ActionScript 3.0 :: PlayString Function Not Able To Read Array?

Jan 21, 2009

The trace commands illustrate the problem - The playString function does not seem to be able to read the array created by the getChord function. It reads the default values listed below.

private var chordArray:Array =
private var chordArrayCopy:Array = new Array();

A little background - getChord function is called from one class file and playString function is called from another. I don't know if this has anything to do with it. But that's why these are public functions within a public class.

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function make365() {
arr1[49] = "05:30"
arr2[49] = "12:35"
arr3[49] = "13:10"
arr4[49] = "15:55"
arr5[49] = "18:20"
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ActionScript Code:
var city:String = "Bath";
var xml:XML = new XML();
var urlloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
urlloader.load( new URLRequest("[URL]") );
urlloader.addEventListener("complete", xmlComplete);
function xmlComplete(e:Event):void{
[Code] .....

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ActionScript Code:
to place the item on the stage to whatever the xml says that day,

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TypeError: Error #1006: attachMovie is not a function.
at weather_fla::MainTimeline/xmlComplete()
at n()

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trace("DATA BEFORE" +;
var rbListener3 = newObject(); = function() {
trace("I am inside.")
trace("DATA INSIDE" +;

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I am inside.
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[Code] ....
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public var str:String;
public function DailyVerse()
function create() {


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// processReplace Function
function processReplace(transferFiles) {
var processArray:Array = transferFiles.slice();


Basically it's supposed to check to see if the file exists and return as true if it does and add it to a replace array, then the replace array is processed into a single string and put into a dialog box through the flash wrapper prompting them to "replace the files or not".

It makes the replace array just fine, it actually even has the right "count" in it but it's setting all the "filenames" to undefined because of the exists = processSearch function.

I even tried to make a new array and run the search just from that one and set the values from the old one and it's still failing.

Is it because of the "break" or can anyone figure it out? Iknow it's hard because you can't use the code

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or something like that?? Prob have to iterate the array but how do i get the params into the function call? Is this even possible?

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function startShake(e:MouseEvent, num1, num2):void

what i mean is it possible to send to the function not only en event but also a variable and a second question how can i access

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function stopShake(e:MouseEvent):Array

this array that function return.

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import com.robertpenner.easing.Cubic;
MovieClip.prototype.framesTimeout = function(func:Function, frames:Number, args:Array) {


Is it possible to call a function and fill in the parameters based on an array and it's length?

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I can check if a certain speech has a bg change by simply doing this:


what should I compare in the case of sounds, I've tried many, like:


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IDE :: Function Using An Array?

Jan 6, 2009

I recently did the hover caption tutorial, and it works great. Only thing is, I didn't like how the caption box was never quite the right width for the caption text. So I decided to create all my captions and try to use an array, and one of the arguments in the function would call the caption using the array. The variable "cap" is assigned to the array variable in the function, which corresponds to the instance name of the caption to use. It traces right, but it won't grab the caption. The code works fine if I substitute the "cap" variable for the instance name of the caption. I've tried moving the variable around but it still won't work. Here is the code.

function call: (used in onRollover)
captionFunc(true, 0);
function: ("capChoice" is the array function).
function captionFunc (showCap, whichCap) {


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CS3 Access Array From Different Function

May 10, 2009

I've been having a few problems with accessing an array from a different function.

The array I want to use is from the makeFly function, which generates instances of the Fly MovieClip. I want to access the array from the paperSwing function, which should test for a collision between the mouse cursor and the fly movieclip, and then if true remove the instance. This is the part where I'm having a bit of trouble, I'm not sure of how to access the array "name[i]".

This is from the "Main" Document class:

package {
import flash.display.*;


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Can't Access Array From Function

Sep 13, 2011

I'm having trouble accessing the turnQueue array which is being updated in the first function and accessed in the second, no idea what the rules are between functions for actionscript. Heres the code, I want the turnQueue to be growing as keys are pressed, and at the moment its not updating from the first function.

public function keyListener(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
trace("Key Entered");
if (e.keyCode > 36 && e.keyCode < 41) {


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AS3 :: Invoke Function Using Array?

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Is there a way to invoke a function using the function's name if it is stored in an array?[code]...

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var btns = Array("btn_1, btn_2, btn_3, btn_4");
any_btn.onRelease = function(){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Array From Different Function?

May 10, 2009

I am fairly new to actionscript, I've been having a few problems with accessing an array from a different function.

The array I want to use is from the makeFly function, which generates instances of the Fly MovieClip. I want to access the array from the paperSwing function, which should test for a collision between the mouse cursor and the fly movieclip, and then if true remove the instance. This is the part where I'm having a bit of trouble, I'm not sure of how to access the array "name[i]".[code]...

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Sep 13, 2011

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Javascript :: Array As Function Param

Jan 12, 2012

I have flash application, which creates array and calls javascript function.[code]My question is how to pass params from actionscript to javascript as array and not as string value.

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