ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Line On Runtime Pressing Mouse Down
Dec 25, 2009
Basically I want the user to be able to create a line on runtime by first pressing mouse_down on the stage estabilisting the first xy points of the line and then move the cursor somewhere else to a different x, y co-ordinate where the user finishes the line by pressing the mouse_down button again. How to do this? I need it to be a straight line
Okay, in as3 when you click, the object on the highest layer will be clicked on. I want someone to press the space bar and have the objects on the screen to check to see if it is touching a point.So I first tried hittest...
if (this.hitTest(myPoint)){ play(); }
Now the problem was objects behind other ones were thinking they were being "clicked" on.
I'm completely new to AS3/Flash programming, though I program in C/C++/C# in my job. These days I got a project idea which I think Flash would better fit than the other languages I mentioned above. I want to create an on-line automation application that can:
1. Control user mouse clicks, or eventually keyboard, pressing some keys;
2. Communicate/connect to the user's bluetooth device, establishing connections to the mobile devices attached to it - the web application in this case would act as a server.
i need to draw a line at runtime, and i found this ", 100);, 200);" but don't know for sure how to declare myShape, i think it needs 2 lines to declare it properly, right?
run into an issue where the line spacing/leading for a Multiline Dynamic Text Field appears to place lines differently when you dynamically populate the text field at runtime than when you type the same text into the Text Field at authortime?Put two dynamic Multiline Text Fields on stage aligned horizontally with each other and each has a 9pt line spacing.In one Text Field type "Hello Cruel World", putting each word on a separate line.Leave the other Text Field blank and name it my_txt.Now when I try to populate the empty text field at runtime with:
I am working on a interactivity wherien i draw lines using a pen/pencil just as in MsPaint application in Microsoft. Ia m done with the pencil/ pen tool and its working fine but I basically want to change the thickness of the line at runtime by using a slider functionality.
How can we create an SWF out of runtime created objects in an SWF.OrSaving Runtime created objects.The idea is to create an interface in flash that can be used to create some animations , saved , and later used.
Been struggling with the basics of creating instances at runtime. I needed to implement an XML video player and even though the client has supplied a component that they liked and it works fine, i cant turn it off as im not sure how the thing works. Basically the timeline hits a keyframe and stops. It runs the code to make the player popup but once the user has exited, the player stays on.If the function creates an instance for flv playback... how do i tell it to stop?
function below function makePlayer ():void { my_player = new FLVPlayback();[code].........
I'm trying to create a container movie clip, then inside that, create several other movieclips with an image in each and display them with an offset x.It does the offsetting but only displays the last one at the last x.When i dont put the clips in a container it works fine. but i want them in the container so that i can movie the container around on a press.
Heres the code:
var itemsArray = new Array("pic1.jpg", "pic2.jpg", "pic3.jpg", "pic4.jpg"); var clipArray = new Array(); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("carousel", this.getNextHighestDepth());
I'm loading a set of images and text from an XML file.I have the images loading into empty MovieClips created dynamically using 'createEmptyMovieClip', and I can get the text into dynamic textboxes that already exist on the timeline, but this isn't exactly what I want.
What I wan't to do, is to pull the text from the XML directly into dynamic textboxes at runtime, in the same way as the images.I've read today about 'createEmptyTextField', but I can't get it to work.
Any way to take the contents of an array, which is full of texttype, and use them to create a stack of buttons. Now the actual text I have in the array will change every time the program is run. For example, let's say my array is ["apples","oranges","pears"]. I want to create three buttons (in this example) so that it appears apples oranges pears And when you click on "apples", it takes you to the corresponding "apples" webpage ("_blank").
I am writing some code that needs to be very efficient, yet flexible. This is in a class and when the class gets initialized a function is setup. I want this function to run straight through without doing any time-consuming things such as calling other functions or routines, or doing any if/else logic/branching. Now I know that you can setup a function at anytime during runtime such as:
Code: var myFunction:Function = function() {trace('HELLO!')}
But what I am trying to do is to try and append code to a function based on logic, yet I don't want the function to be deciding this logic when it is running as it will only need deciding when the function is created.... imagine if it were a string it would be something like myFunction+="do somethingelse;" which would be the same as having initially setup myFunction as such:
Code: var myFunction = function() {do something; do somethingelse;}
With this I seem to be having no luck Here's an example where I setup the most compact/efficient function at runtime depending on what I want the function to do. Now this was fairly simple because when we create the function there are only a few possible variations, but I need someway of doing a function+= as my real code has quite a few variations and it would be a nightmare have a zillion if/else branches. REMEMBER I do not want any logic/decisions in the function itself as it to be the most efficient the function must be as compact as possible and run straight-through.
Code: var dynamicFunction:Function; // // Setup the dynamic function & call it // In this example outputs "Hello Jim" & "Goodbye Jim" dynamicFunction = CrapSetupRoutine(true, true, "Jim");
P.S. I knew the += would never work as this is a function and not a string. But at least if you think of the function as a string you'll get what I'm trying to do....
The graphics object I am using has it's alpha value set to 0.1.
When these points are plotted iteratively, and the line being drawn overlaps another line drawn earlier, there is no visible change in the colour at the intersection.
If I draw the line differently, not using an array of points, the alpha is not ignored.
ActionScript Code: public function render(e:Event):void { if (segmentsCollection.length > 0)
This all occurs on each ENTER_FRAME event until the array is emptied.
I have tried loads of options but the alpha is always ignored.
I've managed to follow some drawing tutorias which work fine (mouse down draws a line everywhere you move mouse like MS paint).I would like to adapt this now if I can so that when a user clicks down, a straight line will follow their mouse until they click again and this releases the straight line. This should leave one line on the screen, then they are free to move their mouse and repeat the action again.
I need to create curved Arabic text which can be change at runtime by input from Text Field. Currently I am using Text2Curve AS3 component. It works fine with Latin symbols, but I have several problems with it when it come to Arabic text: First problem is that Arabic letters comes in four different forms: end, middle, beginning and isolated. But Text2Curve AS3 component shows them the same.Second problem is that Arabic text shouldn't have any gaps between letters. But in component you can only set one letter spacing for all symbols. So some of the symbols overlap, while other have gaps between them.Third problem is that Arabic text is written from right to left, but Text2Curve AS3 component only supports left to right. (I solved it partially by reversing input string)If someone have had similar problem, or know better component/library (paid or free), or can event create one please let me know. Also I am working with Adobe Flash Professional CS 5.5 and I don't speak Arabic. So it is quite hard for me to check if Arabic text is good or not.
I have a flash project that requires a swf file with over 300 textfields i.e a datasheet like in excel.i use actionscript 3 to dynamically add them at runtime.However I have a function calculate() that references them at compile time.So i think the problem is the caluclate() cannot find the textfields because they are still not added to the stage.How can i create them dynamically and after that add a function caluclate that will surely find the textfields?
Here is a code example of my work:
//add 50 textInput components for (var intr:Number=1; intr<=50; intr++) { var intTextField:TextInput=new TextInput();
I need to create curved Arabic text which can be change at runtime by input from Text Field.Currently I am using Text2Curve AS3 component It works fine with Latin symbols, but I have several problems with it when it come to Arabic text:˘First problem is that Arabic letters comes in four different forms: end, middle, beginning and isolated. But Text2Curve AS3 component shows them the same.Second problem is that Arabic text shouldn't have any gaps between letters. But in component you can only set one letter spacing for all symbols. So some of the symbols overlap, while other have gaps between them.Third problem is that Arabic text is written from right to left, but Text2Curve AS3 component only supports left to right
THE CODE ABOVE DOES NOT WORK ,I want to create 10 moveiclips each with unique name, which I can move around or maybe load things into later. At the moment the trace returns 'undefined' so the movieclips aren't even being created.
I'm struggling to get the mouse to release an object while in runtime...If I select the object to drag, and then drag it to the end of my stage without releasing, then go off the stage with my mouse and resize the window (x co-ords), the object seems to have an increment to the stage size, so hence when my mouse returns to the stage, the object is not "under" the mouse cursor anymore, which means it never registers the onRelease command given?
Is there a way that I can force a release on objects using AS2.0 code with another button, like a reset button?I have created the reset button, and it sends the object back to it's original place (where I picked it up), but it still has the same issue. (because the reset button is not near the point of pick up.) So... Forced "onRelease" was my solution, I just can't figure out how to do it...
I want to create line between 2 points ...such tht the line will start when i click the point A then i will drag the line by holding it to point B and i will join the line to point B by clickin on point B (somethin like the pen tool) ..then line will then be joined between the points ...
My problem is i have to make multi ple textfield at runtime on mouse click. when mouse is clicked a text field is created. i have done this part. but when add any listner to change the property color, size by combo box( i have make).It change only last one textfield property .
I want to do if i make three textbox at run time . then if i select second on only secone one is selected and all property apply on that
I want to make a timeline spanning the year -3000 up to the year 2100. I want it to have a prefixed width between the numbers, 100px, and it has to add up with 50 years every time.
How do I create and control a line of text that i turned into a button. I want to have a selected state built into the button. is that possible? Previously I created a light next to the text that changes color or highlights when the button had been selected, but I would like the text to change color when it is selected and have script that I can use to reset the button state when another button is selected.
Current button: Actionscript Code: S1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,click_S1); function click_S1(evt:Event):void { Truck.gotoAndStop(16);}
I am looking to create an effect this this: [URL] Or even were the lines come in as a group or lines do a moment and move off the stage again. Been trying to mask it but the problem is that the line vectors have no inside too them, just a pure line.
I'd like to create cool lines and bars charts dynamically, from xml data. Since I'm not an expert in Flash, I wanted to get a tool to accomplish this. So far, I've tried Flex Builder 3, but I can't figure how to draw the chart dynamically, as the xml data is constantly changing. I just see examples on the internet with xml like "Orange, Banana, Apple", when what I'd like to see is something like "......" and get each item's value and attributes to show in the chart.