirrored them to get the full piece of the pie. It worked, but it's still running slightly slow. I do have a couple of blending options set to act as lights over the record...I tried deleting them to see if it would run faster, it's still jumpy. When the record is not moving(there's a button to turn it off) everything runs smoothly. The entire move is about 300k in file size and the record is being animated via actionscript.How do some of these bigger sites get these HUGE animations to run in the background so smoothly?

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