ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing The Object Of ContentLoaderInfo

Oct 20, 2007

How do I access the object of an event? Can't quite figure it out. This is what's happening.

object.contentLoaderInfo(Event.INIT, someFunction);
private function someFunction(e:Event):void{
Output = [object LoaderInfo]

I want to access the parent of the object, but I'm hitting a dead end.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting The Loader Object Via ContentLoaderInfo?

Mar 6, 2009

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for (var i:int = 0; i < number; i++){
var poodleLoader = new Loader();
poodleLoader.load(new URLRequest(urls[i]));
poodleLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showPoodle);

But what I do not manage to do is referring from the Event.COMPLETE-event to the loader object in my showPoodle-function. How do I refer to it? I was thinking addChild( but it tells me the contentLoaderInfo has no parent?

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function handler(e:event){
var array:Array = new Array();
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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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What I should do is parse an xml and from its node name create object property and then create an object array based on those property. Am I able to make myself clear.

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public static var selectedComponent:Component;

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public var id:String;
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The idea is: I want to pass it a file name, and I want it to return a Bitmap. ( not a loader )

The problem is that the only way I know how to pull a bitmap out of a loader is by creating an eventListener on the contentLoaderInfo for COMPLETE.

That just doesn't work in a return function. the return is executed before the bitmap is loaded. I get a null..

here's my code:

ActionScript Code:
public function returnBMP(img){
var bmp:Bitmap;
var loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get ContentLoaderInfo Progress Info

Jan 19, 2010

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When I preview the file I get the following errors: Quote: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property bytesLoaded through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader. 1119: Access of possibly undefined property bytesTotal through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader. If I comment out the onProgress function and it's associated event listener the file runs fine. I believe both event listeners call the

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function loadAll()
for(var i:uint = 0; i < len; i++)


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Code: Select allimport;


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var assetClass:Class = myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(assetClass Name) as Class;
to extract the class from the downloaded swf file. So if assetClassName is


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ContentLoaderInfo Complete Not Getting Called On Live Site

Jul 17, 2009

I've got a system that loads in little avatar images. When the avatar is loaded in I resize it to 24x24.

Here's some ActionScript Code:
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest( String(playerInfo.vector.scalar.(@id == "AvatarURL")) );
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, resizeAvatar);

Here is the resizeAvatar function...
ActionScript Code:
// Resizes the avatar to fit correctly
public function resizeAvatar( e:Event ):void { = 24; = 24; = true;

Now I'm using the item because as far as I can see that's the only way to get at a way or resizing the image dynamically (using an Array isn't an option). Here's the funny part, the above code works perfectly in the Flash IDE but when on a live site that Event.COMPLETE is not calling!? The image is loading in but it never gets resized.

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IDE :: Accessing An Object Placed On A Frame?

Nov 25, 2009

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As my code runs, I need to call some of the functions that are part of the ScoreBoard class. As the code gets to this point, I try this line:


which will update the scores on the scoreboard. When that line in AS3 tries to execute, I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Main/Main:ayEnd()[]
at Main/Main::ButtonAfterJump()[]

Is there a way to do things this way? or will I have to go and do all the extra text entering in the code?

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Jan 19, 2011

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difficulty doing so. My code are as follows:


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Dec 20, 2010

I am trying to access an object I created from an another object.I have the document class and two other classes and is draws a circle on the stage and is a simple class that I will use to trace stuff and record data.In I created both two objects and I want to be able to access the console class methods from player class (and all the future classes that I will write)

PHP Code:


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Jul 7, 2011

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"parentObject": {
"propertyObject": {
so what i'm asking is, if I have propertyObject, can I access parentObject somehow?

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Professional :: Accessing Object Classes?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a project that i'm working on, and in the project it's important that i have an object that i can create with actionscript that already has two arrays inside of it. To do this, i made the movieclip, i checked export for actionscript in the library, and in the custom class that corresponds to that object i made the arrays with the following code:

package {
import flash.display.*;
public class cont extends MovieClip {


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Xml :: Populating And And Accessing Data From A Value Object?

Jul 1, 2010

I have have a problem loading and accessing data from a value object in my new project.. I load an xml file via a service, which contains title and locations of asset files, I need to be able to access the location of an asset file by specifying the title and retrieiving it from a value object.. I'm using the Robotlegs framework, here's an example of the xml:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<files id ="xmlroot">
<file title="css_shell" location = "css/shell.css" />


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Object Placed In IDE From A Class?

May 13, 2011

ActionScript Code:
// -- document class
public var content:Content;
something something ;


What I need to do in is that, get the images in the MC to carousel (d'uuh).So, how do I get those objects from the class? I have declared the names of things in it as public vars but no luck so far.

Hierarchy of content:

content --on some frames-->carouselcontent(named in IDE - of Carousel type)-->image1, image2, image3(all named in IDE)

Hierarchy of all:


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IDE :: Accessing Object Properties On A New Frame?

Apr 25, 2009

I'm having trouble accessing objects on new frames.On frame 1 I have:

var HelloWorld:Object = new Object()
On frame 2 I have:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ContentLoaderInfo - If The File Is Available Locally Bypass Frame1 Of The Preloader And Go To Frame2?

Apr 13, 2009

I've created a preloader using the following script:

mySWF.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressE vent.PROGRESS, loop);
mySWF.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COM PLETE, done);

Works, but even if the content has been previously downloaded there is still a quick flicker of frame1 of the there a way to avoid this (in AS2 you could check, if loaded)? Is there a way to arrange...maybe using an if avoid the flicker? Basically if the file is available locally bypass frame1 of the preloader and go to frame2?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extracting Multiple Classes From An Swf File Using ContentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition

Jan 14, 2010

I'm building a 10 channel mixer/remixer in Flash. Users can select a "song" to load from an xml driven combo box at the top of the application. In the document class, there is a function that takes the selected item from the combo box and loads in an external swf, which just serves as a library for the 10 sounds of a particular song. I then have to extract each of these sounds by their class names ("Track1", "Track2", "Track3", etc...) and send them off to their respective "MixerChannel" objects. As you can see, the following code block in the "initHandler" is pretty long and redundant. Is there any other way/shortcuts I can use to reduce the code a bit?


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C# :: - Accessing Object Properties From String Representations

Mar 19, 2010

In actionscript an object's property can be accesses in this way: object["propertyname"] Is something like this possible in c#, without using reflection?

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C# :: Accessing Flash COM Object Using WebBrowser Control

Oct 17, 2010

I have a HTML page that contains a flash file and some a JavaScript function that returns the object of the flash file.So far I can call the JavaScript function from C# and have it return an Object, but I want to cast it as AxShockwaveFlash and access the COM Object directly from C#.I have seen this done with Windows Media Player imbedded in the a HTML page, but it doesn't seem to work with flash.[code]When I try to cast the Object to AxShockwaveFlash it fails, but I have seen it work casting the object to WindowsMediaPlayer.I tried to find if AxShockwaveFlash supports QueryInterface calls, as per the error message but Google returned nothing of value.

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ActionScript 3 :: Accessing Properties Via String In Object

May 1, 2011

I have an engine I created a while back that loads objects into a container based on XML data. A really quick example of the XML would be like this:
<object cname="enemies.Robot">
<pos x="200" y="400" layer="mobiles" />
</object><object cname="Player">
<pos x="12" y="89" layer="mobiles" />

I have a class Environment that has a method loadLevel(data:XML) which I parse the XML through, then the function runs through the XML finding all object nodes and uses getDefinitionByName to determine which Object I want to create based on object.@cname. From here, I have to manually define each property based on the XML like so:
obj.x = xml.pos.@x;
obj.y = xml.pos.@y;

I was wondering if there's an inbuilt method for setting a property based on a String. By this I mean something like so:
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
mc.someInbuiltFunctionThatSetsAProperty("alpha", 0.5);

This way I could change my XML to be more like so:
<object cname="Player">

And iterate through all the children of props to set all of my properties on the fly. I know if I create an Object and set properties within it like so:
var obj:Object = {
var1: "hello",
var2: "there",
name: "marty"

That you can then iterate through names/values using the for(String in Object) loop like this:
var i:String;
for(i in obj){
trace(i + ": " + obj[i]);
* Output:
* var1: hello
* var2: there
* name: marty

Surely there's a way, as here's an example of identifying a property using a String:
var ar:Array = [new MovieClip(), new MovieClip()];
ar.sortOn("alpha", Array.ASCENDING);
So just to make my question more to-the-point: I want to be able to get and set properties that I can identify using a String.

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