ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Properties On Textfields In Nested MCs On Animated Timeline?
Aug 12, 2010
set text property of textfields nested in clips on an animated timelines.
All assets are named from the first frame of the outer movieclip. Debugging this in Flash Builder, we can see that the textfield property is being set, but probably because of the multiple keyframes within the outer movieclip AND inner movieclip, there is some confusion occurring...
Testing various scenarios with nested animated movieclips, and nested NON-animated movieclips, the results are this:
It works in this scenario:
mcMainContainer(with animated timeline)>mcSubContainer(with no timeline)>myTextfield
But as soon as we have a nested animated timeline, like this:
mcMainContainer(with animated timeline)>mcSubContainer(with animated timeline)>myTextfield
...we lose the ability to assign dynamic text to the nested textfield.
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Mar 29, 2009
I have 100 names. I want to have it animated like the genname.fla I attached.And it should show these names when I mouseover it, in completely random order.Like the namebanner.fla I attached.I don't want the flash swf to get too large in filesize or the animation playing choppy.
How do I implement all these names (with animation) with coding in AS2 instead of timeline and labels?Without using external files xml, swf, txt.My solution I chosen is to have Labels (label1, label2..) in my timeline and I have now 30 labels, 30 movieclips+30MC:s in every with the name animation. It is so hard work to copy label, motion, convert new movieclip and do this for 100 names. Maybe I need 200 names.. This is impossible to sort out.
Every name must have the same:
- animation: movement, speed, blurfilter
- font
I need to be able to change:
- the name (firstname, lastname)
- animation (blurfilter, where it should start animate and stop, how fast..)
And I need to be able to change the font so It changes in every name so I don't need to go into every movieclip and change.
I have following code:
function fncShuffle()
{ return Math.floor(Math.random()*5)-1; }
//function for every label on the timeline
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Feb 26, 2004
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Oct 15, 2009
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when i test trying to change the text like this: parent.getChildByName("mbtn" + i + "_mc").getChildByName("title_txt").setTextFormat(T extFormats.mmbase_fmt);
i get this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method getChildByName through a
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Apr 14, 2010
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Dec 30, 2009
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Mar 13, 2011
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Jan 12, 2012
I'm looking to create an animation loop in Flash. The base character animation I have is 27 frames. However to have the background move at the correct speed, the entire animation is 432 frames.
Since I am making the animation so long anyway, I want the character to blink halfway through the animation loop. I went into the head symbol and extended its animation from a single frame to 432 frames. Halfway through that animation I swap out the image for one that is blinking (3 new images added for the blink).
So, now the symbols are nested like: 432 frames -> 27 frames -> 432 frames
But it doesn't seem like Flash is smart enough to animate it as I would expect. It only repeats the first 27 frames of the child symbol.
The next thing I tried was extending the 27 frame character animation out to 432 frames. I did this by copy-pasting the character animation 16 times. But this also does not work because copying the keyframes also copies the position of the child animation's playback. This causes the animation to constantly reset and never reach the blink.
I also tried using the copy motion option, but it didn't seem to do anything different than copying keyframes.Is there an easy way to make this animation work? I can't possibly need to manually position a total of 576 keyframes (there is actually another level to the nesting which does not use any tweens, just keyframes) could I?
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Jul 29, 2009
(Actionscript 2 btw - and actually cs4, not that it really makes any difference?) I have a class that instantiates a movieclip from the library, e.g.:
debugbar:MovieClip = thing.AttachMovie("debugbar", "debugbar_mc", 999);
So attaching it to the where ever "thing" is - could be movie clip or level0 or whatever, doesn't matter as "debugbar" is a private variable of the class. Now the important part - debugbar in the library is a movieclip that contains some components - buttons and textInputs. The problem comes when trying to access these components.
I would have thought that this would work:
debugbar.input_txt.text = "hello";
In order to set the text of "input_txt", the instance name of a TextInput component on the timeline of the movie clip (put there in author time). However, this does not work. Infact, I cannot access any specific "component" properties - they come back undefined. I can however set and retrieve MovieClip properties for the "input_txt", such as _x. However there is one added strange thing with this too - setting _visible to false doesn't seem to work (however perhaps a component by default overrides this).
I also appear not to be able to add event handlers to the component - at least for the usual component events. I tried casting it to a component, such as:
var temp:TextInput = TextInput(debugbar.input_txt);
which gave "temp" as null.
However if you trace the thing itself without casting to what it is, it gives the path to correctly. It almost seems like the components are somehow broken when trying to access them this way - or that they cannot be accessed this way?
The thing is, I was able to access all of this before, when the code to do it was placed on the timeline (frame 1, the only frame) of the debugbar itself, where the components were child instances. This meant I could just reference them directly too - so input_txt rather than debugbar.input_txt , although that is probably largely irrelevant. I need to have it in a class though, as I need to pass in certain objects that need to be accessed by the mc.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a button function the launches a small movieClip (like a window). Inside this movieClip is your typical keypad.
package com {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Login extends MovieClip{
I'm trying to next a series of keypad buttons inside the new loginBox instance, so they'll be referenced as loginBox.key1 etc etc.
I want to set their x/y coordinates before they are added to the stage (loginBox.key1.x = 23) , but obviously they don't exist yet.
I'm missing the way to get around this. The very last line of the above code is my hack attempt so far, and it's still causing me problems.
If you have 5 or 6 different components in your library that you want to put inside of eachother from *.as files
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Jun 22, 2010
so, a blendMode seems to break on a nested movieclip in FP10 when you change a 3d propery of the parent clip? rotationY, rotationZ, etc...Example here (sorry, not enough posts to actually link):
ActionScript Code:
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.display.*;
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Aug 10, 2009
I created an animated text on the main timeline. Then I exported it as an animatd-gif with transparent check.The resulting gif is not transparent, the background is the color of the stage.
How can make a transparent gif without the stage coloring?
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Aug 8, 2006
I have a series of thumbnails that I have made into movieclips so that I could animate them. I have named all the instances. I have a main jump page to go to a particular picture. Each picture has a set of thumbnails (movie clips) that are animated on each. When I built it, they work fine by themselves, but when I created my "jump page" the smaller thumbs lose their overstate and onRelease. My actionscript loads on the jump page and to a frame that I request with no problem, but. Why is my actionscript not working?
mike.onRollOver = over;
mike.onRollOut = out;
mike.onRelease = down;
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Aug 29, 2011
Setting properties of a nested clip from the associated document class of the parent clip. I am developing a Jigsaw puzzle in Flash. I am developing a class for puzzle piece. The code of the PuzzlePiece class in given as follows.
PuzzlePiece class
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class PuzzlePiece extends MovieClip {
private var pieceX:Number;
[Code] .....
Is it wrong to access it like that. The PuzzlePiece is the export for a puzzle clip. For the time being I am hard coding the dimension as 60. I have aloso uploaded the fla and as files. [URL].
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Aug 9, 2010
I am trying to "gotoAndStop" on a frame in a nested timeline from the main timeline, but can't seem to figure out the correct way to write it with it's 'parents' etc... this is how I have tried which makes sense to me (have tried other ways too) but no success.
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Feb 10, 2011
I want to load jpgs using an external XML file into a flash layer and have a timeline playing over the top of them. I invision having photos loaded to a box on the left side of the stage covering 1/3 of the area, and then loading photos also to a box on the right side of the stage while an animation plays of the clients logo in the middle 1/3 of the stage area. My Action script skills are very limited. I have been able in the pass to modify what I have found on the web to work for my purposes. But, I have not been able to find anything that has multiple players on one stage or anything close. I created a swf that alternates loading an image on left and then right but it plays over the top of ... and then loads a third image behind the client logo in the middle covering the entire stage. But I would be happy with just a left and right alternating if possible.
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Jan 27, 2010
I've got a movieclip with two layers - a background movieclip, and above that, a mask movieclip (as you might guess, this layer is masking the first). Due to design necessity, the mask is animated on the timeline across 60 frames.The problem arises when I use an Event.RESIZE listener to change the width of the parent movieclip when the browser window is resized. Any code to reference the mask, i.e
parentMC.contentMask.width = stage.stageWidth;
parentMC.contentMask.x = frame.width/2 - frame.contentMask.width/2;
Simply results in the mask animation not playing at all.
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Apr 8, 2009
Inside a main MC, I added 2 keyframes. On each, I added an empty movieClip with the SAME name "texture" and from the same lib instance. On the first, .y = 10 + dispatchEvent(new Event("ressourceReady",true)); + stop(); and on the second frame, .y = 100. Super !
Now in my AS file, I wait for the dispatched event to launch the init process. Ok, everything is fine, I receive the event and I can access to "texture". Inside my class, when I receive the event, I wrote : _texture = e.currentTarget.texture; It's ok, I can access to the MC properties, set a texture, everything is fine.
Now, the problem. I send the timeline on the 2nd frame. Remember that my "texture" is set to ".y = 100" ? No !!! It is at 10 !!! What the.. So I add a trace on the 2nd frame to check the .y property... damn it's really = 10. That MC is now unsync with the timeline !?
I've tried many tricks. The first one is to add an empty keyframe between the first and the second frame. (so i got a total of 3 frames). It seems to work well. The second idea is to rename "texture" by "texture2" only on the 2nd frame but it's not clean at all.
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Nov 22, 2011
I am slowly getting back into flash again and I have an MC (lets call it M_sms) that on a rollover has an animation. I have several of these M_sms on the main stage and there is no problem. The M_sms have also been placed inside a MC (lets call it M_big) that has also been placed on the main stage. M_sms for some reason do not animate on rollover. I have a startdrag/stopdrag on the M_big and that works fine. But the M_sms nested do nothing.
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Dec 1, 2011
actionScript 2.0
flash mx4 pro
here is a description of the flash movie.I have a map of the world on the main timeline that is a movie. The map is compiled of buttons that navigate the main timeline to named frames. -Ex. If you click Africa from the world map you are taken to the �Africa� named frame on the main timeline. This works perfectly.At the Africa named frame on the main timeline I have replaced the world map with a large map of just Africa. This large Africa map is a movieclip instance that has script on it to be draggable. This works perfectly.
The Africa map contains little movieclips that blink. I would like the little blinking movieclips to control the alpha of a movieclip (when rolled over/off) that is on the main stage and timeline.
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Aug 17, 2011
I have made a nested animation within a movie clip, but it doesn't show up frame-by-frame in the timeline is there a way to make it appear in the timeline?
I need to take a photo of my screen with each image on it for a stop motion animation project for school I tried exporting a series of still images as a workaround, but for some reason the data from the nested animation also fails to show up in any kind of movie export.
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Oct 5, 2009
I have a straight forward flash document where the play head plays from start to finish. The client wants a way to stop and start the animation if time is needed to discuss what is happening on screen. Simple buttons can easily do this if those buttons are not nested.
stopBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onStopClick, false, 0, true);
playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlayClick, false, 0, true);
stopBtn.buttonMode = true;
However, if I make a mouse over pop up movie clip button and place those button inside it, they do not work. I can not find the piece of code that will link these nested buttons back to the main time line.
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm trying to create a flash banner with several nested movie clips within it. I want each movie to run one after the other (not at the same time) but the top layer just keeps dominating (but not even working) even though I've added it's movie further down the main timeline. Before dragging on the second movie I inserted a keyframe.[code]...
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Jul 12, 2010
i've made a drop down menu that works fine as it goes for dropping down when moused over the button which triggers is menu. but when im trying to add functionality which is triggered by the nested buttons that drop down i cant control the frame position of the main timeline does anyone know how i can do this.
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Aug 12, 2010
I'm creating a website by splitting up the main timeline into the different pages of the site. I'm trying to make a dropdown menu on the 3rd frame. On a layer called buttons I have a button with the instance name patientnumberbtn. I want that when you roll over this button is tells the menu to drop. The movie clip for the menu is nested on its own layer of the main timeline. I would like to play this nested timeline, (the drop down menu has masks and other animations that are moving around). This movieclip that everything is nested in has an instance name of patientnumbermenu. Here is what I am using for code.
patientnumberbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE _OVER,patientnumber_over);
function patientnumber_over(event:MouseEvent):void
When I run it there is an output error #1009 but it still lets me proceed. When I roll over patientnumberbtn, nothing happens. Within the patientnumbermenu I have stop commands to prevent it from playing when we first reach frame 3 of the main timeline. I've removed these commands and the patientnumbermenu will play even though the commands used to get to frame 3 is a gotoAndStop(); command.
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Dec 6, 2010
I have an animation of a dog running across the stage and a movieclip called "legs" which is the legs moving. I want to loop the dogs legs for a certain amount of frames and then make it stop on a certain frame within that same nested "legs" movie clip.
Can anyone tell me how to do this and where the actionscript should go?
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Jan 27, 2010
I'm having a problem opening a masked mc on the main timeline (moonCycle) from the first frame of another mc. I've been using code similar to below, which isn't working.
Is there something else that will help since the moonCycle mc is on the main timeline and masked?
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Sep 27, 2004
Basically I am trying to get buttons that I have in a drop down menu load an external .swf into an empty movie clip placed on the main timeline. However for some reason it is not working. The buttons are contained in a movie called "menuItems" which is then placed in a movieclip called "mainMenu" which is then placed on the main timeline.
on (release) {
if (_root._root._root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root._root._root.currMovie = "personalData";
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Jun 3, 2009
I was trying to access some nested movieClips from the main time line but it was giving an error. What I have is a movieClip on the stage called "dog" and inside this movieClip I have two nested movieClips called "dogLH" and "dogRH". The movieClip "dog" was brought to the stage using actionscript 3.0 and when I tried to move the moveClips inside "dog" it gave me an error.
This is the code I have:
var dogog = new Dog();
dog.x =200;
dog.y =150;
What is strange is that if I add the movieClip "dog" to the stage manually and try the same thing it works. Any idea why it doesn't work when it is brought to stage with actionscript, but it works if I bring this manually?
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Oct 20, 2010
if i instantiate an object and say: myObj.visible = false;
is this the same if i say from my objects timeline (external as) this.visible = false ?
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