ActionScript 3.0 :: Add To Make The Symbol Goto The Back On Mouse Out?

Aug 8, 2011

I've modified the code snippet "Bring Object to the Front" to bring a given stage symbol to the front on mouse over. My question is, what code do I add to make the symbol go to the back on mouse out? My code is below -- exact same as the code snippet in CS5, but with MOUSE_OVER in place of CLICK.


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Is this possible to do with flash? Or will I have to re-route mouse events?

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on (rollOver) {
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Goto And Play On Mouse Over Cs3

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i want to trigger a shine i labeld the frame shine created a hit area by making a box on a seprate layer and converting it to a symbol in the properties box and gave it an instance of shineStart

its not working im getting an error 1120: Access of undefined property _OVER.

my code is

shineStart.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _OVER);
function _click(event:MouseEvent):void

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Now, one way I thought of doing this was to have an "on open 'stop at 22' = false " and "on press button 'stop at 22' = true.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Goto And Stop True/false

Jan 20, 2004

In Flash MX I have a movie clip that is 32 frames long and loops. Now, what I want to happen is: when you press a button in the file, the movie clip will stop at frame 22. I don't want it to "goto and stop", instead, I want it to continue playing through until it hits 22. i.e. if you hit the button at frame 5 it will continue playing until 22. or if you hit it at 27 it plays through the cycle, but stops at 22 (if possible, it would be great if I could get it to reverse if it was past 22, but i don't want to be greedy).Now, one way I thought of doing this was to have an "on open 'stop at 22' = false " and "on press button 'stop at 22' = true.but now we come to my problem, I haven't done scripting for the past several months, and obviously what I wrote above is not an accurate script,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Button Do Two Things / Play A Movieclip And Goto Frame

Aug 27, 2005

What im trying to do is play a movie clip between frames. So say we have two menus, when you are on menu 1 and you click the button for menu 2, a short movie clip plays and then you stop on menu 2. I realise I can do this by putting the movie clip on the main scene timeline, but is there anyway i can put it on the button? I think the action script would be something along the lines of "On release play MovieClip and goto frame X" As i said i want the movie to play as an almost filmic transition between menus, with a fade up and then out (Have got that bit sussed using the alpha controls)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dim The Background When Mouse If Over A Symbol?

Jan 23, 2007

I would like to ask you how to achieve this effect, found on where when the mouse is over the navbar, the background image goes dark. By flash file consist of a movieloader component which randomly choses a background.with actionscript refer to that background when mouse is over a symbol?

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Anyone know a good video tutorial to make a button goto and play on release?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Btn Clicked Goto Label And Make Object Visible False / True

Jan 10, 2010

I have an intropage with two mc buttons that resides in another mc. They are for an English and a Dutch part. So when I click on either one of them, they go to the "Home" label (frame 2). But now at the same time when the main timeline goes to "Home" I want the movieclip container that contains 6 buttons (The English or Dutch ones) to be visible false or true when I click on one or the other. As a part of the code will show some of you there must be an 1119 error that I can't figure out. It has to do with the FrameLabel that is supposedly undifined. [code]If i remove the if statement and just put the visible statement that also gives an error.But maybe the conflict could be that btnTxtFrameN_mc nor btnTxtFrameE_mc exist on the first frame where I wrote the code and only appear as from label "Home" (second frame)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Timer That Waits 15 Seconds, And Then Makes A Movieclip Goto A Certain Frame

Nov 3, 2008

Im trying to make a timer, that waits 15 seconds, and then makes a movieclip goto a certain frame. Is this possible with Timer() and an if statement?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound To Play When The Mouse Passes Over A Symbol?

Jan 27, 2010

I've gotten stuck on a sound issue where I want the sound to play when the mouse passes over a symbol, which I've managed to get working, but unfortunately it is also playing when the page first opens, which I certainly do not want.
The script is:
cow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,gomoo);       function gomoo(evt:MouseEvent)       {        var entermoo:Sound = new Cowmoo();;       }

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ActionScript 3 :: Check If Mouse Is Over A Symbol Instance In Flash?

Sep 27, 2010

How does one check if mouse is over a symbol instance using ActionScript 3 / Flash CS5?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotate Symbol Based On Direction Of Mouse Movement?

Oct 16, 2009

What I really want to know is how to rotate the symbol based on direction of mouse movement

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Back To The Original When The Mouse Rolled Out?

Jan 6, 2005

I was trying to create a button rollover that, when the mouse was over a button, a movie clip would advance frames, and go back to the original when the mouse rolled out. The AS I used was just the basic button rollover, attached to the button itself


But, even if the command is gotoAndPlay, the clip will advance and show objects that are not symbols(if they are symbols, it shows the last frame of the symbol), or objects that have been motion tweened.

Two questions out of all of this. First, is there a better way to do a button rollover? And secondly, is there a way to get movie clips/motion tweened objects to show up in a movie clip that is dependent on a rollover?

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Aug 19, 2009

allow the user to clip a button and then place a sybmol (either movie clip or graphic) where the user clicks. I would like to use AS2. The project is simply to label a supply and demand curve graph and user needs to plot, or place points wherever they want on the canvas.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Leave - Go Back To Movie Clip?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm getting no errors on this, Go (comeback) is my movie clip which should turn up when the mouse leaves the stage area and leave when the mouse enters the stage. I know it's probably my removeChild command

ActionScript Code:

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