ActionScript 3.0 :: QuickBox2D - Blend Skins With Stage Background Image?
Dec 21, 2011
I'm wondering if I can lower the transparency of any skin in QuickBox2D, I have searched the documentation but I can't find it. Transparency value or filters(Multiply/Overlay). Example: If I create a movieclip, and make it overlayed and then call it through a QuickBox2D, it will become invisible. I want to blend skins with the stage background image. [URL]
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Oct 22, 2004
I've just joined if you haven't noticed and wanted to express my admiration for all the skills on these pages and links. Much inspiration has already been delt on my humbled mind. Visit the file in question here
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var ball:QuickObject = sim.addCircle( {skin:skinMc, x:10, y:10, radius:3, density:0 } );
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Type Coercion failed: cannot convert skinMc$ to flash.display.MovieClip.
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My skin file
/<!-- layer 2: background fill --/>
<!--- Defines the appearance of the PanelSkin class's background. -->
<s:Rect id="background" left="1" top="1" right="1" bottom="1">
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Jul 27, 2008
Right now I have a section of my code that looks like this.
var blend:Array = ["multiply", "screen", "overlay", "hardlight"];
var randblend:Number = Math.round(Math.random()*blend.length);
two.blendMode = blend[randblend];
The trace works fine and shows a random blend mode, but the blend mode isn't actually applied visibly. I apply the blend mode in the same way to an image loaded from the library, and it works perfectly. I don't know why this isn't working... Is there any way to have the blend mode actually apply?
I figured out a way around this problem. I just added a movie clip inside of "two" and loaded the image into that, still applying the blend mode to two.
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e.g. [URL]
all that took was a small piece of actionscript code that i can't remember now.
Now using actionscript 3, I can't find such code anywhere, instead I am guided towards using dreamweaver and css which seems like a nightmare for me to achieve. Such a fundamental thing should be possible with minimum effort surely?
Also, I have a similar problem where I'm trying to repeat tile or just add a textured background behind the stage. This also seems like I'm having to use html/css to achieve. I'd rather just use flash if possible??
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Dec 10, 2008
trying to print a movieclip with a white backgroundwhile keeping the stage background black.The movieclip,printResults_mc has a white rectangle in the bottom layer, 850pixels x 1100 pixels. The following function scales printResults_mcto the printers printable area but because isimpossible to predict the aspect ratio of the printable area someblack background always leaks out. I tried making the whitebackground 20 pixels larger than I need (870 x 1120) and thensetting a crop rectangle in addPage of (10,10,850,1100), no luck,the black stage background just fills in the area outside the crop.A simple solution would be to temporarily set the stage backgroundcolor property to white, print, then set it back to black, but I
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Dec 12, 2009
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From a different location.
My issue is that, the images that i have are small and hence they are being stretched when used as background images. I want to avoid that from happening. How can i do it?
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Mar 7, 2011
was wondering if anyone could assist me with some actionscript. I am working on a project similar to this ( and making the background image move around as if it the scene is a POV.
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Aug 4, 2009
Iv got a background image 3 times the length of my stage.. what im trying to do is create a scroller so when you press a right button or a left button, it scrolls to the left third or the right third of the image.
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Jan 12, 2010
I am using this following code to display images using xml.Everything is working fine for me but i have to add background image or border to the displayed image using function BitmapFileMaterial.
using BitmapData or Bitmap Class but same functionality.
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Jul 10, 2011
I am making a new flash website and i stack on the as3 part.My site have a menu like all the site do.Now on the site load there is a background picture.When you press one of the menu buttons, the background image will change to this button specified image.But all that in an animation of fade in and out.My problem that i have everything but i cant know which image was before it changes to the buttons specified one. It maybe require as3 which i dont know.I cant upload here my work. its personal.But i ask you the professionals, please make a short fla file which will have the code and animations i need.(if you cant understand me)Please, make a fla file, which contains random 3 images.At the start it will have main background and a menu on it(just text-for fast and short work)The menu is 3 text ine(main,about,contact)now, make that when you press about(for example) it will change the main image(background) to the image of the about page.
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Feb 8, 2009
Im building a website fully with flash and there is the typical navigation bar to get to the other parts of the site..
each part of the site has a different background photo and I would like to fade out/In each background of the site...
if it would be linear on the time line its obviously just a matter of motion tweens and alpha values.. .but how to do it if one wants to jump say from section 6 to 1 and have background 6 blend with background 1 ?
I guess there is a way to create an if statement in ActionScript ?
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Jan 30, 2009
I'm working with duplicating a bunch of movie clips, attempting to recreate a waterfall affect. For each drop I apply a overlay filter progmatically, and I want to set the alpha to a value of ten or so. So the script I used to do this was:
this.blendMode = BlendMode.OVERLAY;
this.alpha = 10;
I don't receive any errors for this, but the alpha coloring doesn't seem to apply unless I set it to 0 (in which case all the drops disappear).
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Mar 16, 2009
is it possible to blend an image over other images in flash? like if I wanted pictures to scroll behind a color gradient... here's what I'm working on: effect done in photoshop, but I what to achieve it in flash)See how the images blend with the colors behind? so when I click the right arrow and the images slide over, I want the overlay to effect them. like the pinkish/red image on the right needs to be greenish when it is displayed on the left side. I could perhaps do it with a gradient in flash (though I'm not sure how), but it would be better if I could use a png file for the color overlay so it matches better
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Feb 3, 2006
when playing with blending modes I noticed that they affect the background of an html page.To me this says that flash is interpreting the image below and adjusting the pixels in flash. If this were true it would be possible to take screen shots .I tried copying the bitmap of _root and other movieclips but it does not record the html site in behind.
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Oct 26, 2010
Does anyone know hot to apply blend mode (SCREEN) to streaming video (flv with alpha channel) ?
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Feb 11, 2012
I'm trying to achieve an effect similar to the Overlay blend mode between two layers in photoshop in Flash. It sounds simple enough, but BlendMode.OVERLAY produces a distinctly different result than what is seen in photoshop using the same two images. I was wondering if anyone knows a good way to mimic Photoshop's overlay.
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Nov 3, 2010
Is there a way to control the blend.multiply transparency value?
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.BlendMode;
var c:Sprite = new Sprite();
I know its kinda nonsense controlling this value, but what I m trying to achieve is a less "transparency" over the objects, but maintaining the multiply effect.
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Apr 4, 2011
1.Is it possible to blend music looping from a frame lets say frame 1 to frame 10 and then having it not loop but go into the other frames lets say frame 11 to 21?
2.How can i get it to just either blend or loop, i know looping is possible but i've forgotten how, i haven't used flash since 06'
3.Is it possible to put two songs on one frame without making it sound really bad or jumbled up? can i put sound effects on a button, lets say you click something or get a coin in the game how can i make it so the 'coin noise' goes on the button?
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