ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding A Class To A Different Movieclip During Runtime?

Nov 3, 2011

I have a MovieClip with multiple child MovieClips.  I would like to add a class to each child MovieClip.  Unfortunately, I can't just create the class and mc.addChild(class) because classes aren't display objects. 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Convert A MovieClip To A Class At Runtime?

Mar 8, 2012

I have a class which takes in another class as one of its parameters, and creates instances of it according to certain rules.In the past, I've had no problem with passing classes from the library to that class, which obligingly does its magic.In this case, however, I'm dynamically loading an image at runtime. I'm trying to wrap that image in a MovieClip, and somehow pass that clip *as a class*, to the one that creates multiple instances.Is this possible? I thought I'd cracked it with something like:

var apples:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(theMovieClip)))


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Inside MovieClip Giving Runtime Error?

Mar 18, 2009

I'm trying to place an instance of a movieclip (instance name: tehMovieClip) from the library within another movieclip (instance name: parentMovieClip) on the stage. tehMovieClip, the movieclip going inside another movieclip, belongs to a class called CollisonDetection (linkage properties, class:CollisonDetection, Base Class: flash.display.MovieClip). When I put tehMovieClip inside parentMovieClip, I get this runtime error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

If I just place tehMovieClip on the stage by itself, it works fine but I need it to be inside parentMovieClip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Basic Custom Class - MovieClip Not Display At Runtime

Jan 14, 2009

I have a blank FLA. with document class index. I have an AS file name index saved in same folder. My custom package looks like this, but the movieClip does not display at runtime. I'm just trying to begin work with OOP and custom classes and I'm not sure why this isn't working for me:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class index extends MovieClip {
public function Main () {
var D:MovieClip = new dMC();
D.x = D.y = 100;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Not Adding From Class

Aug 28, 2009

If I have the following on the timeline in my FLV, it works and attaches my movie from the library to the stage. If I do the same from my class, it does not.
var myMC:ToolTipMc = new ToolTipMc();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Property To MovieClip Class?

Mar 20, 2009

I am not sure if this is possible, but can I add a custom property to the MovieClip class. I'd like to add a tooltip-functionality to some things so I'd just need a "tip"-property in which I can store a String. Would this work, or do I have to create a new Class extending MovieClip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: For Loop - Adding MovieClip And Button Class

Aug 30, 2011

Actionscript Code:
public function Main():void {
var my1:MovieClip = new Sp();
var my2:MovieClip = new Jp();
var my3:SimpleButton = new But();
var rel;
for (var i:Number = 0; i < 3; i++) {
rel = "my" + (i + 1);

See the above script, Here I don't wanna add the MovieClip and button class separately using "addChild" like,

Actionscript Code:

So I used for loop function. But it is showing error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "my1" to flash.display.DisplayObject.
at com.priyan::Main()
at mainFile_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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Does flash have an equivalent to Flex'sApplication.application.[insert application method or propertyI want to get access from an as3 class file to the mainstage. a call to this.root from the stage to the class will notwork because I need the root object stage to execute an addChild

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Actionscript 3 :: Adding A MovieClip From Inside A Class Method?

Jun 15, 2010

I have been trying to add a movieclip to my .fla file from a main fla file: main.flaactionscript file: script.asthey stay in the same file as follows:

package {
import flash.display.*
public class MyClass extends MovieClip


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding An OnPress Handler To Movieclip Part Of Class

Apr 16, 2007

I'm having a problem with my following situation: I made a class "Scrollbar" which I can use to create a scrollbar for a certain movieclip.This movieclip extended class (Scrollbar) has 3 movieclips (see code below):1 - which has the complete scrollbar1.1 - which has the background for the scrollbar.1.2 - which has the slider for the scrollbarNow, I'm trying to make an onPress handler inside my class, I tried to override the onPress() handler of the MovieClip class but it doesn't work.[code]

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There is a button inside MovieClip1 and once it is clicked movieclip2 apeares inside movieclip3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: A Super Class That's Runtime Shared Independent From The Class That Extends

Nov 4, 2010

I'm not really asking how. What I'm asking is, is it possible? And I ask because I thought it was not - certainly it didn't work in AS2 - and yet that's what I appear to have done. Am I going crazy? Structure: A SWF (#1) with a class NewActivity that extends class AActivity. Another SWF (#2) with a shared library of code in it, including AActivity. A third SWF (#3) which loads the library followed by SWF#1. Here's what happened: I didn't expect AActivity to be able to be shared. I mean, it should be compiled no matter what in SWF#1, as SWF#1 includes a class that extends AActivity. I had added some properties to the AActivity class, ran the project, and when SWF#3 tried to set those properties I was told they couldn't be applied. "Of course", I said, "I need to recompile SWF#1, because the code is now out of date. The version of the class there doesn't include these new properties.".

However, that didn't work. I got the same problem. Maybe, I thought, there's a definition conflict between SWF#1 and the library, so I removed the AActivity class from the shared library in SWF#2 for the time being. Only SWF#1 uses it, and it should already be compiled into SWF#1 as, like I said, it is extended by another class there. But when I ran the project, I was then told that the AActivity class could not be found at all! Looking at SWF#1 in a decompiler, there is in fact no mention of AActivity (I had up to this point assumed it was implied). So this left just one option: I needed to recompile the library in the first place, not SWF#1. I added AActivity back to the library, recompiled, and it worked.

To check I wasn't going crazy: I added a test property to the AActivity class and recompiled the library. The containing project - SWF#3 - then set this property on SWF#1, which had NOT been recompiled, and then read it back out. No errors. I should point out that the getting/setting of this property is done through an IActivity interface - AActivity is not being accidentally compiled into the main project (SWF#3), and the decompiler indicates this also. Am I going nuts? I really didn't think having a runtime shared super class was possible in any way. If it is, that opens up a whole new world of awesome, even though I've created this project on the basis of that being impossible.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adding Components To Stage At Runtime?

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to ape the MS Paint application in Flash. I have a small point that I want to get cleared. I want to set the thickness of the line that I am drawing.I want to add a numeric stepper to stage dynamically. Only when I click on option to draw line the numeric stepper must appear on stage. It must be removed when I select another component.How can I add it at runtime. I got tutorials and references in which the stepper is always there on the stage. But I want it only when I want to draw the line.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Many Textfields And Adding Code At Runtime?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a flash project that requires a swf file with over 300 textfields i.e a datasheet like in excel.i use actionscript 3 to dynamically add them at runtime.However I have a function calculate() that references them at compile time.So i think the problem is the caluclate() cannot find the textfields because they are still not added to the stage.How can i create them dynamically and after that add a function caluclate that will surely find the textfields?

Here is a code example of my work:

//add 50 textInput components
for (var intr:Number=1; intr<=50; intr++) {
var intTextField:TextInput=new TextInput();


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Nov 18, 2010

I created the code below which works as it should using the main timeline actions in AS3 - now, for my project I need this to work in AS3 using class files (basically I'm creating an app which uses pages as class files. This is intended to go on the 2nd page.for some reason though when I've copied it into my project and instantiated it when the page loads, even though all traces say that the squares should be there - they are not! The best I've had so far is one square in the final position![code]

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var myLinkage:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(myOnStageClip)));


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I'd like to be able to generate a class that inherits from BitmapData at runtime. Is this possible in Actionscript 3? If so, what is the syntax?

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Actionscript 3 :: Determine A Class's Superclass At Runtime?

Jul 13, 2011

In Actionscript 3, if I'm given a Class object, is there any way to determine if that class extends from another given class? I don't want to instantiate the class to check it with the is keyword, though.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Class Variants At Runtime?

Aug 13, 2010

I would like to choose between two classes that initiate a load of 3d stuff.
along the lines of:


{ var galaxy:Galaxy_LoQual = new Galaxy_LoQual (gal, light ) }


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Flash :: Adding Child To Document Class Vs Adding Child To Stage?

Nov 24, 2011

The name of my DocumentClass is Main. So, what's the difference between :

var myClass:Main = new Main();
var mcInLibrary:MovieClip ;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding "onPress" To A Field During Runtime

Nov 12, 2009

I am trying to create a little chess similar game as part of my studies. Well I am actually new on AS, but I experimented a little bit and already found out some things...

The Facts: I already created a little Chess-similar-Board with 9x9 fields. I created an Array with the coordinates of each field and another one with the fieldnames. when i click on my "hero" a call the function showMoves(), which (how could it be) shows me the possible moves. (i pasted the code for run here)


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