ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Letter Keys While Testing?

Aug 2, 2010

When I try and detect the letter keys while TESTING the application in Flash CS4, instead of sending the keycode to the flash player, it goes to flash and selects the toolbar button. For example if I push "R" the rectangle tool would be selected even though my application is running on top of flash. The app works fine when put on a website! Would be nice to use the keyboard while testing.

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Flash :: Letter Keys Don't Work Player

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From time to time the letter keys in my flash player stop working. They work ONLY if I hold down CTRL at the same time. It's really annoying, because some flash content I like to use requires typing, and this weirdness doesn't change if I restart the browser or the computer altogether. It is some general setting too, because when this happens NONE of the flash windows will take any letters.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Doesn't Detect 2 Keys At Once

Oct 15, 2010

2 keys at once My code doesnt detect 2 kest at once.I want to press an arrow key and spce bar. In .net the below code does do this but in flash if I hold down an arrow key and press space bar the arrow key event will stop working.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Detect That No Keys Pressed

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I am doing a Flash game for school with parallax scrolling. Though I am going a much simpler way of the art, I am having one major error. My error is that when I stop pressing the Up Arrow Key, my ship does not move. All that my ship does, is sit there doing nothing, except for the following; exhausting fuel and showing the flame animation. Detecting if the Up Arrow Key (evt.keyCode == 38), I have tried both code below:

ActionScript Code:
!evt.keyCode == 38

ActionScript Code:
evt.keyCode != 38

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Detect All Keys Pressed OnKeyDown

Aug 12, 2009

Cannot Detect All Key pressed onKeyDown

Here is the code I used:

var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
trace("DOWN -> Code: " + Key.getCode() + " ACSII: " + Key.getAscii() + "


It is an usual code to listen the key presed on the keyboard. For some reason, I cannot detect any letter-key exept letters "w", "x", "d" and "J". I tested it on a different computer and results are the same. It is driving me crazy. I am not sure what is the problem.

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Actionscript 3 :: How Many Pressed Keys Flash Can Detect

Dec 1, 2009

I'm developing a little game. I use the following code to detect the keys pressed by the player:


Basically the shootKey will be hold down by the player almost all the time. And the changeColorKey will be pressed very often but not hold down. While testing I noted that holding the shootKey and the right arrow down, the onKeyUp events for the changeColorKey don't get fired. Holding the up or down arrow key instead of the right arrow has the same effect. If I hold the left arrow key the events get fired. Why does it occour? Is there something wrong with my code?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect When Keys Are Pressed In Combination?

Aug 15, 2006

I've followed the thread there: [URL]

I understand that this class allow the script to detect when keys are pressed in combination.

But what is exactly the implementation when a key is used both in single and combination states. Let's say that you've the "q" key used alone and "shift-q" would one proceed to achieve this detection?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Which Keys Are Pressed In Input TextField?

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import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextField;

but this doesn't work.

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if(flash.ui.Keyboard.capsLock){trace("CAP WAS ON")}else{trace("CAP WAS OFF");}; The result for this code is always return "false" unless I put this code in the eventlistener and have to press the keyboard

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Flex :: Detect Mouse Click On Spark.components.List Items But Ignore Arrow Keys

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Also if I click twice, only 1 mouse click will cause my custom event to be dispatched (because obviously there is no change between the items). how to make my List only react to mouse clicks? UPDATE: Yes, I've tried using "change" event for the List before, but then I have the problem that it is fired, even if the List scrollbar is clicked.

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Jan 25, 2007

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/findStringLoop()[C:autobuild3.2.0frameworksprojectsframeworks]
at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/findString()[C:autobuild3.2.0frameworksprojectsframeworks]


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Actionscript Code:
function doSomething(number){  var errors:Array = new Array();  errors[0] = "The specified file could not be located.";  errors[1] = "Another error";  var


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var num:Number = 0;
var s:String = "This message will appear.";
function onEnterFrame():Void {


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whether using a String as the key in a Dictionary results in slower lookups than using an Object, Class or Custom Object (an instance of developer defined Type)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The AWSD Keys To Work As Smoothly As The Arrow Keys?

May 16, 2003

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[AS]onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
//move the tank
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {


If I put the AWD keys inside an enterFrame they run until I push another button

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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Put A Keyboard Letter

Oct 6, 2010

I want a keyboard letter in this code:

this._x += 15

As you see now there is the right key that is attached to the code but I'm making a 2 player game and I want one of the players to use the letters WASD. Just putting the letter D in there dosen't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Every First Letter To Uppercase?

Jul 30, 2010

toUpperCase() Method converts whole string touppercase. i want only first letter to uppercase. is it possible

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Put A Keyboard Letter

Oct 6, 2010

I want a keyboard letter in this code:[code]As you see now there is the right key that is attached to the code but I'm making a 2 player game and I want one of the players to use the letters WASD.Just putting the letter D in there dosen't work.

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Oct 6, 2010

I want a keyboard letter in this code:

this._x += 15

As you see now there is the right key that is attached to the code but I'm making a 2 player game and I want one of the players to use the letters WASD.Just putting the letter D in there dosen't work.

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Make A Letter, Sentences Animation?

Jul 1, 2009

im tryin to develop a game, and i wanna make a flash and in that i wanna make my letter to have typwriter kinda animation. Like you know in RPG when NPC are talking the letter are going one by one.and also how do you make it so that when any button are pressed then its going to go to the next thing.

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Delete Letter To Left Of Cursor?

Jan 10, 2010

I have an input text on stage. I want to delete a letter of this text by a button. For example if  the text is "large". I want to delete "a" in large. I place the cuirsor at  right hand side of "a" and delete "a" by pressing a button. Expecting a script for this button.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Random Letter Combinations?

Feb 6, 2010

Is Flash able to generate random letter combinations?something like : xazfjzBut randomly each time

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard Letter Press?

Apr 4, 2010

The following is what I have and it allows me to press any letter on the keyboard to burst the ball.Problem is I just want to limit it to burst with just one key for example h

 stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,removeCentreball_mcClip)function removeCentreball_mcClip(event:KeyboardEvent):void{stage.removeEventListener[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: First Letter Of String To Capital?

Jul 24, 2010

Trying to get the first letter of a String to capital, and the rest of the String must be lower case.  I think I am on the right tracks with the first letter, but not sure how to make everything else forced to be lowercase. Heres a bit of info because I might need to change things.  I load in a flashvar vaiable by
var flashVar3  = root.loaderInfo.parameters.myVar2;
I am not to sure what data type this would be, not sure what flashvars comes as.  I am then doing
var oldStr:String = flashVar3;
var newStr:String = oldStr.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + oldStr.substr(1);
tf3.text=" "+ newStr;
I dont know if the first line is an issue, because i dont know if flashvars comes as a String.  But what I have generally would work on the first letter. Not to sure how I can force the rest of the String to be lowercase though. At this moment in time, I get the error TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
But I am not sure if this is because my flashvars variable is defined at runtime.  Any advise on getting all of this working would be great.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Letter Key (A-Z) To Used To Pause?

Feb 10, 2011

im having trouble trying to figure out how to make a letter key (A-Z) to used to pause, use abilities, etc etc.if (Key.isDown(Key.("A")) { ^ is the code i have at the moment and i get errors.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why TextField Show Only The First Letter ?

Feb 11, 2009

I really don't understand why only in my swf file only the first letter is displayed.

ActionScript Code:
trace(myItemTitle.text); //output: "MyTitle"

In the swf file, output: "M"

The outline of my text field is very wide, so it is not possible that it is not enough wide for the text length.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Letter From The Alphabet Using A Numerical Value?

Jun 9, 2010

Can I get a letter from the alphabet using a numerical value, without assigning an array with the entire alphabet?

I seem to vaguely remember such a function, or meaby I'm imagining things...?

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