I've only now started using the new motion tweening and motion editor introduced in CS4 and I have a question. Say I have two MovieClips animating on the stage and I want their movements to be in sync. I've created a custom tween to one of the MovieClips and now I want to have the other MovieClip move with the exact same tween. Is there a way to copy the tween I created for MovieClip #1 and apply it to MovieClip #2? Or do I have to manually re-create the tween from scratch?
did anyone encounter this problem: i've extend a movieclip class, then i've created an instance and tween it. the movement was really jerky, compared to a similar movieclip loaded from the library.
how to make your own custom tween. Generally we can make tween from a specific point to another specific point, but in my tutorial you can make tween from your current place to a new place.
i am making a simple slideshow in AS2 (Flash CS3). I got all the core logic working fine in a FLA frame action - now trying to externalize it into a class. The first snag I hit was in trying to setTimeout -- when I passed a class method as the setTimeout function, it no longer could talk to the class variables/methods. I fixed this by passing along an instance of the class to the class method called by setTimeout something like this:
Now I've got a similar problem with my Tween.onMotionFinished() handler -- i want it to call another method in my class but it doesn't know what the class is or how to access it.How should this be accomplished? I've tried a similar trick in which I try to stash a class instance inside the tween (through bracket syntax eg. myTween["classInstance"] = this; but this doesn't seem to work.
Is this a case where I basicallyneed to create an event listener in my class & then just send an event out when the tween finishes? Or is there a simpler way to let the tween know about the class (without relying on instance names of the class itself)?I'm still new to OOP so not completely got my head around what can/can't access my class methods/variables especially when I'm creating objects like Tweens inside my class.
and then I just create a slideshow from an existing framesequence MC (who has stop() on frame 1) in the FLA thusly:
import com.pixelfarminteractive.slides.SlideShow; //SlideShow(slideMC:MovieClip,easeTimeSec:Number,holdTimeSec:Number,numSlides:Number) var ss = new SlideShow(slideshow_mc,2,2,4); ss.start();
In the preload there are some tween from a shape to another using the same components in every tween (the leaf) and then from a shape the tween goes to a number of the preload...how to achieve this effect? I have seen it in a lot of websites but i've never understand how to achieve this effect that is an awsome effect above all when you are trying to show a product or a company. Rapresenting the brand identity and all the things concern to it with this effect is an awsome idea.
I have motion tween made on the stage that follows a custom path. It's a bus going along its route. instead of dragging out the frames to get it to be the right length ( i have multiple bus tweens running) is there a way to export the tween for actionscript or xml and adjust the total duration of the tween as one would a normal tween created in actionscript?
I need to use tween alpha, but I want to change the duration of the tween with some buttons. Does anybody have any suggestion or example?I think that it is possible if I use variable for the duration and create a new Number by each button, but I don't know how. The tween is as below:var TweenPulseA:Tween = new Tween (right_mc, "alpha", None.easeOut, right_mc.alpha, 1, pd, true);
I have a variable called 'total' that gives me the instance name of the button I roll over.I want to get that answer and place it in the tween's y start and end position so when I roll over the button the textMovieClip moves accordingly
I am creating a load of tween classes, but the outcome of the tween, the "end" variable, depends on a users action, e.g. a combo box selection...How can I feed this through into the end variable in the tween class.THis was my educated guess, but it doesn't want to work?...
ActionScript Code: my_Combobox.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, Asizes); var CanvasType:String
I'm a few days into learning flash AS3 and I'm stuck. So i have movie clip that is made up of smaller clips, and I want to change the opacity of one of the sub clips. Here's my code so far
//MOUSE OVER EVENTS FOR PORTFOLIO ENTRIES function entryOver(evtObj:MouseEvent):void {
This is my first time working with flash and actionscript. when my project increased in size, it became frustrating to look through 2 or 3 hundred lines of code to find my mistakes. I decided to code in frames, so that one animation or movieclip could be handled by each frame, making it easy to edit each individually. So far so good, but i am trying to reuse a tween from an earlier frame, and it doesn't seem to work. I was under the impression that if you define a variable in a previous frame, you can use it in a later frame.
here's what it looks like
(frame 5) var closeMenu:Tween = new Tween(mainMenu_mc, "x", Strong.easeOut, 238, 900, 3, true);
there is a frame in between that does: gotoAndStop(20);I want the animation to start right when it gets to frame 20:
(frame 20) closeMenu.start(); TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
I can copy and paste the original var and change the name from closeMenu to, say, closeMenu2 and it will work fine, but I feel like what I did should work.
I have several objects referencing one value in a number, and I need to tween this number but I cant figure out how.I'll use whatever, the built in tweens or tweener or anything.I cant figure out how to reference the value of the variable, since its not a display object and you cant just say myDisObj.y or something like that.If theres no way to do this i'll just have all of the display objects reference from one's property.
Something I've always wanted to do was creating a custom component in Flash but havespecific parts of the component size appropriately based on, say, the video size.For go there and watch a video... they use the same component for all sizes of video. What seems to be changing is the video width and height, the progress bar width and the position of any status messages for the video.
working on my website and I'm trying to figureout how to go about creating a script the moves an item based on system time. Basically I need a Sun Mclip to move based on time, to create a sunrise and sunset based on the actual sunset and sunrise time.
I want to create a custom textinput component in flex. The component is made of one background rectangle (spark.primitive.Rect) and one inside rectangle that will contain the text.My problem is that I want my component to be sizable like I want. For example if I want to create one textinput with a size of 200/100 I write :
And I have only the width and height to change if I want to create another textinput with different size.My skin mxml contains two rect but I want to do this:<s:Rect width="{this.width}" height="{this.height}" .....and for the other one (the one that will contain the text)<s:Rect width="{this.width * 0.80}" height="{this.height * 0.80}" .....The problem is that flashbuilder displays an error message of incompatibilty on my two "Rect" lines. And when I launch my app, nothing is displayed.
I finally got the variable referencing between classes and custom event problems sorted out. Now I got a question regarding the Error #2044 and Error #2035. The error reads like this:
Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.
I've put all the swf in the same directory, so I don't think that is the problem. Could it be that my XML file is in another directory that's causing the problem? I also heard having quotes in the URL in the XML file could also be problematic. Is that true? Here are my AS and my XML file. [code]......
I've made a custom sound class: ActionScript Code: package { import flash.events.Event; import flash.media.Sound; import flash.media.SoundChannel; import flash.media.SoundTransform; [Code] ..... What I would like that class do is to trace a variable that is on Main.as which is Document Class, after a sound completed playing.
I want to create a component with a variable/parameter that is a method it calls when (clicked on for example). In "Flash UI Components.fla" the they do this and I studied the code but cant get it to work. The Push Button one has a click handler, but the way it is actually called in the script is like this: this.handlerObj[this.clickHandler](this); That bracket/parenthesis thing is not working.
is it possible to create custom event with variable arguments count? I ask this because currently I use anonymous functions on events with variable parameters count to pass arguments to appropriate function, i.e:
and I don't want to do that because of weakReference.
1. From what I know if I set weakReference to true with anonymous function on in addEventListener GarbageCollector will delete them (and indeed I can see that my code stops to work on random, due to GC "kickin in")
2. When i delete my Object with addEventListener( weakReference = false ) the memory used by addEventListener is not freed ( unconfirmed, please elaborate on that subject also)That's why, from My point of view, usage of custom event is best, but unfortunately I use many addEventListeners with variable parameters count so (in above example 2 listeners. one 5 arg, second 4 arg) is there a way to do something like this? To write event that will take x parameters of any type?
Does anyone know whether it would be possible to set a motion path for a movie clip and to have the speed of the tween set as a variable which can be increased or decreased by the user during the movie?
I need to "tween" an object like in tweenlite, just x/y values, but have ran into a large issue.
it's kind of accurate at high 'refresh times', but low ones, or long tweens it's very inaccurate. Basically, it needs to move 300pixels/1000ms, I chose to move it every 10ms, the amount I move it is 3000/1000(ms/pixels)*ms=3pixels every 10ms, so we should get to 300pixels moved over in 1000ms. But it doesn't work- the time intervals aren't consistant, sometimes it moves it after 10ms, sometimes it doesn't catch it to move again for 30ms! Tweenlite is able to bypass it's loop being able to run every 10ms, but how?
I'm not an experienced Actionscript user so I'm not sure what the normal way to associate a custom class with a movieclip that has been designed in the Flash IDE is. I made a class called Window to control a movieclip called TestWindow. There are some buttons in the movieclip whose functionality I would like to assign the instance of class Window. How is this supposed to be done? Here's a representation of what I mean. I hope it is sort of clear. My actual problem is that the local variables are outside the scope of the onPress function but I also think there must be some other way of associating classes with movieclips that have been designed in the IDE.
I'm trying to create a custom function called "turnOn" with (name) as the function variable(?is that how I should refer to it?). This function is an if/else statement that will be called through an on(release) button event.
The if has a bunch of && conditions, if true gotoAndStop on frame two of specified movie clip. But I'm trying to write it put it in a function so that I don't have to put all this code on every single button. So i'm using the "name" function variable to specify the movieclip that should be affected by button action, but it won't work.[code]...