ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Creating A Class?
Nov 13, 2008
Version: Flash CS4, AS3 is it possible to turn a given sprite into a Class with a given string as its name? The resulting class should then be available under that name in the current domain's
createClass(someSprite, "someName");
var someClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("someName") as
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I need to load all images that I have used in my project externally without embedding. The images are present either in skins or as icons for items in trees. I came across the IconUtility class here I was able to modify it and use it for trees but the problem is we cannot use iconutility for the same component to set 2 different skins (like for a button - upskin downskin). I was not able to think of a workaround with iconutility. Is it possible to simulate embed and create a class dynamically and return the class at runtime?
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Jun 9, 2011
I've come across a couple threads that pertain t my question but after reading them, trying different approaches, and searching the internet I am still confused. How do I create visual elements, such as a text field, dynamically from Actionscript in a class file?
Basically I created a class file that loads an external XML file and now I want to create dynamic text fields for the elements in the XML file. I did some debugging and I know the XML is loaded correctly. I can also get it to create dynamic text fields when I place the code inside of the fla. The problem is when the code is in the class file. I've read that you need to pass the display object to the class but I am still unclear on how to do it.
My fla has the following code on the first frame:
import classes.estimatesheet;
var sheet1:estimatesheet = new estimatesheet("xml/estimationSheetFields.xml");
Here is my class file:
package classes {
import flash.xml.*;import flash.display.*;import*;import*;import flash.utils.*;import flash.text.*;
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Jun 10, 2010
I am making a Thumbnail class which is part of my Photo Gallery Package that I am building with the intent of automatically generating my thumbnails. I do not want to limit myself to just AS3 animations, I would also like the ability to use timeline animations. I have a system using "in" and "out" for frame labels which I find very efficient and I get stuff done quickly. So I created the thumbnails holder MovieClip with the animations and have it linked in my Library, however, when I try to pass it to my Thumbnail Class, I only get one instance and I need to create several instances.
Document Class
ActionScript Code:
var thumbCont:mcThumb = new mcThumb();
thumbNails = new Thumbnails(thumbCont);
Thumbnails Class
ActionScript Code:
var thumbContainer:MovieClip;
public function Thumbnails(thumbCont:MovieClip,) {
thumbContainer = thumbCont;
}private function createThumbs():void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < aThumbs.length; i++) {
[Code] .....
I eliminated most of the additional stuff. What this does is that it doesn't create several thumbContainers, rather it just uses the one. So how would I be able to generate several of them? I can obviously create an Array with them and create them in my document class, but if I can avoid that and have my thumbnail class do it by itself, that would be perfect.
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Nov 6, 2006
I have recently started out with flash oop concepts and was wondering how to do create an instance of an extended movie class without dragging and dropping the clip from the library ....I have figured out this method..
for(i = 0;i<100;i++)
{var mc:MovieClip = attachMovie("ball","dasd"+i,_root.getNextHighestDe pth());
mc._x = Math.random() * 600;
mc._y = Math.random() * 600;
but this way I cant pass arguments to the constructor function of the ball class..
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Feb 17, 2011
Is there a way to generate an instance of a class that implements an interface based on the name of the class?
I am trying:
var ClassReference:Object = getDefinitionByName("movement.OuterSpaceMovement") as IMovement;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference as IMovement;
trace("startup..." + m);
-But I am getting an error message ReferenceError: Error #1065 (OuterSpaceMovement) not defined.
I have several classes that implement the same interface (IMovement) but I need to be able to generate new instances of these classes and then pass these instances as a datatype (IMovement datatype) to other classes...
So then I tried:
var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName("OuterSpaceMovement") as Class;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference() as IMovement;
and this doesn't seem to work...but the following
var m:IMovement = new OuterSpaceMovement();
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Jul 22, 2009
I'm trying to create a new instance of a MovieClip when the original one has been used. Would sound easy enough. Just use: var
instanceName:ClassName = new ClassName();
the class name/mc in the library im trying to duplicate is MCg1 so
var instanceName:MCg1 = new MCg1(); right?
However, the particular object in the library i'm trying to duplicate has a base class that is an external class file (just to control it's drag drop functionality)... i.e baseclass is not set to the standard flash.display.MovieClip, or whatever the case maybe. So i end out with a: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
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May 18, 2010
I'm creating a slideshow where each slide can have:- a video or a still- 1 audio track or many (up to 3)- 1 button or many (up to 3)I was thinking that each slide can be it's own object, and then I would pass the video, audio, buttons, etc., into it as parameters:
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Feb 12, 2009
I have a class that represents a turret in the center of my screen.When I hold down SPACE, I want it to create a "bullet"-object that moves in the direction of the turrets cannon, every frame the SPACE key is held down. I am having problems with this cause I am getting this error when I am trying to create the object:
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
This is where the error occurs:
ActionScript Code:
public function chaingun(x_:int, y_:int, rot:int, cd:Number, spd:Number, sprd:Number, life:Number) {
this.Cooldown = cd;
this.Speed = spd;
PS: What happens is that when I press the SPACE key, the "turret" class event handler runs the function "Shoot_Chaingun" and that function creates a new Chaingun-object (which actually is a bullet), that inherits the x, y, and rotation of the turret, along with some additional varaibles, including lifetime. Then upon creation, I use "addChild(this)" to add it to the main stage, and "removeChild(this)" once it's lifetime is up.
EDIT: And also, I just realized I don't have a MovieClip linked to this chaingun class. How do I make sure that every time a chaingun object is made, the MovieClip is also loaded?
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Apr 19, 2010
This is what i'm trying to do :
I have 1 class that extends movieclip, let's call it Class0. I have 1 class that extends movieclip, let's call it Class1.
I create an instance of Class0 on stage like : var myClip0:Class0 = new Class0(this, "Class1");
The class Class0 when initializing, will create a new movieclip (myClip1) and add it as child, as an instance of Class1, like myClip0.myClip1. But it's when i create that clip, i want to tell it, it's an instance of Class1, like :
private var myClip1:Class1 = new Class1(this);
Where Class1 could be any class.
How do i pass Class1 to Class0 so it can create it dynamically?? Do i have to use the apply function??
inside Class0, i have a function that does :
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Jan 22, 2008
how would I make Flash create a jpg or png file of what was currently on screen dynamically? I would like to know how to go about doing this and I'm sure it probably involves some other scripting language (PHP?) also.
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Jan 24, 2010
I need to make new sprites on-the-fly within a for loop, and this code does not work:
for(var i:int = 0; i<5; i++) {
var this['menuBtn'+i] = new Sprite();
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Apr 20, 2010
My game is initialized by calling the newBall function below. Every 10 seconds a new ball is created to increase the difficulty by calling the same function. The function works and creates the new ball movie clip, however the previous ball object gets destroyed for some reason. I have an array called ballArr that is supposed to keep track of all of the ball movie clips. I thought that by concatenating the name of the instance with an incrementing number that it wouldn't overwrite the existing object... what am I doing wrong?
function newBall() {
var ballNum = ballArr.length + 1;
var ball = this.attachMovie("ball_mc", "i" + string(ballNum), 0, {
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Jul 1, 2010
I would like to be able to create and call an Array dynamically. So to pass a name through a function and create an array based on that name.Then to store values into sections in the array. I got the creating the array dynamically working, but I can't seem to store into it.
Sort = function (numOfVars,Name,toSort){
This works
_global[Name] = New Array(New Array (),New Array());
This does not work
_global[Name][i][c]= 3
This does not work
_global[Name + "[i][c]"]= 3
This does not work
_global[[Name][i][c]]= 3
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Apr 10, 2011
I have two MCs classesThe first one is put on the stage. Then, from the first MC class (inside the class), i put another MC. So i created a MC inside the first MC.I can see both MC when i test my movie.I put the second MC when the mouse cursor is over the first MC, and i remove it when the mouse cursor is out the first MC.My problem is that when the mouse cursor is over the second MC, the movie behaves like the mouse cursor goes out of the first MC, so the second MC is removed, so i can't click on it.
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Jan 4, 2010
On library i have mc. In property i made Export for ActionScript. And on timeline add code:
var my_pic_mc:Pic=new Pic();
but dont see my movie clip on the stage after compile.
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Feb 4, 2010
I have a XML and it has an attribute option or combo box, parsing that i need to create components in my flex dynamically. Viatropos has given a wonderful code, but i am not able to execute it... can anyone produce it.
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Oct 1, 2010
take an arbitrary variable, and create that number of timers, with a corresponding number of listeners? And then write a function to deal with the listeners?
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Sep 26, 2004
I want to make a site for my personal gallery and i'm asking you if there is another method to make my gallery, other that the one when the user click Back and Next to navigate through thhe images in the order that i chose. I want to create some buttons dynamically (so i will be able to add images to the gallery without replacing the SWF) and assign each of these buttons an on(release) or on(press) event handler that will show the image for that button
View 4 Replies
Apr 1, 2003
Im creating many textfields dynamically and I dont want to have to repeat the same code over and over for each field. Currently I have something like below which deosnt work.
labelFormat = new TextFormat();
labelFormat.font = "Verdana";
labelFormat.size = 5;[code].....
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Dec 19, 2006
Is there a way to create a new XML object dynamically? i need to do this because i don't know how many xmls there will be.[code]
View 12 Replies
Jun 29, 2007
I'm using Flash CS3, Actionscript 2.0 and I'm trying to create buttons dynamically.I tried to follow the code in the link below. The code is correct for the most part but the only problem I have is that only the last button appears. For example, if I try to create 10 buttons, only the 10th button is created.
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Sep 6, 2007
I've been trying to create a scrollpane dynamically but I keep getting a bunch of errors when I publish the swf. At first I thought maybe there was a problem with my code so then I looked in the file and copied and pasted one of there examples into a blank fla and I still get the same errors when I publish. If I look at what is the source of the errors it looks like the error originates at this section of the file:
override protected function drawBackground():void {
var bg:DisplayObject = background;
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Jul 6, 2003
how would i go about dynamically making a function... im making a Tile Based World level editor and when the user is done editing a level, then they hit a button and a couple of for loops runs through all the tiles checking the x,y and tile type. then i want thisinformation to be parameters within sub functions within the main function. so the as would look something like this
[AS]subFunction = function () {
//do this
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Oct 30, 2007
I'm creating buttons dynamically, but I want to add code also. something like (psuedo)[thumb + i].on Release = "_parent.thumb" + i + "Pressed()" can that work? I think I need targetMc?
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Dec 29, 2008
I need to create a circle dynamically in as 2.0, i.e., when i drag the mouse downwards the circle should get bigger and when i drag the mouse upwards the circle should reduce smaller according to the radius of the circle it should resize.
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Apr 21, 2009
Are there any built in utilities for playing/creating MIDI style music in AS3?I'm not looking for something that will play .mid files, but something that will be able to play a "Middle C " tone, either as a piano tone, or as a cheap computer tone.
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Aug 15, 2009
So I have this loop generating buttons based upon how many entries there are in my XML:
for (j=0; j < base.image.length(); j++) {
var newButton:imgButton = new imgButton();
Now I'm just wondering what the best way of assigning control to the buttons is (i.e. making them do something,). I'm wanting each created button to load a different image (defined in the xml) if that's of any use.
Do I need to add event listeners dynamically or something?
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