ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Application In AS3 Where User Can Arrange Number Of Display Objects
Feb 8, 2010
I'm in the process of creating an application in AS3 where the user can arrange a number of display objects (move/rotate/scale/...) in a container.When the objects are added and arranged in the manner the user prefers I would love to have a button that 'captures' a part of the screen and returns an imagefile (JPEG?, BMP?) that can be used for example in MS Word.
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Display list:
A (root)
My list:
list = [E1, F4, A, B2, B1, C3, ..., N9, N8]
N9, N8, F4, E1, C3, B2, B1, A
A, B2, B1, C3, E1, F4, N9, N8
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ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();;
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Mar 17, 2006
I have to make time so the hours to be starting with 0 for the numbers less then 10 for example 9:30 to be 09:30 and in my code it works for the minutes but not for the hours. I have written the following code here:
function UpdateClock () {
myDate = new Date ()
hours = Number(myDate.getHours())
minutes = Number(myDate.getMinutes())
seconds = Number(myDate.getSeconds())
[Code] .....
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Aug 6, 2003
I need to make my Flash application create a connection to a remote application and have the remote application send periodic updates to my Flash animation. The remote app is written in VB 6, and does not support XML sockets. However, I don't need the ability to send or receive XML since I am going to be overriding the onLoad() event anyway.
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Sep 22, 2009
I want to create a flash movie which firstly loads a selection of images/objects into a portion of the frame. After this is complete, the user can then drag these objects onto another area and the object will be created where the user has chosen. The user can then drag another instance of the ojects onto the area.
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Jan 25, 2005
Is it possible to detect the IP number via flash, java, php, whatever, and send the information to flash?
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Nov 16, 2009
I have a quiz that, on completion, I need the user to be able to enter their name and user id (already generated externally) which is then passed to either a database or an email is sent to a pre-determined address to log that they have completed the quiz.
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Jan 25, 2005
Is it possible to detect the IP number via flash, java, php, whatever, and send the information to flash?
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Aug 10, 2004
Why do we need to create objects like Sound Objects, Date Objects and Text Objects before we load them? And what are the advantages of using objects?
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