ActionScript 3.0 :: Define Tween Easing Type With String
May 30, 2010
I have a String variable named type. It is supposed to hold the easing type that is used for Tweening, so for example var type:String = "Regular. easeInOut"; I then want to be able to use the variable when creating a new tween, such as:yTween = new Tween (this," y",type ,startCoord, finishCoord,duration,true); I tried to use this[type] etc. but couldnt get it to work. Any suggestions?
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Jun 27, 2008
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Running at 30 FPS
Speed: .7
Scrolling a large movieclip (like 1800 pixels in height)
It's basically a scrolling content type motion I am looking for. Click a button content scrolls revealing the proper section on the y axis. Anyway, the motion just isn't fluid enough for my liking. Any tips or a different equation to make it more fluid.
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Mar 21, 2012
I have an issue I've tried to import these tween classes. I get the errors below
ActionScript Code:
Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 2', Frame 1, Line 1 1172: Definition com.greensock could not be found.
Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 2', Frame 1, Line 2 1172: Definition com.greensock.easing could not be found.
Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 2', Frame 1, Line 1 1172: Definition com.greensock could not be found.
Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 2', Frame 1, Line 2 1172: Definition com.greensock.easing could not be found.
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Mar 31, 2007
Ok so I found this nice code over at Prototype. Its a function for Aligning to stage on Resize. [URL] It works really nice on its own but I was hoping to add some tweened easing as an additional optional parameter. (I posted there twice asking for help to no avail =( So I am asking here at Kirupa. What I wish to add is - implementing and adding an "easing" function as part of the current function. Something generalized to be called only if desired and the ability to set the ease type, duration, maybe prop etc.. (or whatever needed to make it work)
I have tried all kinds of things and below is as close as I can come (at least the only thing I can do to get the thing to move, although as you will see it works backwards and I can only get it to work using stage.width, stage.height, however I have tried newX oldX and all kinds of other things and cant seem to get things to move.
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Apr 13, 2010
Is there an online cheat-sheet to graphs of common tween / easing functions? I want a bookmark I can refer to when picking a function for a tween (e.g., Quintic, Quadratic, "Bounce"). The only one I can do in my head easily is linear.
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May 20, 2009
In my external .as file, I'm trying to say that "if my current frame has the frame label of "enterdone", then go to the frame with the label "enter". The movie clip is called _cedars, and all of my frame labels, variables, etc. are set up properly. Here is my code:
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Jul 31, 2009
I have:
var tweenType:String = "None.easeNone";
and I'd like to use it as a function (from fl.transitions.easing) in:
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Feb 25, 2011
im trying to create this custom menu a bit more efficiently. As written, it operates fine glitch free. However, id like to incorporate some easing into the movement of each movie clip.
how to incorporate tween classes and then easing?
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Jan 15, 2009
I've built a code to cyclically move a scene on the bottom of my stage; I've done this to make a slowing-and-stop-easing effect at anytime the command will arrive. The entire scene mc is _x long something like 6000 px. The whole code goes in this way:
1) importing on the stage (with attachMovie) a mc with this code inside:
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
_parent._parent.fondo_mc._x -= countermovement;
if (_parent._parent.fondo_mc._x <= -5800) {[code].....
The code goes right, but I need to improve it.Now there is just a variable, I tought to use two vars to implement the whole code in a setInterval, but maybe it's unuseful, and actually I can't use it in the right way.
Second issue: actually when slowAndStop function is called the scene slow too fast, if I take it to 15 it slow better but the scene is running too fast...
The best would be that the scene slow down and stop following: A) a temporal variable (and I can try to implement it with setInterval, that for istance is a cycle)
B) an indipendent moving variable, so that on one side I set the speed, on the other side I set the slow-and-stop in a matter of time with countermovement.I also tried to use a second variable:
var counter:Number = 15;
// set the _x increment
var countermovement:Number = counter/2;
but the scene slow and goes backward a bit
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