ActionScript 3.0 :: Target The Parent Container Of Whichever Object Receives An Event?

Sep 28, 2010

how I can target the parent container of whichever object receives an event?

Parent1.btnA.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSomething);
Parent2.btnA.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSomething);
Parent3.btnA.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSomething);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Container Receives MouseOut Event From Within?

Aug 24, 2008

I'm having a Panel container with buttons and other controls in it. When the mouse moves over one of the container's children (e.g. a button), the Panel receives a MouseOut event where the target and currentTarget properties reference the Panel itself. That causes me problems. I only want the Panel MouseOut event when I leave the panel, not when I enter a child of the panel. Are there any way to turn that off?See example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Event Listener On Parent For = Child?

Jul 30, 2009

I have these buttons in a movie clip and I would like to have only one event listener for the parent, using to point to the children. I have also tried event.currentTarget, and it didn't is the code that works:

test01.abtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHandler);
test01.bbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHandler);
test01.cbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHandler);[code]....

It is only targeting the movie clip, not the buttons inside the movie clip.

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Actionscript 3 :: Finding Target's Id When Its Parent Generates Event In Flex?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to get the id of the target in showMe(). For example, when I click button or image panel's showMe() function executes first. Here I want to capture the button/image's id.

private function init():void


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IDE :: Bind Method So Event Point At Parent / Class Rather Than Target?

Feb 16, 2009

I just recently been using a lot of prototype javascript stuff, and was wondering there was anything like the "bind" method, for use in AS3. It's proved quite useful to be able to look both at the as well as the class object the handler function might be associated with.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Event Dispatcher: Only Receives Event Once

Mar 26, 2006

So I have two classes talking to each other with EventDispatcher. One is a thumbnail of an image, and when it's clicked, it sends an event to the other class to display the full size version. I'm using a MovieClipLoader instance to load the full version (and the thumbnail).

Here's how it's sending the event from the thumbnail class:


private function initButton () {
this.loadMe.onPress = function () {


The problem I'm having is it loads the full size version ONCE. After that, it no longer receives the event. The ("event received") trace no longer comes through. But the ("send event") trace continues to work.

The other weird part is if I comment out the loadClip, then the events come through just fine on both sides. But it's like after it loads an image once, it quits responding to that event ('onPhotoSelected'). Is there some kind of mis-communication between the events of the MovieClipLoader and my custom event or something?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listening For Custom Event Dispatched From Parent Object In Child Object?

May 25, 2010

I want to listen for a custom event dispatched from the document class in a custom subclass. For example, let's say in the document class I have:

ActionScript Code:[code]....

So that the subclass will trace 'Event from document class received' when the 'customEvent' event from the document class is listened by the eventlistener. However, the output is only 'customEvent dispatched', meaning it wasn't heard in the subclass.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Event.resize To Some Display Object Container In Both Of Them?

Sep 1, 2010

lets say i have 2 classes in the same package.and i add the same event listener to each of them, for example i add event.resize to some display object container in both of can i prevent the code attached to that listener to execute in one of the classes if that event happens?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Target An Event At Object Not In The Display List?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm trying to dispatch a custom event from a custom class (which implements IEventDispatcher) to another custom class (also implements IEventDispatcher) but I cannot trigger the corresponding event handlers.The classes are instantiated at different parts of the application: one on the main canvas and the other on the back-end (data side) of the app. Neither of these is part of the display list hierarchy and I need them to communicate through events.I've looked through adobe docs, the web and Mook's Essential AS3, but have come up with nothing...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Testing A Click Event Target Object's Type?

May 18, 2009 will return the target object... but how do I access the specific object type? I know it's probably simple... but it's late and I'm fried. The code below obviously doesn't work. I just need someone to tell me what to put instead of [object MovieClip] and [object SimpleButton]

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fOnClick);
function fOnClick(e:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click&drag On The L - No Object The Transparent Area Of The L Receives Mouse Events?

Aug 25, 2009

I have objects that the user can click&drag. They're PNGs, mainly rectangular, no problem till here.But I then had to put an L-shaped object (a PNG with a lot of transparency), so i've made a movieclip with an shape with the same L shape than the png, and use it as its hitArea:

shape.visible= false;
shape.mouseEnabled= false;
obj.hitArea= shape;

This works PERFECT, the mouse events respond as expected, and I can click on objects that are below/above the transparent area of the png/object.All objects are inside a Sprite called playgroundLayer1. The issue comes when I take the L-shaped object and put it on another Sprite (playgroundLayer2), that is above the playgroundLayer1.I this case, I can click&drag on the L, but no object below the transparent area of the L receives mouse events.

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Target Container On Main Timeline?

May 19, 2009

I have 3 movieclips on the main stage.

btn1, 2, 3

I have this code in the maintime line, that when i click a button, the btn the stays static (like its on), when i click another btn, it switches on the next button and loads an external swf.

Each button's instance name is button1, 2, 3..and more buttons I add the stage I would increase the button number, so for 3 buttons on stage I have up (var buttonNum:Number = 3

var buttonNum:Number = 1;
for (i=1; i<=buttonNum; i++) {
this["button"+i].onRollOver = function() {


This all works fine.

I have built a scroller with thumbnails as movieclips and would like to add this code to movieclips.

The thumbnails are indivdual moviclips and are inside a movieclip (productscroll), as the dragbar i am using targets the clip (productscroll) to scroll the thumbnails.

I basically need the same actions as the buttons. When I click a thumbnail I need to load an external swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing MC Into A CONTAINER MC, Target?

Jul 8, 2004

I'm using an effect I found on the net which moves clips around randomly, works really nicely, however, Im having a problem with it when it's put inside another MC.I have a site setup that uses a navigation section which loads the separate sections into a container MC on the stage. When the section is loaded that contains this special effect, it doesn't work. I guess this is a target issue in the action script somewhere, but I'm not good enough with code to see it.he special effect file and a "container" file for it to simulate my problem are attached.[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Target A MC Being Loaded Into Empty Container?

Oct 1, 2010

I'm trying to somehow target a MC being loaded into an empty container MC. I've tried everything I could think of.

Basically, I'm making a movie editor. Right now clips are added to the stage on initial load, then when they are clicked on they are added to the "reel" and they can be previewed in the order that they are added. Now, I'm trying to get it so that when they are on the "reel" they can be click and dragged and rearranged.

Here's how the clips are added to the stage in a function called loadClips():

ActionScript Code:
addChild(clip1); = "1";

Here's how they are being added to the "reel" in addClips():

ActionScript Code:
if ( == "1")
clipCopy = new Clip1();


Now, I just want the clips that are on the reel to be click and drag-able (along the X axis but I'll worry about that later). I realize now they're all being added as clipCopy. That's going to be an issue huh? Is there a way that I can target the container and make that mobile?

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Flash :: Professional - Drop Target Not Working In Container?

Mar 3, 2010

I have produced a Flash movieclip, containing a fair few layers, including masked layers, actionscript etc. One of the things it does is allows the user to click and drag a number of movieclips and drop them anywhere within the mc, but if they drop them on specific drop targets then some actionscript (AS2) kicks in, stops the drag object from being draggable again and advances through its frames to basically 'enlarge' the drag object and play a sound to show the user they've hit the right mark. This all works perfectly on its own, or in a browser window etc.

The problem I have is when I try to insert the Flash movie into an Adobe Captivate 4 e-learning package. Things work ok apart from when you drop the dragged object onto a drop target, nothing happens. The actionscript doesn't execute. Would the fact that the movieclip is (probably) sitting within a container (the Captivate e-learning package) be causing the problem? If so, how do I get around this issue?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Refer To Parent Container From SWF

Jan 11, 2008

I have 3 SWFs.
X.SWF - Parent application. Contains an empty movie clip for loading external swfs using loadClip() method.
B.SWF - Has some text and pics. Gets loaded into the empty movieclip on X.SWF. Also has a button saying 'Load A.SWF'.
A.SWF - Similar to B.SWF with a button saying 'Load B.SWF'.

When I start the main application (X.SWF) and load B.SWF into it all is fine. But would like to click on the 'Load A.SWF' button on B.SWF and load A.SWF into X.SWF. And visa-versa. The problem is I'm not able to refer to the parent container (X) from these child (A and B) SWFs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Into Parent Container?

Sep 16, 2008

Late night dumb question time:I have an SWF named "gallery.swf" that loads into an empty clip called "holder_mc" in the parent movie. How do I call a function from gallery.swf that replaces gallery.swf with a file called "purchase.swf" in holder_mc? The function I'm using looks like this:

function ProceedToCart():Void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Parent Of

Jul 16, 2009

How would you get the name of the parent of a movieclip? below is only some of the options I tried to trace.
function getParentName(e:MouseEvent):void{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Outside Event Listener Method

May 13, 2010

how can i access outside event listener method.say for example

my_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onC);
function onC(e:MouseEvent):void
var m:MovieClip = as MovieClip;
trace(m.totalframes);/// not working

now what if i want to get totalframe property of m instance, in short for every movieClip clicked.

View 11 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Target Parent Of A Class?

Oct 2, 2009

I am trying got get the parent of a class so I can set a variable. first I problem I have is I cant even trace parent. I have a simple class nothing in it except a trace(parent) I instantiate it on the main timeline of a fla and it returns null. I have tried to trace root and it returns null as well. the class extends movie clip or sprite

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Loaded Child Movie Controlling Container Parent

May 14, 2009

i'm a designer trying to step up my flash skills and have a scripting problem that's causing me trouble. essentially i have a child swf loaded into a container in a parent swf and want the child to be able to instruct the parent. to explain in full, the child contains an flv with bespoke video player components. it's container sits in one frame of the parent. when the flv finishes playing, i need the parent swf to move onto another frame.
as it's a controllable flv, it isnt possible to predict the exact length of time the child will need to be present, so it literally needs to tell the parent it's finished playing at that very point.


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Flex :: Prevent Dragging Outside The Parent Container In Flash?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a canvas onto which I draw shapes like rectangle etc. When I move the shape using my custom mouse down/mouse move handler, the shape can go outside the parent bounds.

I am checking if the child is outside the parent's bound to snap it back:

var bounds:Rectangle = this.getBounds(this.parent);
var p:Point;
if (bounds.x <0) {


The snapInside method gets called when I go outside the left or top boundary. But when the child is dragged outside the right or bottom boundary, I find Flex/Flash runtime automatically expands the parent's height and width. So say the parent size was initially 800x600, if child Y bounds exceed 800 by say 20 pixel, I find the this.parent.height automatically resized by flex to 820!!

How do I prevent the parent from resizing when child goes outside the original bounds of the parent ?

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Flash :: Retrieving Children From Parent Container Of A Certain Type?

Jul 5, 2011

is it possible to retrieve all children of a certain type from a parent in actionscript 3? i only see getChildAt,getChildByName, is there a getchild of a certain type like get all childs of object type:Food?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding Font - Loading SWF In Container (Parent)?

Jun 1, 2010

Embedded some characters using embed tag in flash CS3 (font.swf). 2 separate swf (a.swf,b.swf) loads the font.swf on runtime. These 2 swf are being called from a container (parent) swf. It looks find locally and not time consuming to load. But when I view it from a server, computer lags after a while....
(all file sizes are relatively small.around 160kb)
What needs to be done in order to prevent computer from lagging? Is it better to load font.swf not in separate swf but directly in container(parent).swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Difference Between & Event.currentTarget?

May 4, 2010

i'm new to AS3. Couldn't understand what some of the explanations out there are getting at, so i decided to post it here. In the code example below, what does & event.currentTarget point to?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Target Parent Movie Clip

Feb 17, 2010

I have a swf which contains a main menu bar along the top which has been added dynamically at run time. ALl the controls for this bar live inside btnHold One of these buttons loads in a new swf. There is a button within this second swf that I want to use to control the main menu bar in the top layer (I want to make it invisible for a time, or get its layer and then ensure that its not too high etc etc)However, I just can't work out how to target this btnHold from within the newly loaded swf.

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Actionscript 3 :: Target Ignoring Parent MovieClip

Apr 4, 2012

I changed the question as its seems to be a problem with target not registering children mc/ or nested MovieClips.

var box:Box = new Box();
levelPlane.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onOver);


How Do i target the movieclips(BOX) inside of the main MovieClip(levelPlane)?
imagine i have nested 10 boxes inside a MovieClip Called "levelPlane" i want to click on any of the boxes to add another Mc on the box i clicked x,y location.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Parent Movieclip From Within Itselelf

Mar 15, 2012

how do i go about and target a movieclip from within itself, without knowing it's name?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Php Variables - Call From The Player To The Xml File For Whichever Member Page Is Being Viewed

Jun 5, 2011

I have a flash mp3 player that lives in the root on my server, I have members on my site that each have their own folders which have an xml file in them for their uploaded mp3 files, my question is, how do I get as3 to call from the player to the xml file for whichever member page is being viewed, for example, if you were viewing members/profile.php?id=1, the player which is on the profile.php page calls to the playlist.xml file in the id folder '1' I know I can use the xml load function but how would I get the members/$id in there

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Expanding Width Of TLFTextField When Parent Container Resized

Apr 7, 2011

I have spent nearly a day on this now, searching everywhere, but never found anything. This is my desperate attempt to get my problem solved. I have a container (ContentHolder extends Sprite), which holds another container (Content extends Sprite) which has a TLFTextfield in it.

Now when I resize the ContentHolder, its children get resized too. I have overridden set width and set height in the Content class, because I need the Content to resize differently than just scale. I want the TLFTextfield width to adjust to ContentHolder width, while maintaining font size. So ideally the TLFTextfield would set different line breaks, according to the width of ContentHolder.

I really have no idea how this can be achieved. One solution may be to create a new TLFTextfield instance with the updated height and width values, but that could look messy when drag-resizing the ContentHolder..

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