ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Permanently Hide Object

Jan 13, 2012

I'm working on a project that has multiple 'scenes' located on each frame. In one scene, if you click on an object it disappears. I did this using the visible = false method. However, anytime you return the scene after, the object is visible again. How would I write the code so that it stays invisible permanently when you click it, regardless of whether or not you leave and later return to the scene?


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on the <div> that wraps the <iframe>, the SWF object sometimes remains in plain sight, while the <div>and <iframe> go out of view as expected.


This should work in the latest versions of Safari, Chrome and Firefox on a Mac and in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer on a Windows 7 machine, and it should fail (no errors but the hiding behavior doesn't occur) in Safari on a Windows 7 machine.

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stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showDistance);
function showDistance(e:Event):void{
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function pickupKey(evt:MouseEvent):void
gotKey = true;


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Mar 30, 2010

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global = new Sound( ) //no movie clip target path.

and add the following code to your off button.

global.setVolume(0); //mutes all sound

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Dec 28, 2010

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Program Files(x86)/Adobe/Adobe Flash CS4/Common/Configuration/Component Source/ActionScript3.0/User Interface/fl/controls/

And found that on line 803 there is the code thumb.setSize(13,13). I tried changing that to 60,60 but it doesn't change the size of the handle. I don't know much about classes and I didn't think you had to compile these. I thought that in Flash when you clicked on the Components button that it loaded these classes in at that point but I must be wrong.

ActionScript Code:
override protected function configUI():void {
thumb = new BaseButton();
thumb.setSize(60, 60);
[Code] .....

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Sep 12, 2011

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