ActionScript 3 :: Define Variable From Its Creator On Stage

Jul 3, 2010

I am trying to split up my code in classes. But there is a issue what really bothers me. When I create a class for functions I am giving its own stage. Like this:
dragf:Dragfunctions = new Dragfunctions(this)

And in the class i use this
var stage:Object;
public function Dragfunctions(stage:Object) {
this.stage = stage;

As you can see I can now call a variable of the stage using stage.var1 = "hi" but when I need to adjust that variable many times it gets a quite messy. There is a way to tell that when I call var1 he knows i mean stage.var1 without need to call stage.

var var1 = stage.var1
And then using
stage.var1 = var1
But that is quite unhandy too is there a better way?

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swfloaded = "classic";

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output.text = swfloaded;

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Jun 11, 2011

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Actionscript Code:
var tmr1:Timer=new Timer(2800); var tmr2:Timer=new Timer(5000);


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I'm going to start by saying that i am very new to flash and the concept of Stage is still very new to me.

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var foo:MyClass() = new Class();
foo = new myClass();

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