Snap An Object To Stage Border?

Jan 8, 2012

I am kind of new to the whole flash sceen and am getting a little bit frustrated with the snapping (I am used to Photoshop Snapping). I have a bunch of objects the exact same size as the stage and I would like to snap them to the stage (I am making a slideshow-rotating image). I always find myself having to zoom in extreamly to make sure the edge of my image is lined up with the edge of the stage... is there a way to snap my images to the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Having The First Object Snap Back When A Second Object Is Placed In The Same Place

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videoMovie = new Video(120,80);

Now would it be possible to apply a rounded border of 2px on this somehow?

I know you can use

<s:Label text="cornerRadius:" />
<s:HSlider id="slider"


On regular objects but cannot find out how to do this with dynamically added ones :(

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Attached is my .fla file

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Dec 20, 2011

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Apr 23, 2010

I have a stage bigger than the size of a browser, and I have a camera to navigate around the area.Now when I click on a button, I will have something pop up blocking the whole browser, like a lightbox effect with another box on top of the blocker.The problem now is, when the blocker pops up, its position is not on the TOP LEFT corner of the browser. I've tried stage.align, but it would makes the camera or other object on stage position run.So is there any other way I could get the blocker to position according to the browser, not the stage?[code]

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Sep 14, 2010

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Flash :: Using HitTestPoint With Stage Object To Create Object Boundaries

Dec 15, 2011

I'm trying to create a boundary for a player object, controlled with arrow keys, in my game using the main stage's height and width. For example, one test point is at the top edge of the player object's bounding box so that when the player object's head touches the stage's top edge, the player can't move anymore to the north. The player object is manually instantiated to the center of the stage by using the Flash stage editor so it will start at the center before the program starts.The problem is that right at the start of the program, I can no longer move the player object up or down with the arrow keys but I can still move it left or right. The intention is to allow the player to move north until the player object's head touches the top edge of the main stage.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Class Object Interact With An Object On Stage?

Aug 2, 2010

The following is that long only because I gave examples of what I want to know, not because it is complex .I have three basic questions regarding AS 3.0 classes.

1. How can I make a class object interact with an object on stage?

For example, when I have a square (mc_Square) with class "square" attached to it and I want it to trace "Colliding!" and print the X and Y of the mc_Box on contact with an on-stage *hollow* box (mc_Box) that has no class attached to to do it vice-versa would also be awesome .

2. How can I make a class object interact with the same class object? For example, when I have two squares (mc_Square) that both have the class "square" attached to it and when they collide, it prints the X and Y of both of them.

3. How can I make a class object interact with a different class object?

For example, when I have two squares mc_Square1 with class "square1 (that also has a variable Primary=true written in it)" and a mc_Square2 with class "square2"; When they collide, the one with Primary=true would be removed and it's X,Y position traced.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get An Object To Increase In Size The Lower It Goes Down The Stage And Decrease In Size The High It Moves Up The Stage?

Dec 29, 2009

I'm trying to get an object to increase in size the lower it goes down the stage, and decrease in size the high it moves up the stage.

It only needs to increase or decrease by a small amount. Basically, it's for a game character. To ad realism to his movements, it would be nice to have this feature.

This is where i'm up to so far:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


I think I need something like:

if (object moves up)
else if (object moves down)

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