I've got all the major peices of my project but I need a steering wheel! I'm not sure how to enable the functionality of the app. Let me try to explain: I have 2 working getTimer timers in 2 class files. One is a 15 minute countdown timer. The other is a timer to call animations, but (here's the problem)i have 4 different sets of animations to call based on the users button selection. They are added to the stage with
ActionScript Code:
var countdown:CountDown = new CountDown(time_txt);//where time_txt is a TextField on the stage
var Alerts:sniperAlerts = new sniperAlerts();
They kinda have to be called to the stage in this manner because I have some buttons that alter the time on the fly based on the Alerts and countdown var. I tried having 4 different alert files, but you can't declare them all as the Alerts var if you use different frames. In addition you can't repeatedly call the countdown timer as the same var because of namespace. I wish I knew how to make menu_mc to pass an argument to the stage that selects which animation set the alerts timer will process. Here's the alert timer with 1 set of animations to call:
For some reason i'm having problems swapping scenes in my flash movie. At first i put the action in a "actions" named layer and a link to a button. So basicly when scene1 loads the frame 1 action is "stop ();". The viewer clicks on button1 which has a code of;
I have a .swf file through which i am passing arguments to .exe file which is basically a C++console application, how is it possible, should i tweak the sourcecode in th application file for it to accept the arguments passed?
What I want to do is to remove an item from the array targetArray when the tween hitFade has finished. I added a MOTION_FINISH event to the hitFade tween which calls the spliceTarget function. I wanted to send an argument to the function indicating the targetArray index to splice, but apparently I'm not allowed to send any argument.
how do I send the targetArray index (i) along to the spliceTarget function?
I'm guessing that I could put i into a global variable and use that in the spliceTarget function, but that seems kind of roundabout.
Code: var hitFade:Tween = new Tween(targetArray[i], "alpha", Strong.easeOut, targetArray[i].alpha, 0, 1, true); hitFade.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, spliceTarget);
Is there any way to put 2 objects as the argument for a with statement. example:
I am aware I can use the statement like this code: with(bodyWrapper.fld){} Just wondering is there was a way of adding multiple objects to make typing shorter.
Basically, if I have a swf with: Actionscript Code: var example:embedTest = new embedTest(Font1);addChild(example); Can the class file bring in Font1 and use it as the class name.
I do not understand what is happening. This is the error I am getting: ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on sixties_fla::60s_1/forward(). Expected 0, got 1. And this is the actionscript I am using: pre_btn.visible = false;nex_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, forward); pre_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backward); function forward() { nextFrame(); }function backward(){ prevFrame(); }
I have this particular script that runs so that the flash elements don't show up on top of my slide out navigation. This redraws that flash element with wmode as opaque and so it shows up under the navigation. Works perfectly with Chrome and FireFox but not with IE. In IE I get an Invalid Argument in jquery.min.js code 0 Line 103 char 460. Can anyone help me as to why? If I comment out the second line of code inside the function then there is no error, but then doesn't work in FireFox.[code]
I need to pass the "" to the mm.exe that run with nativeprocess. When I pass "In From MIDI Yoke: 1" even using " to the nativeprocess, it won't launch the application properly and caused it to crash. What wrong this the code?
How do I pass arguments using ActionScript's event-listener?I have code, as given below, which creates a label, and I want, when clicked on the label it should pass the toolTip associated with that label. This is what I was trying to do:
public function create_folderpath():void { for(var i:int = 0; i < fm_model.absolute_path_ac.length; i++)
I want to guess the type of every argument from an anonymous function, something like mapping a class with reflection but just for a function, something like...
public function guessMyArgumentType(f:Function):void { for each (argument:* in f.arguments) { trace(typeof(argument));
I had been trying finding a way to passing more than one arguments using FlashVars. Below is the snippet of HTML code, using this parameter:
HTML Code: <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,
function myFunction(argument1:int, argument2:int):void { trace(argument 1 + argument2); }
i can use myFunction(1,2); to get a trace of "3" but if it's a mouse event, or timer event, or anything myMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myFunction); we can't put arguments in this because it would have been
I have a global function that does some stuff with a LoadVars in it.I 90% of the cases, the onLoad reference of the LoadVars is the same, but I sometimes need to do something else when the LoadVars is loaded.Is there a way to pass a function reference to a function so that I could do something like that :
[AS] _global.function myFunction(maybeFunction) { myLoadVars = new LoadVars();
The transition from AS2.0 to 3.0 has been a long and broken trail for me.
Is there a way to pass arguments to a function via addEventListener, like (but unlike) this: timerTurn.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveUnit, "unitname", "unitdirection")
where moveUnit is the function I want triggered, and "unitname"/"unitdirection" are the arguments?
I have an extended MovieClip class that has 10 Boolean properties. There are 6 instances of the clip on the stage. Any of the properties of each instance can be set independent of the same property in other instances, so...
My question is slightly complicated : I have a global function that does some stuff with a LoadVars in it. I 90% of the cases, the onLoad reference of the LoadVars is the same, but I sometimes need to do something else when the LoadVars is loaded. Is there a way to pass a function reference to a function so that I could do something like that :
im new to the flash programing world and i need some I keep getting this in the output spot when i choose "Quick project" in the project spot: SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list. i need to know what it means and how to fix it, this is the code i was making.