ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclips From Inactive Frames Still Exist On Stage

Jun 18, 2011

I have layers of a level that the player can switch between.. and movieclips are all inside each other..full_level has 3 instances of full_platforms inside it.. On full_platforms' timeline there are 5 frames with all the platforms and objects for the level. the 3 instances of full_platforms in full_level are called foreground_mc, middleground_mc, and background_mc. CurrentFrame for foreground is set to middle.currentFrame-1, and background is set to +1. The player can switch which frame they are on to go to the foreground and background of the level.. Like a 2d slice of a 3d world basically..

Now, the bug.. in each platform there is a var called layer which is set to MovieClip(parent).name so I can tell if the platform is in the middle, foreground, or background. For some reason platforms on inactive frames are hittesting positive with the player and then tracing a null object reference after doing so. So basically.. platforms from old frames still exist for some reason.[code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making Movieclips Inactive - Fades Out And In

Jul 21, 2009

I have a movieclip that effectively functions as a button, which we'll call BtnA. When I click it, another movieclip containing the content (CntntA) fades in (this mc is on another layer). Then when I click another button (BtnB) CntntA fades out and CntntB fades in. I've got all this working fine for now, but the problem I have is that once BtnA is clicked, it is still clickable and it fades CntntA back in even though it is already active. Is there a way to disable BtnA after CntntA has appeared? So u can still see it, but you cant click it? Obviously I'll need to do this with BtnB and any future buttons I add

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClips That Dont Exist Yet?

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Im building a preloader queue thingy and i have one big problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check How Many MovieClips Exist In A Container?

Mar 8, 2011

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In other words, how can I make this calculation if I have a rectangular movieClip (containerMc) that is 5x1px and five square movieClips (sq1Mc,sq2Mc, sq3Mc, sq4Mc and sq5Mc) that are 1x1px and which can dynamically be placed inside containerMc and I want to know how many and which of these five movieClips already exist in containerMc so I can determine where the next square movieClip needs to be placed?

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for AS3.people thi is how you rock:

ActionScript Code:
if ( {
//var maptween:Map = new Map(this,origwidth,origheight);


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Jan 31, 2009

I am making a game where you are attacked by a waves of zombies. The first 'wave' is just one zombie and when this is off stage (either gone passed you or been killed) i use this code to check if it's gone and then instigate the 2nd wave of enemies (ie, change wave2ready variable to true)

ActionScript Code:
if( _root.Zombie1)
wave1Timer = wave1Timer + 1;


However this sets wave3ready to true when any one of Zombie 2 3 or 4 are destroyed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Movieclips, On 2 Or 3 Frames On Timeline?

Dec 23, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Movieclips On Different Frames?

Jul 9, 2009

I have a main fla with loaded swfs. I would like that I can access a movie clip
in a swf from from another swf.

I would like a button on one frame, when clicked, to go to another frame of a movie clip in a loaded swf on a different frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Movieclips On Different Frames?

Dec 3, 2009

i have a gallery on my root timeline. The gallery is called work_mc. Inside of work_mc I have various buttons. There is a different section on different frames.For example,ALL is on frame one, PRINT is on frame two, motion is on frame three.In the root here is the

work_mc.urbanthmb_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
work_mc.urbanthmb_mc.buttonMode = true;
function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {[code]......

This is targeting the buttons that are on frame 1. How do I get to the buttons that are on frame 3? I tried just using the movieclip names but this doesnt seem to work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assigning Frames To Movieclips

Oct 17, 2010

I need to set movie clips at specific frames from an existing array. For example, if I have the array [4,7,3] and three movie clips, I want the first clip to be at frame 4, the second at frame 7, and the third at frame 3. Except I have 100 of these, not just three.

Here's the code I'm using to test it out on a single movie clip. It isn't throwing up any error messages, but it isn't working, either, and the movie clip remains stubbornly set on the first frame. 'Randomorderlist' is the array, which is working perfectly. The trace is also working correctly and displaying the number of the frame I want for the movie clip.

function assignframe():void {

I think I might know why it isn't working, but I'm not sure. 'boxsymbol' is the class name rather than the instance name. I first tried the instance name, but it came up with a 1180 error and stuffed up the whole SWF badly. This was the only way I could fix it. Also, Flash wouldn't let me use the same name for the class and the instance. It forced me to use classes, even though I don't really want to.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Movieclips On Different Frames

Dec 3, 2009

i have a gallery on my root timeline.The gallery is called work_mc. Inside of work_mc I have various buttons. There is a different section on different frames. For example, ALL is on frame one, PRINT is on frame two, motion is on frame three.[code]This is targeting the buttons that are on frame 1. How do I get to the buttons that are on frame 3? I tried just using the movieclip names but this doesnt seem to work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClips Display From Previous Frames?

Aug 10, 2009

I added some movieclips from the library via the addChild method. The actionscript is in frame 1. I have a button which takes me too frame 2. When I click that it takes me to frame 2 but it also leaves every single MovieClip on the stage from frame 1. This is terrible annoying. As I want it to only display the movieclips on frame 2 not the movieclips from frame 1.

import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


There is an actual frame 2 keyframe so don't think I didn't leave that out. Adding the line removeChild(playButton); just gives me a compiler error about calling.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclips On Frames Playing Sequentially?

May 18, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader To Play MovieClips Frames?

Feb 28, 2003

I've been reading a Flash book, and it tries to explain how you can use Action script to create a preloader that will play a movie clips frames based on the amount of bytes loaded. I can't seem to get it to work.

Here is the code:
myInterval = setInterval(preloader,10);
function preloader() {
if (getBytesLoaded()>=getBytesTotal()) {
} myMovieClip.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_framesloaded/_totalframes*(myMovieClip._totalframes)));

This is on the first frame of my movie. I've also have a stop action on the first frame of my movie clip. I've attached the FLA for dissection....ts?

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Flash :: Set Of Dress Images Into Different Frames Of Movieclips With Next Button

Mar 1, 2010

I had been made a dress-up game...I arranged the set of dress images into to be the different frames of movieclips with the next button.When i drag the dress images from frame1 movieclip and put on to the stage(avatar),the images from frame1 movieclip will be dissapeared when i clicked on the next button going to the frame2.How do i need to do to make the dress images from frame1 remain on stage even when i clicked the next button to frame2 ?Which coding should i use to make the image stay on stage?....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing MovieClips Placed Directly In Timeline Frames?

May 9, 2011

I was programming games in AS2 in a way where movieclips could themselves remove, for example, when they collide with main character. If the objects where created in realtime with attachmovie then removeMovieClip, but if they where objects that where already existing because placed in the timeline, unloadmovie () was working. I know in AS3 I can delete them from the parent who created them but, most of my movieclips are thrown into a frame in the main clip editor. I mean, I use the timeline frames as level editor where I design my levels and I place the objects directly there and not create them by code. How can I remove them??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Frames Of MovieClips (via Menu Interaction)

Aug 1, 2004

how to jump from one frame a movie clip, rot menu, to a frame of another, main, through a button in rot menu, rot menu is a movie clip in symbol 1 which is in another (cant remeber) in main. from frame 1 of main i want the button to be pressed and it takes you frame 2 of main.

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Resize Everything On Stage In All Frames?

Nov 18, 2009

Is it possible to resize everything on the stage in one (or a few) step? I know scaling the movie has the same result, but when working in Flash it's a lot easier when you see the actual size.

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IDE :: Repositioning Everything On The Stage (across All Frames) With JSFL?

Dec 16, 2011

I have a bunch of old FLAs with one set of dimensions, including a 60 pixel offset along the y axis. I'm writing a jsfl script to resize the stage (works), delete some unneeded layers (works), and reposition everything (doesn't work) What I'm using is:

fl.getDocumentDOM().moveSelectionBy({x:46, y:-60});

When I run my script, the items do in fact get moved, but on tweened clips, they get "doubled dipped," it seems: if I compare the new x and y values of, say, the end keyframe of a clip (only tweened for alpha, for example) is exactly 46 pixels farther right and 60 pixels higher up than it should be.Is there a better way to reposition everything that avoids this "double dipping" among tweens? I'd love to know! There's got to be a way, and I feel like I'm so close, but not quite there. (Of course, I'm probably way offEdit: I've performed the steps manually by turning onionskinning on for multiple frames, selecting all frames, then dragging a selection rectangle across everything on the stage, then moving everything by the desired amount, which works: when I look at the history and view the js for those steps, they look exactly like what I've typed into my script.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop The Frames When The Movie Is On Stage

Nov 2, 2009

I am just getting back into AS after about 4 years so bear with me. I have a movie that I show and remove as needed on my stage. The movie shows 2 frames of content that pauses between them so the view can see the data. I simply want to loop the frames when the movie is on stage. This is what I have written to control the movie.


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Actionscript 3 :: Viewing Multiple Frames On Stage

Feb 24, 2010

I want to view all of the frames from within a MovieClip concurrently on the stage, however I am struggling to extract the individual frame information from the MovieClip.I have managed to load an external SWF into a MovieClip and view the frames sequentially with the following code:[code]What is the most efficient way to view ALL of the frames on the screen?

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ActionScript 3 :: Clicking And Dragging Through Frames On Stage

Mar 15, 2011

I have a frame-by-frame animation. I want to be able to click and drag on the stage back and forth and traverse through the animation. I.e. I want to click and drag from left to right to make the animation go forwards and right to left to make the animation go backwards. How would I achieve this? I am making an assumption that there will be some maths involved in calculating mouse position and traversing to the correct frame, but how would I do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotate The Frames When The Movie Is On Stage?

Nov 1, 2009

I am just getting back into AS after about 4 years so bear with me. I have a movie that I show and remove as needed on my stage. The movie just shows leader board details and consists of 2 frames of content. I simply want to rotate the frames when the movie is on stage. This is what I have inside my move on frame 1....

var myLearderDelay:Timer = new Timer(5000);
myLearderDelay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, showNext);


The third frame is just a catch from so it knows to loop back to frame one. I am wondering if there is a better way to loop these frames and have a delay on each one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Frames Of Movieclip To Stage With AddChild?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a movieclip with 8 frames and i would like to add each of the frames to the stage with addChild and with a different X, how can i do it? I was looking for something like addChild(nameMC[2]); //for frame nr 2 but i can't found any info related to this..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing All Children On Frames In Stage?

Oct 13, 2009

I added children to the stage on frame 1, however they still exist on frame 2 even though there is no code there. Can I erase the stage? Or do I have to throw every object into an array and use removeChild in a loop?

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