ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Navigation From Nested Movie Question?

Mar 4, 2009

Movie named mcMovie is on frame 1 of timeline on the MainStage. Button inside that movie is named butButton, What would be the scripting for that button to jump to frame labeled "content" on the MainStage. Would the AS be on the mcMovie? or on the timeline?

Alternatively, I can make it all work with the buttons living on the MainStage but apparently they need to be brought onto the MainStage at the same time as the AS. Is there a way to have them in the first frame, yet invisible, and then turn visible at a certain frame?

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Professional :: Nested Movie Clips As Navigation Bar?

Jun 24, 2010

I just had my first flash lesson a couple of days  ago, but decided to venture myself into trying to build a navigation  tool bar with movie clips grouped together. My intention is that once  the mouse rolls over one particular movie clip, another movie clip fades  in under it (my version of a "drop down" menu). Just so it happens, the  movie clip that fades in, is also comprised of particular movie clips  with their own behaviors (roll over tween effects).

I can make  each individual movie clip behave as it should, but I cannot get them to  work once they are pieced together. I'm attaching a link that contains  the file I'm talking about (submenu), in the hopes that one of you good  Samaritans would take a look at it and tell me where I went wrong.[URL]..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Nested Movieclip For My Navigation?

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I am testing out some gaia framework things, more specific a navigation.Now i have on the nav.fla a movieclip called total_nav, where my buttons i found the tutorial about creating pages & navigation inside gaia but when i make my code like this:


i get errors inside the file. more specific, it seems i can't write total_nav.button1, but then how do i link from the class into the total_nav clip so i can access button1 and button2.The thing is i need to have the navigation in a movieclip(nested) cuz i want to move it, during the project to specific i can use nested movieclip for my navigation like so?

class pages.NavPage extends AbstractPage
private var buttons:Array;[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple Navigation Bar That Has 6 Button

Feb 12, 2011

I have created a simple navigation bar that has 6 buttons. the bar was created using movie clips then by putting an "invisible" button underneath. as for the action script:on the main stage in an actions layer i have:[code]I have this code for every button, except the names of the movie clips change. All the movie clips do for now is have a graphic go from black to red.The action script for the buttons are as follows:[code]Now when i play the clip everything works like i want it to work...The problem arrises once i load the bar into my header.What I have done is created a new file which contains my header... I added a layer called load with a blank movie clip with the instance name of load_mc in another layer called actions I added the following action scripts:[code]When I play this file, my button_bar.swf load but the graphic keeps playing over and over again instead of only playing on mouse over.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS5: Simple Frame Navigation?

Oct 14, 2010

OK so I have a flash project consisting of four keyframes with "stop()" on the first frame so that it doesn't play through.I have "next" and "back" buttons on each keyframe so that you can navigate between the frames.However, I have a problem where the buttons seem to remember the frame they were on and they skip keyframes when navigating back and forth.Example:I'm on keyframe 2 and press the "next button" and it takes me to keyframe 3.I'm now on keyframe 3 and I press the "back button" and it takes me back to keyframe 2.I'm back on keyframe 2 and I press the "next button" and it takes me to keyframe 4???I have basic code on each keyframe.On keyframe 2 I have this code:

next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextone);
function nextone(event:MouseEvent):void


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Simple Navigation Bar - Making Individual Buttons?

Mar 29, 2009

I started creating a simple navigation bar: [URL]
But decided to make individual buttons: [URL]

As you can see the latter repeats, however the code (after about an hour checking it seems to be identical:
Actions for frame one:
_root.buy_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (mouse_over_buy_mc) {
} else {

Actions for invisible button:
on (rollOver) {
_root.mouse_over_buy_mc = true;
} on (rollOut) {
_root.mouse_over_buy_mc = fstartlse;
}on (release){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Button Navigation Script?

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When I try using the following type of event handler, i can link from frame 1 to 2, but not back and get an error message:

(TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mc1_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


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Flash 8 :: Simple Button Navigation - Play / Pause MovieClip

Apr 15, 2010

I have a movieclip within the main clip called "playPause" which starts with the Pause button shown. When clicked the movie clip moves to show the play button and pauses the current parent movie with the AS "_parent.stop();" when the play button is then pressed the movie plays via ";" and reverts back to showing the pause button.

Simple so far. What is getting me is if I add a movie clip within the parent (say some scrolling object) I cannot get the added clip to pause. For example say the "parent" movie clip the playPause moveclip is within is called "intro" and the moving object is called "introObject" which is embedded in a frame along with "playPause"

What I have setup for the playPause buttons is for pausing
and playing;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Button Navigation - GotoAndStop Next / Previous Frame

Feb 17, 2008

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Instances From Movie Clips If The Movie Clip Referencing From Is Nested?

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It's me again and I'm running into a problem. So, I have this movie clip that is nested inside multiple movie clips. I want to tell Flash to perform an action when that movie clip hits another movie clip in the main timeline. It's just collision detection for a game using the hitTestObject code. I was thinking of using MovieClip(root), but that won't work since it's nested so much.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interactive Movie And Navigation?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm putting together an interactive movie with button navigation of my portfolio using Flash but whenever I test the movie it keeps looping even though I've added a stop(); action to the first frame of my actions layer.  This is also interfering with my buttons which are not working.  I have modelled my movie on the photography portfolio from Lession 6 of the Flash Classroom in a Book and have checked my ActionScript for any errors but my syntax is error free. This is the Action Script I have added to the first frame of my actions layer to make the moview interactive so that when the user clicks on a button it will take them to the appropriate frame and play the instance until the next stop(); action so that it appears that the picture fades in on the screen and then stops playing:

Can anyone enlighten me on where my error could be?  I have created buttons as symbols and labeled my keyframes as 'label1, label2, etc'.  As recommended in the CIB.  I can't figure out where I have gone wrong!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Navigation Bar As Separate Movie?

Feb 27, 2005

Is there any way to create a navigation bar that is a separate movie from the main movie, but is able to target the main movie.

I've done this previously using frames, and so actionscript was able to target the frame, for instance, ("_mainFrame"). But i'd like to do this within FlashMX... How do i target another movie sitting in the same html document?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip On Main Timeline Receiving Input From Nested Movie Clip

Feb 23, 2011

I've got a main timeline .swf file called "blank.swf" which contains nothing but two blank movie clips one called called "pproduct", the other called "ppalette". In the script frame of this main timeline I use the simple "Loader = new Loader();" method to load a URL of an .swf file into the "ppalette" movie clip. The "ppalette" movie clip contains several color chip buttons, each of which use the same Loader method above to load an external .swf into a clip. Here's what I want to do: let those color chip buttons, when the "blank.swf" file loads, be used to load an .swf movie into the "pproduct" clip on the main timeline. I'm wanting to be able to swap depths with various movie clips which will take out the movie which has the palette, but I want whatever that palette has loaded in the original "pproduct" clip to stay there.


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Nested Movie Clips In CS5

Sep 13, 2010

I'm not sure if this problem's caused by a change made in CS5 or if I'm just doing something wrong (havn't used flash in a while), but I've run into a problem where; I've created a second animated layer (classic tween) inside the timeline of another movie clip. The problem is, when I add a key frame in the timeline of the parent movie clip, it resets the timeline inside it (as in, it goes back to the begining).

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Movie - Hiding The Navigation Menu On The Page

Aug 22, 2010

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Professional :: Non-linear Navigation With Movie Clips?

Mar 21, 2011

I am gradually learning Flash and am able to play a 56 frame movie clip in frame 5 using stop(); on the main level. What I don't know is how to move onto frame 6 on the main level once the clip is finished.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Navigation Movie Clip Control?

Dec 5, 2002

I'm trying to make a rollover activated animation ( i think it is 40 frames) and the animation will play, then stop at a predetermined location, when you roll "out" of that button the movie clip should play back to the original(start) position. but if you roll over another button, it will move to position... and react the same with each buttons.I uploaded a fla for a more comprhensive explanation, considering i've been working for the past 15 hours, my englis idn't whud id wons wus.i've tried a few different ways to imitate this, but each has made me mad and i have to have a working demo by friday, otherwise i'd take my time and try a few more methods but i still have the rest of the damn thing to put together, tons of animations.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Movie Clip After Navigation?

Jun 30, 2009

It's been a long time since I've used Flash, never Actionscript 3.0, so I am having some trouble with some simple things. I've built an HTML site with a custom Flash video player in it. The player has a simple timeline navigation going on. There is a movie on each of 3 frames. There are 3 buttons, each goes to a frame. The problem is if you go to movie one, press play it starts. If you decide you want to go to the next movie, the navigation works, but movie one keeps going (you can hear the audio). How do I make this stop?

This is the timeline. btn actions layer is the script on the navigation buttons to make them function.actions layer is just a stop(); on each frame. mov menu are the navigation buttons.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transition In 1 Movie Basically The Navigation?

Nov 2, 2004

I'm trying to do a transition in 1 movie.. Basically the Navigation..

5 MC's (one for each nav)

clicking on nav item1 would start the item1 MC that plays until frame 10 (which is the middle of the ani)..

clicking on nav item2 would start the item2 MC that plays until frame 10..

well i'd like to have nav2 say "if any other nav is open, play their frame 10->"

item1 (open)
item2 (opening) then item1 (closes)

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CS3 Controlling A Content Movie Clip Through A Navigation Panel?

Nov 23, 2009

I've just start working on a project whereby the site will be entirely in flash, have a nav panel down one side, and a content panel down the other. I want some subtle animations on the content as each page is selected (either scroll or fade out) but as each page will have a different background, I'm not sure what the best way to do this is.

My current thinking, would be to put all the 'pages' in one movie clip, animated with each having a fadein, then stop, then a fade out. When a link is pressed, it would play until it encounters a 'stop' (hence, the fadeout frames), then jump to the fade in animation for the link that was clicked.With being new to Flash though, I just thought a) I'd check to see if this is the given way to do this, or if there is a better, standard way, and b) if anyone can give me any tips on coding it. I would imagine it would be onPress(function), then the two instructions?.

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CS3 Drop Down Menu Navigation With Multiple Movie Clips?

Aug 16, 2011

I am creating an interactive website so it can be viewed where there is no internet.Each section of the website is split in to different movie clips with the navigation itself being a movie clip on a different layer.Currently I am able to jump to the beginning of frame 1 of a MC then able to navigate to frame 2 but unable to go back to frame 1 through the nav.My biggest problem is jumping to frame 2 of a MC.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping Movie Sounds During Website Navigation

Aug 1, 2009

I have a Flash site I'm developing which has a section with various flv movies. When I click on the section, the 1st movie starts automatically and plays fine but if I navigate to another area of the website before it finishes, the sound still plays in the background. If I click on a different movie thumb, the sound stops as it should.
how to code this in AS 3?
I'm learning it right now but still very green and I have no idea of how to make the music stop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Navigation Options With Movie Clip?

Jan 15, 2010

I am trying to create a site where the menu section will expand with sub-sections when certain buttons are clicked. I have created a main page with navigation, and a movie clip which holds the content for each page. The navigation from buttons on the main page works fine and leads to correct sections [labelled frames] within the MC. I have placed an additional button on the movie clip, it is revealed when one of the main buttons is clicked. However when this button on the MC is clicked, nothing happens.

I want to be able to move some buttons down and slot additional ones in between the existing buttons so that sub-sections are only revealed when looking at the relevant main section. I have tried to do this using the movie clip, however buttons below are not blocked and those above do not work.Here is the code I have used for the buttons - I have tried putting the sub-button code on both the scene and the MC - neither has worked.

ActionScript Code:
btn_home.onRelease = function () {
content_mc.gotoAndStop ("home");


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Nested Movie Clip Not Playing?

Aug 14, 2009

I have a movie clip (that includes a preloader and video elerments) that I created and made a .swf file from which I then imported in my main movie. I then place this .swf file (which is listed as a movie clip symbol in the library) onto the main timeline. I put an action to stop the main timeline at the frame where the nested movie is placed and expected to start. When previewing the movie, the nested movie doesn't play. I see the preloader (in scene 1 of the nested movie)  appears for a second but the movie doesn't play.
Any specific action command needs to be define to make the nested movie play?

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Create Nested Movie Clip

Nov 2, 2009

i am new to flash, i have cs4.i created a 3 second flash animation of a logo.i would like to export that into other flash projects, so that those projects will play the logo what is the best and most efficient way to do that?i have tried to export the logo.fla file as a movie clip or swf file but importing it into a new flash project is a bit weird, like it doesn't come in as a single symbol, but as all of the components that make up the original animation.i have watched many tutorials on nested timelines, but i can not find one on creating a mulitlayered movie clip in a separate fla file and then importing that as a single symbol into a new project fla.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NavigateToURL From A Nested Movie?

Aug 19, 2011

I'm new in ActionScript 3. I have a movie and inside a button. I want this button to send to an url. And it don't works. Why?

buttonBt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonGo);
function buttonGo(event:MouseEvent):void


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