ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Disappearing When Moving Between Frames
Apr 12, 2011
I am trying to step from AS2 to AS3, not that easy.. I got to this point with a simple 3 frames movieclip. Frame 1 gives the option of loading 2 different external swf, frame 2 load directly a 3rd external swf, frame 3 nuttin happen. All works ok except when from frame2 i will go back to frame1, one of the 2 button (to load ext swf) disappear. The code i wrote down is prolly not the best.[code]...
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Code: Select allstop();
var l:Loader = new Loader();
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);
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Sep 24, 2009
I'm Making a catalog on Flash CS4 ActionScript 3.0and I don't know ho to move between movie clips using buttons and action script...In Scene 1 I have 2 framesIn frame 1 y have a movie clip (MC) and inside that movie clip I have 10 framesIn frame 10 of the MC, I want to put a button that will take me to frame 2 of my original timeline (NOT frame 2 of the MC)an some one tell me how's it done?or if it can't be done that way...then ...How do I go from frame 1 to frame 2 on my original timeline in Scene 1 after the movie clip in frame one is done?
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on (release) {
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Jul 20, 2010
I am very very new to action script, most of the flash I use is for banner animation etc. I am doing a video that I need to start playing automatically, but it has to start playing muted. For this part I am using the following code
vid.playPauseButton = playpauseVid;
vid.volume = 0;
vid._uiMgr._isMuted = true;
vid.muteButton = mute;
vid is my video instance name.
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PHP Code:
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
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Example Code � Frame 1
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However what I need to have happen, is instead of having it check to see if you visited the page by clicking a button, I would like it to check if you visited a frame just be going to that frame. I am not sure how to do that.
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Feb 10, 2012
I am getting the following error message:
"TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at fl.containers::ScrollPane/endDrag()"
The problem occurs when I like this: I click a button on the Main Frame which takes me to frame #2. I go back to the Main Frame and then come back to the frame #2. When I go to Frame #2. I get the error message. I suspect the problem is occurring because I am not emptying the "scrollPane_1" component on exit. In the code below scrollPane_1 is a scroll pane component. This is occurring on all pages that I have the scroll pane on. Also the scroll pane component is on stage and has an instance name of "scrollPane_1".
This is an Air for iOS file. Here's the code.
scrollPane_1.source= myText_1;
bnt_home_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bnt_Goto_home_1);
function bnt_Goto_home_1(event:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....
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Sep 14, 2009
What I'm looking to happen is that on frame 2 I want audio track 1 to play and:
after 1 min 45s move to frame 3
after 1 min 51s move to frame 4
after 2 min 47s move to frame 5
after 3 min 15s move to frame 6
How would I code this or what would be the easiest way to do it??
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Feb 13, 2011
I developed a website using flash with Actionscript 3. I included a music as a background for the website and the music will loaded when the site loaded. But the problem that when I click buttons to move between pages(frames) then go and click button_01 the music will play again so I will have music playing more than one time in the background and the sound_btn will not work any more so even I click sound_btn the music will not stop. The code I'm using is listed down. What I should modify to not allow the music play more than one time in the background while moving from one page(frame) to another.
//number that is redefined when the pause button is hit
var pausePoint:Number = 0.00;
//a true or false value that is used to check whether the sound is currently playing
var isPlaying:Boolean;
[Code] .....
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Aug 19, 2009
Code://game_display_bitmapData is an object which contains bitmap data. this bitmap data is loaded from an XML file.
Now what happens is tht only one button is visible or workin at any point of time. But if i use say, "xyz_button" as the params for the about_button. then it works fine. i can see both the buttons. also i tried giving unique names to the button, even that didnt work.
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May 2, 2006
Ok- so the idea is that when you click a button it plays the movies assigned to the variables gallery & button to the frames mentioned. Then the variables are changed and then when another buttons is clicked it does the same - 'except it doesn't - it does it once then sits there I have to use variables because there's a lot more buttons..but i don't understand why it doesn't work - it seems such a simple and obvious thing to try and do - why is it so HARD???
View 14 Replies
Mar 5, 2004
I have a MC, which i would like to act as a button, controlled by AS. So,inside the MC is a simple animation (the button just goes left for ten frames (preferred rollOver action) and then back for another ten (preferred rollOut action).On the MC actions I put:
on (rollOver) {
What happens is the following: on mouse over the mc goes left, on mouse out the mc goes back to its original place.It works exactly as it is supposed to. Exactly until you try again... if you move the mouse away from the mc (onRollOut), before the animation reaches the end, it goes bezerk.what happens and also how the animation can be done using only AS (with some for loop or function or something and chaning _x property)?
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Nov 4, 2010
I'm using flash for the first time to create my graphic design portfolio and I'm having trouble keeping the file size small, and can reduce it by (hopefully) doing the following:
My resume has a lot of classic tweens with alpha channels (to create fadein/fadeout effects) and as of right now, I need to create a separate layer of fadein, fadeout for each transition. IE: My resume to portfolio page needs one 20-frame transition, my portfolio page to resume needs a 20-frame transition, my 2nd page of my portfolio page to my biography needs a 20-frame transition, etc. It's getting out of hand.
I could easily remedy this by using a lot of separate fadeins fadeouts and then coding buttons to navigate from, say, frames 120-130 (resume fadeout) then go to frame 160-170 (biography fadein), then navigate to a static page. I'm not sure if this is possible, as my buttons would have to change functions each frame.
Another possible way is that currently for each button I have different layers in order to direct the button to different frames, and have placing hem in the same spot. I'm wondering if there's any way to have buttons go to separate frames on different frames, if you get what I mean (on frame 120 it'll go to 130, on frame 150 it'll go to 160 but still be the same button". Right now each button is coded with on release gotoandplay <frame>.
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Feb 15, 2010
I am getting the following error when trying to move a Move Clip on it's x axis by a value of 5.:TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no flashmovie_fla::MainTimeline/mouseDownHandler()[code]
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Sep 20, 2011
Say I have a button called a_btn on frame 1
I have a function attached to this button of the sort:
a_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, funca);
Say I have the same button (a_btn) on frame 2
If I attach a new function to a button like:
a_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, funcb);
I get an error.
How can I have the button now respond to the new function in frame 2 of my movie?
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Mar 11, 2010
I wane use my button to play a set of frames, let say from scene "apple" to scene "orange" , i used
and then immideatly
but obviously it doesn't work, because it skip the transition in-between. I am not a pro in AS3 guys they question may sound funny,
View 1 Replies
Nov 13, 2009
anyway i can move a container by holding down a button?for example if create a button and name it Btn_Right and the container is named fmcont.when Btn_Right is held down i want it to move fmcont to the right.
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Mar 5, 2010
I have a .flv file (and also the original .mov from which the .flv was created) that i have imported into a new .fla - I also have created a button and assigned actionscript to the button that links to a new web page. The button works correctly. My issue is that I need the button to show up at 6mins42seconds into the video, and I don't know how to write the script to make it do so. I could do this easily if the video showed up frame-by-frame in my timeline, but since it's an external .flv I'm stuck. From reviewing the archives, I think I may need to use cue points? I have already re-encoded the .flv with a cue point added at the right place. The encoder also asked for 'name' and 'value' parameters for the cue point, which i wasn't sure what it wanted so just entered 'button' for both as a placeholder.The button links to a website perfectly, just need to know how to code it to move onto stage exactly at 6min.42secs. OR if anything do you know how to drag out the .mov or .flv from 1 key frame into many(seems would be easier that way)
View 4 Replies
May 25, 2010
I want to move my movie clip on the stage with a button which is also on the stage. I want the movie clip to move along the x-axis and have it constantly be able to move when the button is clicked. I have a script but once the movie clip has moved I can't move it again. I would like to be able to constantly have it move along the x-axis when the button is clicked and pick up where it left off.Here is my script:
btnRight.onRelease=function() {
var t:Number = photos_MC._x;
new mx.transitions.Tween(photos_MC, "_x", mx.transitions.easing. Back.easeOut, t, 200, 8,
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May 6, 2010
I have a movie that I have been working on.There is a simple animation/intro and then a main frame with several buttons set up to jump ahead to other frames.There are 4 buttons and they all work just fine and go to the respective frame with no problems.
My problem is in trying to add a button to one of those frames. I can't get any button to work on any of those frames at all. I tried to add a "home" button that jumps back to the main frame, but that wouldn't work. So, I tried to copy the main frame and move it ahead on the time line but that didn't work either. I tried to add buttons for the other frames as well and no button would work (regardless of where it was referenced) on those other frames.Here is the error message I keep getting:
Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
View 9 Replies
Nov 27, 2009
Here's the code for my first frame. There's a next button that when clicked, goes to the next frame.
ActionScript Code:
next_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick ( event:MouseEvent):void
The second frame is blank. The third frame has an exact copy of the next_btn on the stage.... Yet when I click it, it does not take me to the next frame. It does nothing. What gives?
To be clear, the actionscript timeline stretches throughout the whole flash.
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