ActionScript 3.0 :: Advantage To Store Loaded Images Into A Sprite?

Mar 10, 2011

Is there an advantage to store loaded images into a sprite?
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();addChild(container);var pictLdr:Loader = new Loader();var pictURL:String = "banana.jpg"var pictURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(pictURL);pictLdr.load(pictURLReq);pictLdr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imgLoaded);function imgLoaded(event:Event):void{     container.addChild(pictLdr.content);}

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function downloadImages(i:uint = 0) {
trace("- Downloading portfolio images");


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[CODE]canvas1=new Sprite(); addChild(canvas1);mybackground=new ClassBackGroundtile(canvas1); canvas1.addChild(mybackground);
////////////////////////////////////classbackgroundTileprivate var canvas1:Sprite;[code]...............

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interface 'Sprite' could not be loaded.
var symb1:Sprite = new Sprite();

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Flash :: Copy To Bitmap Loaded In Sprite From Loader

Feb 25, 2010

I want to load an external image (dest) and display it on the stage, and i want to load another image (src) which will not be visible. When i hold the left mouse button on the image that appears on the stage, then a function that start copies the src image to the dest will be invoked. Actually i want to reproduce the scratch effect on an image that hides another underneath. here is my code [ the copypixels function is triggered on mouse_move event for debug purposes ]

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.BitmapData;


Although the two images are loaded into memory and the first one is shown on the stage, when the mouse_move events triggers the corresponding handlers the copy does not work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Error : The Class Or Interface 'flash.display.Sprite' Could Not Be Loaded

Oct 7, 2009

I want to create a basic drawing utility as a part of my project. Since the drawing needs to be saved I wanted to convert it to a bitmap. I searched for help on google and found this example.

However since the rest of my program is programmed in AS2, I'm getting errors these errors:


The class or interface 'flash.display.Sprite' could not be loaded. // source: var canvas:Sprite = new Image();
The class or interface 'flash.utils.ByteArray' could not be loaded. // source: var bytes:ByteArray;
The class or interface 'flash.display.Shape' could not be loaded. // source: var child:Shape = new Shape();


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Media Server :: Advantage Of Writing A SSAS File Over An External AS3 File?

Jul 23, 2011

I do understand the differance between ssas and as3. Not all, but all most everything I see written in SSAS can be writen into a external AS3 file. This leads me to quite a few questions I'm hoping you kind people can shed some light on for me.
1)  What is the advantage of writing a SSAS file over an external AS3 file?
2) Can I write an .asc file in AS3 or do I have to use AS1? Please understand I'm using tuts from and the books "Learning Flash Media Server" (pdf) and "Programming Flash Communication Server". I'm not a javascript programmer so nothing I do in AS1 seems to make any sence while everything I do in AS3 does. It may not seem like it to you people that are programmers, but to those of us that aren't, AS1 and AS3 are miles apart.
3) kind of off topic, but a security question. I'm not a "hacker" and don't like the jerks that are. My question is on external AS / SSAS files and swf files. When my fla is compiled into a swf does my external AS files remain external? I assume they do, but then what is the threat of the swf being decompiled? In most projects I would do I could care less if somebody had access to my fla as long as they don't have my actionscript files.
I don't know. Maybe on questions one and two I'm getting confused becasue I'm using out dated material. Again I assume that even though fms was built off of the javascript engine it should be able to read and execute my AS3 file. Other wise what was the point of the evolution of actionscript into a fully functional programming language?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Sprite On A "loaded" Swf From Parent Stage?

Aug 5, 2009

I am creating a Flash training app that includes a glossary. You click a button and the glossary opens. The glossary loads thus:

PHP Code:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("glossary.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader()

The glossary has a scrollbar, and that scrollbar has this listener (among other things):

PHP Code:

scrollbar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScroll); 

Once the glossary is loaded into my app, if I do a MOUSE_DOWN on the scrollbar and then drag the mouse away from the glossary, onto the parent stage, then when I do a MOUSE_UP on the parent stage, I need to dispatch a new MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP event to the scrollbar in the glossary swf.

How do I access the scrollbar of glossary.swf in my dispatchEvent? In other words, in the following code in the parent:

PHP Code:

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, glossarySBMouseUp);
function glossarySBMouseUp(me:MouseEvent):void {
xxx.dispatchEvent (new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP));

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Actionscript 3 :: Class Extending Sprite - Set The Sprite's Width And Height Properties?

Mar 5, 2010

I created a class, extended the sprite class, and now in the constructor I am trying to set the Sprite's width and height properties which are inherited from the DisplayObject. However, after I set this.width and this.height, and print the values, I get 0 for both.

What the heck is going on? When I view the livedocs I see that DisplayObject has width and height listed as public properties. I have been able to instantiate a Sprite directly, and set the width and height after it's been instantiated, so I don't get it.

package {
import flash.display.*;
public class ScrollBar extends Sprite {[code].....

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Flash: `sprite.visible = False` Doesn't Hide Sprite Immediately?

Apr 4, 2011

I've got a sprite which I want to temporarily hide... But changing the .visible property doesn't do what I expect. The code looks roughly like this:


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IDE :: Adding A Single Sprite On Main Moviclip Sprite Remains Invisible

Mar 2, 2009

I created a new AS3 document (550px by 400px) and added the following code to the first frame.

However, when I run this, I see nothing painted on the screen at all, the screen remains completely white.[code]...

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