ActionScript 3.0 :: Combobox Values To Another Keyframe?

Aug 14, 2010

I have dragged a combobox component on the 2nd keyframe in the main timeline, and named the labels in the dataprovider parameters. I now need to display the results of the selected item in a text field on the next keyframe.

combobox instance name is cb2
frame 2 has instance name movie1
frame 3 has instance name movie1Tickets
text field has instance name movie1Time

I don't have a problem if I put the code in frame 2 (where the combobox is):

cb2.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, myHandler);
function myHandler(evt:Event):void {
movie1Time.text = cb2.selectedItem.label;

However if I use the code in frame 3 I get an "undefined property" error.I understand why this happens, since the combobox is not on frame 3, but have tried this with other components and even a simple text input box on both frames, and can't get anything to hold the value from one keyframe to another. it doesn't have to be a combobox, as long as I can get the selected info from one screen to another.

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// Create Listener Object.
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Assign function to Listener Object.[code].....

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the Halo ComboBox control. -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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&artists=anartist,anartist2,anartist3, etc..they have names..I already have the combobox set up to where it displays


after you click the dropdown arrow..How would I get it to return a the numerical value for the artist (ex: anartist would be "0" since it is first in the list) and put it into a variable so that when it is selected it could be placed into an eval() function to create a variable such as "albumcover0" to be loaded through a function. I have been reading tutorials for hours to no avail.I want a single function to produce the number from the selected artist and place it into a variable, then go through all of the loadImage(for the "album image") etc functions..they will be functions that I have made already previously and call all of them with the number in the called fuctions (ex: loadImage(0)) where "0" is the number derived from the variable out of the combo box.Ive tried tons of tutorials, I think that it has something to do with me using flash mx 2004, and as2 turned on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Plays One Keyframe Then Switches To 2nd Keyframe When Date Changes?

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actionscript used on frame one:

var year:Number = 2012;
var month:Number = 3;
var day:Number = 22;


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the Halo ComboBox control. -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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IDE :: Warning - The Linkage Identifier 'ComboBox' Was Already Assigned To The Symbol 'ComboBox'

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//item 1
sliderOne.width = 600;
sliderOne.value = 0;[code].....

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Failing To Insert Keyframe

Jun 17, 2009

I've been manually creating a slideshow with flash (I like my final product better than the auto-approaches), and have reached a sort of odd situation.When trying to insert a new keyfram at fram 1675 of my animation, instead of a new keyframe, I'm getting my last keyframe's run (from 1650) extended to here.Is there a per-layer keyframe limit?And is there an FAQ that would cover this (fairly obvious seeming) question, rather than posting?

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Load An .swf To A Specific Keyframe?

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Can't Add A Keyframe Without Clicking Timeline

Oct 13, 2010

I'm working with Flash CS5 and a Wacom Intuos3 tablet.  In my first time working with CS5, I set up my hotkeys on the tablet to what I normally have when I'm doing frame-by-frame animation in Flash. I have one button set to F6, which used to add a keyframe wherever my playhead was on the timeline. What I prefer to do is scrub to where I want the next frame using my scroll/strip and just hit the F6 button where I want a new keyframe.  But in CS5, what's happening is it's not adding any keyframes at all, but instead moving my playhead back to the last keyframe I edited.  What's going on?  I can't even scroll to where I want and add a keyframe without physically clicking the frame itself and THEN pressing F6.

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Professional :: Saving One Keyframe As A Swf?

May 26, 2011

I've inherited a flash project @ work and I need to save a keyframe as it's own .swf file, but I don't recall how to get Flash to do just that.
The flash .fla file seems to hold multiple keyframes that need to be saved as their own .swf files, which are referred to in the Actionscript by name.
I've figured out the editing, but this business of keyframes i've forgotten how to manipulate.

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Professional :: Go To Previous Keyframe

Nov 2, 2011

I am making a simple project ,a so called "quizz" .SO as every questions has wrong and true answers buttons I am wondering how do I go to the previous keyframe.Let me be more clear. I have this "screen" with a button that appears only when you click the "wrong answer" on a question,the screen has a button that will lead you to the menu to start a new game,but I realized that would be very ANNOYING ,because if we are at question 30 [we pretend] it would be very frustrating to start all over again.So I am wondering what code do I need to write to the Screen with the "start over" button that leads to menu to make it lead me to the question I  Answered wrong. I want to say that I tried something like "on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("previous") ;} but didn`t work To be even more clear I will show you on this picture.

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Jul 2, 2009

I'm using a handy-dandy script that allows me to scroll a masked movie clip with ease. I ran into an issue, however, when I wanted to scroll two different movie clip instances � each with their own separate scroll bar � in the same keyframe. I tried giving unique names to all of the elements in the second instance, but it hasn't worked. A non-functioning example of what I'm trying to accomplish is attached. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Is Keyframe Or Not?

Mar 21, 2012

I am in the end of my development of a script that parses out large amounts of data from the timeline with AS3. This data is then used for an animation in corona. We have several of animations in the timeline, and we are splitting those by frame labels. That means that all objects are in place and often, there is no use of them and those movieclips is missing keyframes. My script parses out everything, but I just want the data thats has some value.

detect if a current frame in a layer is a keyframe or not? If not, get rid of data that we are not animating.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SwapDepth() With And New KeyFrame?

Dec 5, 2005

i got some trouble here that I cant seem to find a solution, well, I dont even know what happends here.

The goal: Make a puzzle-like with 54 MCs

What it should do:
- Come to front onMouseOver swapDepth(1)
- Go to back when onMouseOut swapDepth(-0)
This is working...

I cant seem to understand why my MCs are still appearing on another keyframe when I click the button "2"

Btn "1" goes to the puzzle. Btn "2" goes to an empty keyframe but there are some MCs that are still visible when they should not be.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Export Keyframe To Swf?

Mar 21, 2011

Is it possible to export each individual keyframe to individual swf?I have lets say 100 keyframes on main timeline. Can i export them in to own swf-s so i get 100 swfs?

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Adding Fade In Steps From One To Another Keyframe?

Dec 17, 2009

I am making a comic in Flash CS4 using AS2 and I'm trying to figure out how to add a quick crossfade from one keyframe to the next. When the user presses the "next" button, I want the current image to fade down and the next image to fade up. The images are arranged so the heads and text are positioned to the left and right, so as one head fades up the other would fade down, see picture below. It's a conversation.

I understand how to do it if the scene plays automatically, but I want it to stop on each keyframe so the user can take their own time to read the text. I'm just starting out and used another tutorial to come up with the AS that is controlling it now. That AS was written when all the keyframes were in a row next to each other. Now I've adding some blank frames between them to create space for the Tweens, but I don't know how to modify the AS so it steps from keyframe to keyframe. It's still stepping though one frame at a time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Link Fade Out To Keyframe

Nov 16, 2010

I've got a picture which moves when you roll over and goes back to the original setting when roll out.

achter_mc.onRollOver = function() {
}achter_mc.onRollOut = function() {

What I want is a background sound. I want, when I rollover the picture, the backgroundsound starts playing and when you roll out, the sounds fades. Not that the sound just stops playing, but that it really fades. I don't know how to do it because it should be dynamic, I only know how to link a fade out to a keyframe. But that isn't the case here because someone can hold it's mouse for example 2 seconds on the picture or half a minute or 26 seconds. In all of these cases I want the music to fade out when they roll out of the picture (the picture is a movieclip ( achter_mc)).

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