ActionScript 3.0 :: Destroying A MovieClip The Correct Way?
Jun 14, 2009
I understand the developer has no control over flash player's garbage collection routine, but whats the best way to ensure you've deleted a movie clip and done pretty much everything you can? I want to make absolutely sure there are no memory leaks or resource management problems.Here's what I've got so far in my document class:
public function addMC():void
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May 18, 2011
I have been searching online for an hour now and cannot find a true answer to my question. I am creating a game for the ipod and cannot figure out why I am getting this error. I am trying to remove something via hitTestObject, here is my code: default class code:
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
I am receiving this error whenever the hitTestObject is true and the child is removed:
Code:ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller. at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at SpaceOrbitalDefense/EnterFrame()[C:UsersJosiahDocumentsSpace - Orbital]
how can I get this error to go away? I believe it is because I have removed the child, but the object is still being detected and trying to remove the child again. however, the child has already been removed and now I am getting an error.
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Sep 20, 2010
I have 8 movieclip on stage, 4 of them being the contents, and the other 4 being the target. I have to drag all of the 4 contents, into the target. apparently, i am able to do that, but the problem i'm facing right now, is the button that is on stage, is suppose to check if the movieclip are in the right place, which i set them.
Here are the codes:
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var startX:Number;
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Jan 12, 2011
sometimes when I import pngs from a Photoshop document and try to make a movieclip with them (F8 ...) Flash is just crashing.
And sometimes it gives me an error message that there is not enough memory.I think this happens when trying to put a png from a Photoshop import and a text or vector object from different layers into a MovieClip.
Today I had the memory error. And after that, flash is creating a mess in my movie. It is just duplicating alles layers in a Clip and also duplicating all labels along my timeline, when I try to work on it. I tried restart but this bug apears again.Is there a way to heal my fla so I can deliver my project soon?
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Dec 30, 2009
I'm trying to get the depths of all the blocks to be at the correct levels at the correct times so that the 3d effect is maintained. I've tried many things, but have had little success. All the instances of the blocks are stored in an array, but since it's adding them in accordance with when they're added to the stage, it doesn't help me locate them to swap depths. Is there a way to arrange them by location on the board?
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Oct 29, 2003
I have two dynamic textfield and they are both within two movieclips because I have action to rotate , enlarge and move the related movieclip so that the text changed accordingly.
But there is problem like after I record the position after modification to database and retrieve them back to the flashpage. The position of the movieclips are changed or maybe it is the textfield's position within the movieclips are changed which I have no exact idea what happened.
So could any one who can give some suggesion how should I arrange the textfield within the movieclip and how to keep track of the right position after enlargement or rotations,etc then?
Isn't it I have to consider the relative position of the textfield to the movieclip at the beginning.
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Oct 29, 2003
I have two dynamic textfield and they are both within two movieclips because I have action to rotate , enlarge and move the related movieclip so that the text changed accordingly. But there is problem like after I record the position after modification to database and retrieve them back to the flashpage. The position of the movieclips are changed or maybe it is the textfield's position within the movieclips are changed which I have no exact idea what happened.
So could any one who can give some suggesion how should I arrange the textfield within the movieclip and how to keep track of the right position after enlargement or rotations,etc then? Isn't it I have to consider the relative position of the textfield to the movieclip at the beginning. Becuase I have no exact idea how should it work.
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Aug 27, 2010
I'm not a huge flash expert by any means, but I am working on some banner and I need to take the larger 336x280 banners and resize them to 300x250. I've change the size of the stage and shrinking down the bitmaps etc is fine. The issue I am having is the aminated graphics and buttons I have on the stage. I've tried editing multiple frames, onions skins .etc to do it, but no matter what the animation will still only edit the first place I clicked on the symbol. So it goes from the smaller size and animates to the larger size and its original position on the old size.
It seems there must be a way to adjust animations without having to redo them all. Right?
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May 25, 2010
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Jan 3, 2011
I have a problem where i want to remove the last character from a textfield (including linebreaks) that has multiple textformats without removing the formats.[code]...
i guess this doesn't remove linebreaks, and is very slow, seems to destroy my textformats.
textfield.text = textfield.text.slice(0,-1);
this is faster but removes all textformats as well.
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Apr 21, 2005
i can create a textfield, show my percentage loaded in it, but when it hits 100%, i want to get rid of the textfield... doing all my stuff in actionscript so moving to the next frame not a possibility. unless i create the textfield in another movie..
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Apr 21, 2005
i can create a textfield, show my percentage loaded in it, no problem.but when it hits 100%, i want to get rid of the textfield....doing all my stuff in actionscript so moving to the next frame not a possibility...
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Jan 25, 2012
I am working in on a Flex / Air application (using PureMVC) written virtually entirely in ActionScript 3 (i.e. we use very little of Flex). View components are added to a Canvas object in the main application window and these Views then load other movie clips, images files, etc.When I remove a View from the stage, I do so using application.canvas.removeChild(). This fires an event in my PureMVC mediator for that View, which removes any event listeners that were set up and everything appears to be dandy.However, the movie clips are still playing in the background. They are not causing any trouble on screen but they are simply there, playing somewhere in memory (e.g. I can see trace statements from them) and I want them gone. I suspect the View that was removed from the Canvas is still there too, but I can't prove it.
Setting the View to null doesn't do anything. I'm surprised that AS3 doesn't include any method to simply and effectively destroy a Display Object and all of its children.Is the only way to do this to tediously unload all of the movie clips, etc. and then hope that Flash will clean them up?
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Jun 8, 2008
I've recently worked on creating different classes for movieclips within my library so when i create/attach them they have built in functionality.My question is simple how do i destroy them so that other objects don't recognise their existance.There are two classes involved.The first is a Ship Registry Class and the Secound the Ship:
//inside the ship init class
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Oct 23, 2011
I created two empty Sprites to serve as layers, bottom_spr and top_spr. When clicking a button, a MovieClip appears and follows your mouse, until you click, then its position is fixed. As soon as the button is clicked, I addChild the MovieClip to the correct Sprite. Unfortunately, the layer system doesn't see to work, because they are layered in the order I place them, the Sprites don't seem to influence it. How is this possible?
private var ground_spr:Sprite;
private var units_spr:Sprite;
public function Game() {
ground_spr = new Sprite();
[Code] .....
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Feb 8, 2004
I'm trying to attach a movie clip to the main stage using:
However, it ain't showing up. Trace said the movieclip of that name is undefined, despite having the correct linkage and instance name. Anyone know why a movieclip might be MIA?
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Jan 11, 2011
I'm running into an issue with a Library class not being able to get the correct getQualifiedClassName. Here is my setup. I have a lot of MovieClips on the stage with instances names like item0, item1, item2 and so on. What I need to do is extend some of those items and give them extra functionality so I opened the items Symbol properties dialog box that I wanted to add a custom Base class to and Checked Export For Actionscript. Kept the Class name the same as the stage instance name. as it needs a unique class name. Then for the BaseClass I added a path to my class that I wanted each item to have extra functionality. The base class was called StageItem which extends MovieClip
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Sep 24, 2009
Using CS4. I made a little 300x250 animated ad to place into online newspapers and published a swf movie. At work, they opened it in safari and it shows the whole safari screen and objects outside of the 300x250 boundary show up. Can I assume that when it goes into the 300x250 slot in the newspaper only the ad will show with it's true boundaries? They think at work that the newspaper will shrink down the whole thing. And sending a swf movie is correct? Not some other file type? And is it correct to save the movie for Flash Player 10 or would 9 be a safer bet?
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Nov 17, 2009
I have read all kinds of posts on this, most are old from back in the early 00's. I have some flash banners that I made that need .gif back ups and I find myself pretty screwed if I can't do this. I tried exporting an .swf thru the publishing settings in Flash and no matter which setting I choose the gifs are pixelated and very bad quality. I just finished reading a post where it said to use the file - export from the menu which I did use and the quality is much better but nothing near acceptable for the client.
I also read to export the swf to Quicktime and QT can convert to animated gif so while I look at that option is there someone that can point me in the right direction as this could spell trouble for me if I cannot come up with a solution as I have multiple swfs that need to go through Google analyctics and need the gif back ups.
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Sep 2, 2009
On my website I go to "movie explorer" and go through all the ActionScript and on the bar tab it does open upa moving vertical options (it shows up when I have it in swf or preview it) but while I am in Flash CS4 I can't find it....there are extra componentsin separate files inside the folders (mx) and (tm). It is not live on my site yet but what I am trying to do is have certain tabs go directly to a different webpage (not all of them to the flash tabs as specified) as you will see by visiting my site: [URL]
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Nov 10, 2011
All the program does is you click a button and it tells you how many times you clicked the button in a textfield. Document Class: This is the entry point of the code.
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Dec 30, 2009
I am trying to store the x and y position of a mc and thought I would do it using object. I am getting a compile error but do not see why?
"Case insensitive identifier 'object' will obscure built-in object 'Object'"
var some_mc = new object ({_x:150, _y:50});
trace("some_mc x position is " + some_mc._x);
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Dec 9, 2003
this is an atempt to make a infinite menu, but the AS has something wrong.
please try and make it OK.
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May 27, 2007
I'm trying to make a file that creates an empty MC, then another MC is attached. Here is what I have, but it isn't working:[code]In the linkage properties for logoMC, I have the identifier set as "logoMC" and I left everything else blank.
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Sep 7, 2009
I'm translating a script AS2 to AS3 ... I'm actually rebuilding because I noticed that it is almost impossible to translate I need to just get the ID [i] of a MC duplicated, only this.My structure is like this:
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Feb 21, 2005
When I make a MC and I put another MC inside of it, whenever I write code in the frame of the main stage to use the child MC's x and y coordinates, I get the child MC's coordinates in respect to the _parent MC. If what I wrote didnt make any sense, what I mean is that if I make a tank MC named tankBody and a turret MC named tankTurret, and I stick them both in a MC called tank, if I write code that moves the tank MC's y the tankTurret and tankBody's y will stay the same. How can I make it so that I can read tankTurret's y & x coordinates in repect to the main stage?
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Apr 6, 2009
I have a background image at 720x576px. My flash document is also set to the same. When I import my graphic and drag it onto the stage it is a completely different size?
This means I have to re-size using the free transform tool, and as I have to re-size many images for different movies that have to be exact, what is the best way to re-size them? Should my imported image not fit the stage size exactly without re-sizing at all?
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Jul 12, 2009
I am tring to create a "find and destroy" game..I have 20 ball shaped movie clips..they move around randomly..I want to click(destroy) only the ones having certain names (enemy1,enemy2...enemy8)or having certain can I write a function so that I can explode them clicking with my mouse .
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Sep 8, 2009
I'm brand new to AS 3.0, and I'm having a lot of trouble with it. Basically, all I want to do is load in an external swf when a button is clicked. The swf to be loaded would be defined by a variable, rather than hardcoded. Sounds pretty simple, no?[code]....
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