ActionScript 3.0 :: Build An AIR App To Convert A Group Of Png Images In My Desktop To SWFs?
Oct 13, 2009
I'm trying to build an AIR app to convert a group of png images in my desktop to SWFs.So far I can do that using PNGEncoder to convert the loaded images into a byteArray and then using another ByteArray to generate the swf.The problem is I want to compress the images as well and PNGEncoder class doesn't support compression. I triyed with JPGEncoder, which supports compression, but it wont support transparency.
What I'm trying to do is something like the properties menu in the Flash IDE where you can select a png and apply a jpg compression to it. And when you export the png's transparency is preserved.The point of this is so is easy to convert, lets say, 100 pngs into swfs (without having to load each one of them into flash, adjust document size, export, ...)
I am a web developer well-versed in XHTML/CSS, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, and XML/XSL. I would like to write a desktop application for music teachers that manipulates audio files. The app will: -Input one or more audio files -Let the user pick in and out points of several clips -Play those clips at the touch of a button with fade-in and -out -Render those clips out to new audio files
The application must: -Run on Windows, Mac, and Linux without tons of extra coding for each -Have a nice GUI for totally non-tech-savvy people (i.e. professors)
I've never built a desktop application before, and am prepared to learn a new language. From what I've read, an Adobe AIR app built with ActionScript and Flex seems to be the most straightforward. I'm not thrilled about learning such a proprietary system, though. Is this possible using AJAX through AIR?
I'm trying to build a simple component extending spark.components.Group to have a background color, more specifically a spark.primitives.Rect component stretched to fill the background.
I have a dynamically created textfield, and I would like to convert this textfield into a movieclip containing a childmovieclip for each letter of the text, so that i can animate the letters individually (for example treat them as particles and make them explode). Of course the converted movieclip should still look the same way as the original textfield.
I'm using Flash MX 2004. I have a main file called Main_En.swf, which contains the empty movie clip container (_EN is for English, because I'll have multiple languages eventually). Upon loading, Main_En.swf calls Welcome_EN.swf into the container. So far, no problems.
Main_EN.swf contains a movie clip symbol named "navigation," inside which are the buttons that will call the other swfs (Links_EN.swf, Stories_EN.swf, etc.). That's the rub: The swfs won't load. I thought maybe it was because of the individual swf's pre-loader code (also made from one of's tutorial) but I tried without it and the movies still failed to load.
Here is the Action Script associated with one of the buttons. //Loads movie on (release) { if (_root.currMovie == undefined) { _root.currMovie = "Links_EN"; container.loadMovie("Links_EN.swf"); [Code] ....
This code is at the midframe: stop(); And this code is on the last frame: _root.container.loadMovie(_root.currMovie+".swf")
Is there any possibility using the drag&drop technology for dragging desktop images onto a flash swf in a HTML document? I would like to be able to load images by dragging a image file from the desktop or file explorer and the traditional way of selecting it clicking the browse button.
can I drag images from browser window to my desktop even if they are inside a flash animation ?I would like to build a website in flash but keep this nice functionality you have with common html/css.
can I drag images from browser window to my desktop even if they are inside a flash animation ?I would like to build a website in flash but keep this nice functionality you have with common html/css.
I found myself wondering whether it would be wiser for a person to construct complex animations (using multiple eases, transparency effects etc) in flash using the tween systems, or rather to create it in software like After Effects and export SWFs with transparency. I would imagine that for short, but complex animations, AE would be best because of the small SWF size of fewer frames being rendered. Another wonder I have would be whether creating complex tweens on a Flash timeline, then converting them to AS3 would be a processing nightmare. Should Tweens be restricted to simple tasks? Would anybody like to take a speculative 'stab' at the pros and cons of each method?
Is there a way to automatically generate a build number for my swfs? Ideally, this should be available as a variable so it can be shown when the application or module runs, and should increment whenever I click save or build or debug. I've seen vague references to ANT being able to handle this, but have no clue how to implement that functionality into either Flash or Flex Builder... I'd assume an XML or TXT file somehow gets updated via ANT and would then be compiled into the swf???
How can I load a group of Images and do something AFTER all of the Images have been loaded?
Furthermore I think they have to be part of the stage, to fire events, right?
I mean... I cannot simply create them, load the iamges and then add them to a Group just present in the interface... I have to add them to the Group BEFORE I load the iamges if I want to be able to handle the complete event, right?
I have this group of images loaded around 5 rows. When I mouseover at the edge on the right or on the left, the image will scroll. As I scroll, i want the images to loop.
Then, i tried to find script on this whereby if mouseover, each rows will move in diff speed. Myabe 1st row is faster, and the next row might be bit slower.
How can I loop the arrays of images? How can I make each of the rows move in diff speed?
I'm working on a project that has a Main.fla and a Preload.fla. I am doing all the coding in Flash Builder 4. Each time I want to test I have to go to Flash CS5, publish Main.swf and then run Preload.swf. Is there a way to automate this process so I can just press the "Run Main" button inside Flash Builder 4 and all that is done automatically?
I am trying to build a presentation by calling external .swfs inside the .fla document.
By clicking a button I want to load an .swf (800 x 600) from the desktop into a target_mc inside a new flash document.
The problem is that once I press the button to load the .swf, instead of loading it into the target_mc, Internet Explorer pos up with a statement saying " To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options..." Once I click the options link, a new link appears "Allow Blocked Content". once I press it the .swf file loads into the Internet Explorer window full screen.
I want the .swf to load into the mc I am specifying INSIDE the flash document, not on the browser.
It's been a while since I've last posted, but I read a lot of others' posts, and try to keep up to date.My question is this:I have a group of images that are loaded up using xml into a movieclip. The movieclip is masked. I have 2 buttons, that scrolls the grouping either up or down. I would like to make these buttons inactive when the grouping of images is on it's last row, meaning when there is only one row of images shown on the screen/mask.
I have tried using hitArea, but I wasn't successful. This would be easy for me to achieve if I wasn't trying to make it a bit dynamic. Basically, someone would be updating the xml file with more nodes/images and the swf would update the list of images, thus making it difficult to hardcode when the list should stop scrolling.
Is it possible to make desktop Air application by using HTML/JavaScript and Flash?Actually I want to make an Air app (which is for desktop) by using flash and want to use HTML , javascript and CSS as well.Is it possible ?
I know I can make an array if all the buttons would have a unified code executable change, i.e. they would become larger and brighter. My problem is that each button represents an product image in the lights off stage, then of rollover it is a lights on stage so I have to import two images in the on and off stage and play around with the opacity.Additional problem is that each button has to ling to a different label.
My question is: is it possible to unify the code if buttons have that much individuality or I have to make each one of them as in the example below.
// makes a hand cursor appear over a mc acting as a button for all the buttons inside the scrollpnaeBckgrnd_mc.scrollpaneBckgrnd_btns_mc. MovieClip(mc_pane2.content).scrollpaneBckgrnd_mc.scrollpaneBckgrnd_btn s_mc.buttonMode = true; MovieClip(mc_pane2.content).scrollpaneBckgrnd_mc.scrollpaneBckgrnd_btn s_mc.useHandCursor = true;
I want to convert a pdf magazine into multiple swfs (one for each page), so I can use them in a page flip application. swf because then the user can soom and vector stays vector so when zoomed the quality stays the same. I can't export to swf in acrobat.
I apologize in advance -- I am new to Flash. I am triyng to build a Flash object to display images from a catalog. I would like to build something like this. I really just need some advice/direction to get started.Once I know the basics/techniques to be used, I can go from there. Is this some thing that can be done solely in Flash or will I need to use some combination of Flash & Javascript. Right now, I am thinking I can use the loader class to achieve something like this.
I am trying to build a flash slideshow that uses XML to call up images and text captions. I 've found a good example of what I am looking for on macromedia's website.found here: http:[url]...
I would like to add the ability to fade between images and have a button that creates a larger jpg version in a popup window for whatever image is being displayed as current in the slideshow.Would I need 2 XML files for this or can I just use one? I prefer one. Sorry I am quite new to XML, this is my first foray into it.I can build this thing w/o XML, but it seems to be so much easier if I did it with XML.
I've got some MC's in my library that have radiobuttons in them -- all of this created at design time -- and pull them onto the stage dynamically. My question is how do I get the selectedData from the group? The setup is like this: In a MC called pageOne, I have a group of buttons with a group name of Q1, Q2, etc. I pull the MC onto the stage like this:
Do I need instance names on each of the buttons and add listeners to all of them?
I am trying to build an xml photo gallery in flash that will use lightbox for viewing large images. I have successfully built the thumbnail portion.My goal is to insert the swf into an HTML page and launch lightbox from the swf. Here is the code: First I use a Thumbnails class which imports the tweener class
how do I get lightbox to work when I click on the thumbnails? I found this thing called lightboxinjector that seems like it would work, but I am not advanced enough to understand the directions it gives for dynamic use. Or is there a lightbox clone that will work for this?
I found a tutorial that showed how to create a navigation system that would load external SWFs. I am trying to create an image gallery in essentially the same manner but instead of loading SWFs, I want to load external bitmap images.However, when I replace the SWFs with images, I keep getting an error message:
Code: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Bitmap@3e91d2e1 to image_Loader_fla::menu_1/isLoaded()
So obviously, it is trying to convert the bitmaps to movieclips. Due to my newbiness with AS3, I'm not really sure what I need to do with my existing code to fix this issue.I've provided a sample of the gallery if anyone wouldn't mind taking a look.
P.S. In the sample I provided, you will notice that on mouse-over, an external will load. The only one that won't work is the first one (Home) as it is trying to load an external PNG.
convert pdf file into byte array.and also i tried in Google also but no results yet.can u prefer how to convert pdf file into byte array and retrieve byte array into pdf file in flex application.
I have some code here for some falling leaves. I was wondering how it can be altered so there is a delay between a group of leaves falling and the next group falling? also to slow down at the end of the fall? [code]
I have a site in progress, but am running into a problem with the transition that plays while external images/swfs are loaded. Before, I inserted the conditional statement, if(transLoad==0),multiple mouse clicks would result in endless children being added---Let me try to explain, I have a series of buttons which load external swfs upon Click events..ex
Code: link1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickOne,false,0, true); the function clickOne would call the transition function below: