ActionScript 3.0 :: Change An Existing Object?
May 4, 2011
I want to change or rather swap an existing object after a said event, say after the player collides five times with another object, but as my knowledge is very limited I don't know how to proceed.
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scaleDirect = -1;
function dec2hex (dec)
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ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/setChildIndex()
at Foreground/enterFrame()
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?xml version="1.0"?>
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Jan 19, 2010
I have an array newArray=["bird","dog","fish"] and I want to change colour of an object, so I use:
var myColor:ColorTransform = this[newArray[0]].transform.colorTransform;
myColor.color = 0xFF0000;
this[newArray[0]].transform.colorTransform = myColor;
which causes an error. if I change the array to newArray=[bird,dog,fish] without the commas it works
var myColor:ColorTransform = [newArray[0].transform.colorTransform;
myColor.color = 0xFF0000;
newArray[0].transform.colorTransform = myColor;
Why can't it read the string, I don't really want to create a new array without the commas
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Dec 8, 2010
I am feeding a player from xml, and I'm not able to get the track to change.
ActionScript Code:
private var _currentTrackNum:int;
public var playlistdata:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
public var locationarray:Array = new Array();
The previous track function is basically the same. It does nothing, however. I can trace out _currentTrackNum and see that changing, but the song playing stays the same, even if i stop and start again, or build the stopping and starting into the function. BUT. I can change the value of currentTrackNum at the outset and it wil effect which song plays.. !?
I'm thinking maybe there is some kind of sound.unload function I need to try, but am quite confused as to why it doesn't work. The locationarray.length is coming out as 0 for some reason I don't fully understand, so I disabled that 'if' statement for incrementing track number but that didn't help..
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Jul 20, 2002
I need to know if it's possible, and if so, how, to change the tint of an object using actionscript. For instance, if one was to select a specific button, the actionscript in that button would tell the object, in this case the background, to change its tint.
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Oct 20, 2008
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May 9, 2009
I started using Flash again after a "brief" hiatus (the last time I used it, Flash was on it's MX version ).I am trying to create an animation in which I can move across the stage a simple object (a circle, a square or a star, for example) using buttons (left, right, up and down)This was fairly simple using AS 1, even when I was no expert. The thing is that those simple ways are no longer working with AS 3.I spent a few hours doing some research until I found this nice tutorial on this same site:
Code: http:[url]....
I followed the tutorial, and all was working nicely, but when I attempted to do the animation from scratch, it simply didn't work .I even used the same names for all the objects and instances, but still nothiing.
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Mar 23, 2011
I'm currently learning AS3 to develop my own game but my previous experience in game development is with LUA script. Within Lua script, you can write/script objects with different statuses with IF statements. For an example,
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Apr 9, 2010
is it possible to dynamically change one instance of an object without effecting the others? I've created an input text field in the library and when the user hits the "add text" button, it adds an instance of the input text field to the display list. They can then format the text how they wish (color,alignment,etc..). When they hit the "add text" button again, a new instance of the input text field is added to the display list, but when they try to format the new input text field, all of the fields are effected. How do I get around this?
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Dec 22, 2003
What code would I use to change the focus of an object so it would rotate around the center of the screen like for a car game with a scrolling bground that moved based on key presses?
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Apr 6, 2004
Does anyone know how to change the brightness of an object using actionscript
example: a circle by using left and right to control it brightness
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Jun 29, 2010
I was trying to change the linkage of an object from a .fla already created and with some linkages. Here are the steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new ActionScript 3.0 .fla file
2. Create a 2 Symbols (as MovieClip), name it and put some linkage.
3. Save & Close the file.
4. Open the saved file.
5. Try to change the linkage (by elimination or rename) --> YOU CAN'T!
This is a disgusting error, I can't work with these.
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Dec 5, 2010
I have an object which is converted into a symbol. I double click on this object/symbol and it goes into its own seperate timeline. For my coding purposes I would like to know how to change the registration point of the symbol so it moves along or is addjustable on a symbols its own timeline so a can create animations on an objects timeline without screwing up my codeing because objects don't register when their moved away from the registration point the compiler still thinks that the registration point is where it was previously.
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Feb 5, 2011
Why is it that I can never change a vector object's color? I mean I would think it'd be as simple as changing the fill color but that does nothing.
And why is it that copying and pasting vector objects from illustrator very inconsistent? Sometimes I get the exact copy, and other times their's three anchor points missing, very much screwing up the look of the object. Also, when I import a vector png image made in photoshop to flash, the fill is hollow at times.
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Jul 21, 2011
I'm doing a little drag and drop work and I'm wondering if it's possible to change the size of an object when it is dragged over another object on the stage..
For example I would like to drag a square movieclip around, but when it is dragged over a certain object it either play the movieclip and 'morph' into a rectangle or simply become rectangular (using a frame label or something) !
Is it possible to do this sort of thing with hitTestObject or hitTestPoint or dropTarget without contiuously checking if the objects are in contact ?
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