ActionScript 3.0 :: Overwriting Methods With Custom Namespaces?

Mar 3, 2010

Can methods declared with a custom namespace be overwritten?

package {
public namespace secret = "";


If I try the above I get "1004: Namespace was not found or is not a compile-time constant." If I remove override I get "VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of test in Extended."

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ActionScript :: Flex - Interfaces With Custom Namespaces?

Sep 16, 2010

Is there any way to get interface to play along with custom namespace? Example follows.
public interface IHeaderRenderer{
function set header(value:IHeader):void;
function get header():IHeader;


Sorry for all the blabbing. Any cunning ideas how this kind of situation could be handled?

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Flash :: Dynamically Access Properties In Custom Namespaces

Aug 26, 2011

Given this:public namespace foo;foo var bar:String = "baz";We can access the property "bar" like so:[code]It gives me the following error: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property foo::bar not found on MyClass and there is no default value.On further inspection of the foo namespace I can see (in the debugger) that the URI is in the format {package}:{type}/{name}. If I try to replicate this by doing the following:[code]Does anyone know if it is possible to get access to namespaced members like this? I don't have compile time access to the namespace, but I can look up it's uri (and prefix) dynamically at run time.

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Actionscript 3 :: Internal And Custom Namespaces - Get The Error: 1116?

Sep 5, 2011

I have the following packages.Within spark I have a class SeCore; and within spark.engine I have SeStepper and SeKeyboard.What I'm trying to achieve is have SeCore as being the only class that can create an instance of SeStepper or SeKeyboard. This can be achieved by moving SeCore into the spark.engine package and making the other two classes internal, but I'd like to have SeCore in the spark package if possible.I've tried making my own namespace to handle this, like so:

package spark.engine
import spark.namespaces.spark_core;[code].........

However I get the error: 1116: A user-defined namespace attribute can only be used at the top level of a class definition.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Custom Methods To MovieClip Class?

Dec 13, 2010

I want to add a custom method so that any MC can use it like this - Code:text1.fadeIn(2) - which would fade text1 in over 2 seconds. The actual method isn't important, it's the way to add it as a custom method for ALL MCs that is confusing me.I can add it inside the document class (that extends MovieClip) like{/*fade in over tt seconds etc*/};But pretty much everywhere I look peoples are choking on their coffee shouting not to use that method. So is there a nice, clean way to do it without using prototype?BTW I want to add these methods in a class that is imported into the main document class at compile-time. So my main doc class has code specific to this SWF but the general external classes like Effects and Transitions are imported as needed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using MovieClip Methods In Custom Class?

May 30, 2005

I've got a custom class (using AS2) that mostly does things like set the score and level of a game, as well as sets the player's lives on the screen. I need to unload and attach MovieClips within the Lives control function, which require those methods from the MovieClip class. I don't think I need to extend this class from the MovieClip class, I think I need to import the class somehow. I don't know the path though..something like mx.MovieClip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Add Custom Methods N Properties To Every Class

Nov 7, 2004

In AS2 we can not add methods n properties to built-in classes in the way we do in AS1. Like we would -say- write the custom "isNatural" method on the "Math" class as follows : * The following code is valid in AS1 but not in AS2


As the "Math class" is static internally. We know why we can not add custom methods n properties to every class, as the way we do in AS1. Later I came up with senocular' s very nice tutorial on OOP in AS2. And now i know how we can do it in AS2 style in an efficient n organised way. But i have a problem with the following code. It should not work ! but it does... * Following code is valid for both in AS1 and AS2.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Erros In Creating Custom Objects With Methods?

May 30, 2009

i have created an object called plane with the bellow methods. I have not defined them anyway on my script file but i am curious to find out why flash does not respond by giving me any errors telling me that the methods i.e pitch to say that they have not been defined? This is something that i would have expected flash to tell me. This results in a successful build and as a result i am able to still run the file. Why does it not notify me of any erross even though clearly they have not been declared anywhere i my script.?

var plane:Object = new Object();
plane.pitch = 0;
plane.roll = 5;
plane.yaw = 5;

I am also using FlashDevelop

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overwriting XML File?

Nov 9, 2008

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function upload():void {
str1 = "<?xml version='1.0'


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Flex :: 3 - What Does Different Namespaces Mean

May 17, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX]Tempory Overwriting Of Function?

Feb 14, 2004

I declared the folowing fuction for the onRollOver -and onRollOut state of three buttons:

for (var i in this){
if (this[i]._name.substr(0, 6) == "sound_")


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop The Drawing API Overwriting?

Mar 6, 2006

I'm trying to make a little Flash Movie which randomly displays 3D cubes on the screen.

I've got a scene which consists of an array of shapes, each of which extends a basic shape class.

Then the camera has an array of shapes which it calls a scene.

You call the drawing method like this: camera_x.showScene(myScene);

The problem I have is that if there's more than one item in the scene array only one gets drawn. It's like the biggest thing is hiding all the rest.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MC's Overwriting Themselves When It Goes Back To The Top Of The For Loop

Jun 26, 2007

I have a for loop that attaches a new mc to the stage fills it with info from a database. I should be left with three mc's but not the case. only the last one shows up on the stage. I went thru it with the debugger and it is filling all those movieClips with data but, overwrites them when it goes back to the top of the for loop.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop Overwriting Itself And Only Displays The Last Value?

Apr 15, 2008

what do you do when a loop "overwrites" itself and only displays the last value?

for ( var j:Number = 0; j < xml_array.length; j++ ) {
//Set state movie clips' parentMC and mainBroadcaster and onRelease functions
this ["state" + j + "_mc"].mainBroadcaster = this.mainBroadcaster;


here is the code snippet for the loop; I've used this before in a previous project and it didn't have this problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Overwriting - Reference/value?

Nov 14, 2008

I've created two custom classes to contain data for a web forum controller flash tool:

class postClass
public var post_id:Number;
//plus some other variables like timestamp etc


When I try to assign a new post to a user (by adding the post data to the postArray variable) I overwrite posts that I had already placed under other users. More specifically, if I'm posting the first post for User Y, I overwrite the first post for User X with the exact same data.I thought this was a reference vs. value passing error, but I tried to eliminate this by not copying the "postClass" objects, but assigning the data directly into the user's postArray array:

var userArray:Array = new Array();
function addNewUser(masterPostIndex,UserNumber)


This all seems to work fine until I try to write a new post for a second or third user. If I trace the contents of User X's posts, they immediately become identical to the content of User Y's posts, as soon as User Y's posts are added. Later, when User Z comes along, both User X and User Y's posts are overwritten. This code is kinda long, so I didn't want to post the whole thing - but I can post any parts you're interested in, of course.

This really 'feels' like a reference-passing error (arrays are all looking at the same location in memory), but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong - I'm not making a postClass object and then pushing it onto the user's postArray (I tried that too, same result).

var newPost:postClass = new postClass();
//read and assign values to newPost
userArray[userIndex].push(newPost); //

this is clearly passing the referenceI can see how the latter example would pass the reference to newPost to the user object, then when I change newPost in the next iteration (when user Y posts something), User X's data will change too. I tried to avoid this with the first set of code.

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Flex :: Dealing With Namespaces In E4X

Dec 14, 2011

I'm trying to get data from a namespaced xml file in a flex app. There is a root namespace (xmlns="blah") and another namespace (xmlns:i="blah"), and I'm able to access most tags using the following:
var ns:Namespace = doc.namespace();
var result:XMLList = doc.ns::element;

However, there are several tags that are subject to change in the application, and i'd like to not hardcode them, possibly using the elements method:
var result:XMLList = doc.elements(configuredField);
Is there a way to get elements with namespaces using the elements method, or a similar way to get XML elements in flex using a parameter?

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Apr 14, 2009

How can I populate this textarea from an array without overwriting its self on each loop all I get is "Thursday".[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Writing / Updating / Overwriting To Xml File

Sep 3, 2008

I am able to load xml file but I want to know how should I do following taks using ActionScript 3.0

1] Create New XML File.
2] Updating XML File.
3] Overwriting XML File.

please give me guidence about xml file CRUD(Create/Read/Update/Delete) operation using ActionScript 3.0.

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Data Integration :: Overwriting Xml File Using Flash

Sep 21, 2010

Is it possible to overwrite an xml file and save the result using as3?

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Flex :: Flash - Overwriting .HTML Wrapper?

Mar 26, 2010

When I make changes to a Flex project and rerun the project, it seems that FlashBuilder4 rewrites my html wrapper that embeds the SWF. But I have additional javascript code in the html wrapper and don't want to keep losing my code. I had to re-write the code once and it was a pain in the neck.How do I stop it from re-writing the html. And the related question: how do I stop it from deleting the html during a clean?I basically need to exclude the html from its processing once it's been created the first time. P.S. I'm using Flash Builder 4, but I suppose it's the same in Flex Builder 3.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Back File Information After Overwriting?

Feb 25, 2012

I wrote over my actionscript code, saved it and closed it. now i cant get the information back. Do you have any tips. Been writing for 2 weeks on it. Iknoow i should backup it :)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Only Temporarily Overwriting Image?

Jul 7, 2009

I have a movie clip called "play_btn". The timeline has 2 labels, "paused" & "playing" ... paused contains a movie clip called "playButton" and playing contains a movie clip called "pauseButton". playButton & pauseButton contain images of a pause button and a play button.I am trying to replace the playButton image using:

loadMovie("play.png", play_btn.playButton);

This works when the swf is first loaded but then if I do:


The original play image is back.Why, surely loadMovie should be overwriting the original image?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: FileReference - Overwriting Text Files Bug?

Jan 11, 2009

I've been saving plain text files to the hard drive using and everything is working fine. However, instead of overwriting a file with the same name (as the dialogue box says it is going to), the new text is simply added to the end of the text file! I've even tried using a Byte array, but the same thing happens. Perhaps a Mac OS Flash Player bug?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: _parent.onRollOver Overwriting OnRelease?

May 22, 2007

I have some code similar to this:

mc1.button.onRelease = function() {
//do stuff
mc1.onRollOver = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overwriting Appdomain Definitions With Loaded Swf Ones?

Apr 6, 2010

would like to know if there's a way to overwrite a specific definition in the "currentDomain" with one available in a child swf?

I'm loading swfs as assets, and since some of them have code in timeline (mostly stop()'s) i'm exporting symbols as subclasses of my .as

however would like if theres a way to be able to simply write:

var myBall:Ball = new Ball();

instead of:

myBall:Ball = new ballSwfAppDomain.getDefinition("sandbox.Ball")

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Actionscript 3 :: Namespaces In Nested Xml Elements?

Dec 30, 2010

I have seen afew answers to the problem i am having now but mine is that of a nested one.

I have an xml looking like this:

<type xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">


now, how do i access the element of the implemented_with node?

ofc i could access the xmlList this way:

namespace ns =;

but now, how do i access the implemented_with node in the model xmlList? i tried type.ns::model.implemented_with, but didn't work.

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Actionscript 3 :: Learning Flex 4 With Namespaces?

Jul 8, 2011

I am trying to learn flex4 from adobe document and I am very confused while using three namespaces.. there is no way i can keep track of when to use what often ending up using fx inside mx or s or similarly making some stupid goofed up combinations of {fx,mx,s}.

Adobe document is huge and i am looking for some good starting point for learning flex .

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Store XML Namespaces In An Array?

Nov 29, 2011

I'd like to know if it's possible to store namespaces in an array?Imagine i had infinite namespaces and i'd use "for" to store them automatically, what would i need? i don't think an array would save namespaces as they are.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML, Forcing Attributes To Have Namespaces?

Aug 6, 2009

I'm writing some actionscript to provide a flash frontend to an MS Excel spreadsheet. The idea is that the user will be able to press buttons in a flash application, and that will enter data into the spreadsheet (which will be read and written as XML).

The XML of an MS Excel document looks like this:

<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Parts Of XML Namespaces

Oct 12, 2011

I have this XML object, and I need to display parts of it so that the user can copy and paste from it. However, whenever I try to, say, display the category section by doing myXML.category, it puts the namespace information in the attributes of the first <category> tag when it displays the xml. Is there a way to get rid of this?

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