ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Snap VCam To A MC?

Jun 30, 2010

I'm wanting to design a sort of DVD chapters menu. Ya know, where each chapter has an animated thumbnail of each scene.

I converted some small clips of animation into MC's. If I put one of those MC on the stage, VCam(within the MC) naturally scales the MC to the stage dimensions.

Is is possible to Scale & XY pos VCam to the dimensions of a targeted MC on stage? I'm open to other solutions. but would find this hella handy to be able to place a MC (Example: a panning Security Cam) into a graphical monitor on a scene, etc.

VCAM AS3 1.1 source:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attaching Dynamic Text To VCam?

Dec 1, 2010

Here is the scenario. I have a AS2 flash game in the works. I have a vcam set up to follow the main character. It all works wonderfully. I have also attached a health bar movie clip to the vCam like so:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.char._x-200;
this._y = _root.char._y-210;

Basically I just attached it to the main character and it works in the Vcam nicely. It just stays on top left of screen. I would also like to attach 2 dynamic text fields to the vcam-character as well so the screen has a little hud. (you know, health bar, name, and health points on main screen no matter where character and vcam move. I can't add the same script from the health bar to the dynamic text because they are not movie clips, they are dynamic text which do not allow actionscript inside. So basically, I'm wondering how I can attach the dynamic text to the vcam? Can I do it in the main timeline and if I can how would I write it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: VCAM - Fireball's Position Keep Changing

Feb 11, 2011

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Export Image Sequence With Movie Clips / Vcam

Nov 10, 2010

it seems the only way to export with actionscript animation intact is to export as a Quicktime file, I decided to try something and it worked. I made the frames-per-second go from 30 down to 1. It took a looong time to export at 1fps but once it did, I loaded it into Premiere and adjusted the Speed/Duration, putting the speed at 3000 (30*100) and it looks very smooth. Not the neatest way to do things but it works, so I'm happyI guess the proper terminology for what I am looking for is to export as a PNG sequence with actionscript animation.In Flash CS5 after attempting to export to a Quicktime .mov file and it turning out extremely choppy no matter what (I tried things from here and here) until somewhere I found someone saying they always export as an image sequence.I could export as an image sequence so there would be no choppiness, then just import it into a video editing software.

That was until I noticed that the vcam I am using wasn't working in the finished product. The movie clips wouldn't animate, it would just be stuck on the first frame. Masks were also not working correctly (although this may not be an issue if I just lock the layers before exporting, not sure). So basically, I can't export in Quicktime - which does export with vcam, masks, and motion clips - because it's too slow and choppy, and I can't export as an image sequence (even though it wouldn't be choppy) because it doesn't export with all the things mentioned.So what do I do now? How can I export this with movie clips, vcam, etc. without it being slow and choppy!? Can I get vcam, movie clips, and masks to export in an image sequence?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move VCam From Branheisey To A Custom Classes?

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ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash With A Grid Snap Function - Positioning Of Movie Clips

Aug 12, 2010

This is my first action script project and I'm having trouble with some positioning of movie clips that I can't work out. I'll post in the parts of the code that I think are relevant in hopes that someone may be able to see what I am missing. The problem is that according to my traces my gridSnap function should be working. The trace shows mc.y to have the correct value while the movie is running yet the mc's in question are appearing in the wrong spot (they appear at GRIDSIZE*gridNumber) in the movie. The problem only manifests itself in case one and case three, both of which should have the same code but I was only testing different approaches in case one. On with the code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Emulate Drag / Drop Program From Flash / Math Site Dragdroptour Snap To Location Tutorial

Jan 12, 2012

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Apr 15, 2011

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Flash - Make A Flex/AIR Scroller With An HGroup "snap" To Each Item When Scrolling Completes?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm developing an app for ANDROID devices using Flash Builder Burrito and am having trouble figuring out how to accomplish one aspect of my app.I have an HGroup inside of a Scroller. The HGroup has images that are 400px in width and I have the width of each HGroup column set to 400px. Although the number of items is dynamic, assume I have 10 images in the HGroup. The width of the Scroller and Viewport is set to 400px.

So far so good -- the user can see a single image within the scroller. The user can then scroll left or right using touch or mouse and see each image. But here's where I'm stuck. I want to make it so that when the user STOPS scrolling the scroller then "snaps" an image into view. In other words, I don't want half of one image and half of another image in the viewport.

Seems pretty straightforward but I can't figure it out. Part of the issue is that there doesn't seem to be an event to use for this purpose. I know I can hook in to PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE or MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP/TouchEvent.TOUCH_END (which is what I'm doing now) but that event doesn't really give me what I need.

I really need an event that fires when the user releases the mouse as part of the scroll or lifts their finger off the device as part of the scroll. And then I need to wait for the scroll to stop. For example, if I do a really fast swipe I need to wait for the scroller to stop or almost stop before I perform the snap. The event fires as soon as I let go of the mouse or take my finger off the tablet, so if I alter the horizontal scroll pos then it gets overwritten by the "slowing down of the scroller".

By the way, I know I can use modulus logic to show each image "whole". That's not where I'm stuck -- I'm stuck at which event to use to know WHEN to perform this mod logic.

Note that what I've already developed works just fine if I slowly scroll and then let off the mouse. It's only when you slide more rapidly that it ceases to work.

Here's my partially working code:

private function onVehicleScrollerMouseUp(event:Event):void


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Snap Guides To Pixels?

Jan 11, 2008

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Snap A Movieclip To Another?

Feb 13, 2011

My movie clips are draggable but then won't snap to the movieclips I want.[code]...

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Apr 11, 2011

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AS3 :: Get Playing Cards To 'snap' Into Place?

Sep 3, 2010

I am toying around with the idea of making a few card games, and was testing some code trying to get an Ace of Spades to snap to a slot.But for some reason the card isnt snapping... with the traces I ran.. it looks like it is snapping to the center. But I changed the center point with the free transform tool... so the point is in the upper right but its still not snapping.You can see by the traces I use, that the home1X = 36 means it is finding the corner

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Snap An Object To Stage Border?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Release - Snap By X Pixels

Sep 28, 2010

I have a MC, called CurBtn, and I want its position to round by 70s on the X axis, and 80s on the Y when it's dropped. Here's the code I'm using, that isn't working very well:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Snap One Draggable Mc To Another When Overlap?

Oct 28, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Snap To Drag And Drop

Apr 13, 2011

so i want to have an object be dragable to 2 certain places and only those places.


now this script lets me drag it to one place but not back again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop And Snap ?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm new to Flash (sort of - I used it a bit back in 1999-2000, but it's changed a LOT since then). I'm making an educational game for my company that involves dragging labels from a word-bank to their correct position on a diagram. I want the kids to be able to drag any one of the five labels and move them to any one of five marked positions on the diagram. I'm using Flash CS5 with Actionscript 3. I used code snippets, so that each individual label has the following code associated with it:

movieClip_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , fl_ClickToDrag);
function fl_ClickToDrag(event:MouseEvent):void

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Message To Appear When Objects Snap Together?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm doing a drag n' drop game, and I can't figure out how to make a message appear once an object snaps into place.I'm making a soccerball drop into a soccer net, and once it hits its dropzone I want a message to appear, like "Nice Shot!".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Snap Tile

Apr 27, 2011

Anybody know how to drag a tile clip and snap to its adjacent clips in a game like this

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MX04 To Move Snap-to Bubble Of Symbols?

Sep 14, 2011

I've been away from Flash for a while, and have been trying to get back into it by creating a simple movie. I'm trying to animate some characters along a path, but need to move the character's snap-to bubble (not sure what the proper name is - the little circle which 'connects' to the motion guide) so that the character is in the right position in relation to the path. I can't for the life of me figure/remember how to do this. Is it possible?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create A Snap To Object Script?

Apr 22, 2009

I am wanting to in essence create a puzzle with pieces that when you drag the object you can only drop it back where you got it from or into the correct spot. Basically it is an object that when dragged to the right spot will (snap to) or drop into place. If it is dragged to the wrong spot then it will be forced back to where it was originally.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop With Snap And Response

Mar 30, 2011

Ok, first of all I'm new to all of this as I'm just doing some parttime work. I'm trying to make a drag and drop game where the images (imported and made into movie clips with instance names "peg1 - peg7") are to be dragged onto targets (images, made into movie clips with instance names "targetpeg1-targetpet7").[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A X-slider To Snap To Mc On Release?

Jul 6, 2010

I searched the internet and this forum but can't seem to find a logical answer to how to best set this up.

So inside my sliderMC clip I have the sliderScrubber.

Inside the sliderMC, I also have 4 mcs labeled "mc1", "mc2", "mc3", "mc4".

I have noted down the x position of each mc, but am not really sure how to use it in code? Also, how would I be able to calculate "sliderScrubber" to snap to the closest x value to each mc upon release?

How would I go about being able to slide along the x and perform the above functions?

I have:

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Message Appears When Objects Snap Together?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm doing a drag n' drop game, and I can't figure out how to make a message appear once an object snaps into place.

I'm making a soccerball drop into a soccer net, and once it hits its dropzone I want a message to appear, like "Nice Shot!".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Snap MovieClips Together - Hybrid Tiles

Apr 11, 2011

Here's the functionality I am trying to achieve: I have 30 tiles on my stage. I can move them around through multitouch like this:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.ui.Multitouch;
import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;
Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
for(var i:int = 1;i<=30;i++){
this["tile"+i].addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_OVER, onBegin);
}function onBegin(e:TouchEvent):void{

What I want to happen is that when a tile is released on another it snaps to that tile and they become one tile so when moving around you actually move them both. When you release the 2 tile 'hybrid' onto another tile it becomes three tiles together and so on.

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