ActionScript 3 :: Flash CS5 - Mask With Keyframe Prevent Bitmap Loading

Feb 12, 2012

I have a Flash app that loads a PNG as a bitmap and adds it to a MovieClip instance called test_mc on the stage. test_mc contains a placeholder clip that we hide after adding the bitmap. E.g
This works fine. I then move the MovieClip around the stage in the timeline with a lot of keyframes. This works fine.

I then add a layer, called layer_mask, above the layer with the movieclip on. I create a shape on layer_mask and set layer_mask to mask the movieclip's layer. This still works fine. Now I add a keyframe in layer_mask. This stops working. The bmp is no longer loaded into the movieclip, and the placeholder is no longer hidden. The bitmap is actually loaded in and displayed correctly until the keyframe in the mask is hit, at which point it reverts to displaying the placeholder without the loaded bitmap.

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Professional :: Why Does Setting A MovieClip's Alpha Prevent It From Moving In Another Keyframe

Mar 12, 2012

I have a MovieClip, named "thing", that's in one position and in another position on the next frame. I added an eventlistener to "thing" to advance frames. Very simple, everything works fine.I then add "thing.alpha = 0.5" in the button's event listener. Now when I publish the file, thing fades but doesn't move.

p.s. For reference, here's the entirety of my AS3 on the first frame:
thing.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doClick);


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AS3 :: Flash - Get Bitmap From Movieclip With Mask?

Feb 1, 2012

This work:

var a:BitmapData = new BitmapData(640,480);
var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap(a);


How can I draw in my Bitmap just the visible part of a MovieClip that uses mask?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Bitmap Failing To Mask?

Aug 26, 2010

Coding something in pure AS3 (no timeline, etc...) and am hitting a snag with masking a bitmap. Am I missing something here?


End result is nothing shows up whenever I set the mask property. Without setting the mask I see my noisy rectangle just fine. Can anyone see why the mask doesn't seem to be working?

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CS4: Looping MovieClip Resets Everytime The Playhead Reaches A Shape Tween Mask Keyframe?

Sep 16, 2009

I'm having issues with something I used to do all the time in previous version of Flash.On my Main Timeline I have a "looping" MovieClip (myArrows_mc). This MovieClip's timeline just has some simple animation,for instance some arrows that run across screen.There are no stop() actions, so once the playhead reaches the end of the MovieClip's timeline, it just goes back frame 1 and plays again.
Now I want to animate a simple shape Mask over top of the MovieClip. However, everytime the playhead gets to a keyframe in the Mask Layer, the MovieClip getting masked goes back to frame 1 and plays.
In other words, let's say myArrows_mc has 100 frames of arrow animation. On the Mask layer, I have tweened a simple oval shape from 1 side of the stage to the other. The shape tween has keyframes at frame 1, 50, and 64.
When I test the movie, everything looks fine (the arrows are looping) until the playhead reaches frame 50. Then the myArrows_mc, even though it hasn't reached the end of the arrows animation (frame 100), goes back to frame 1 and plays. Then when the main playhead reaches 64, myArrows_mc again resets to frame 1 and plays.
How can I animate a Mask over a MovieClip (not a Graphic) at authortime?Also, I need the Mask to be either a shape/motion tween or a graphic... it can't be it's own MovieClip, because I need to keep it "tied" to the Main Timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Plays One Keyframe Then Switches To 2nd Keyframe When Date Changes?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a simple flash that has 2 layers 2 images. one image is on the first frame and the other image is on the second keyframe. Actionscript starts on 1st keyframe.  What I have it doing is loading frame one stop() reads the actionscript checks the date if the date is met it goes and stops on frame 2 and plays other image:
Everytime the flash refreshes it plays frame one then jumps to frame 2 if the date is met.  How do I avoid playing frame one if the date is met what it's doing is playing the first image before the date change and a split second after it plays frame 2.  (you see a hiccup)
i need the flash to "preload, check the actionscript before it loads if the date is met automataclly go to frame 2 avoiding frame one all together.

actionscript used on frame one:

var year:Number = 2012;
var month:Number = 3;
var day:Number = 22;


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Flex :: StageWebView - Prevent Stretching Of The Bitmap Obtained Through DrawViewPortToBitmapData?

Nov 4, 2011

I am trying to show the page displayed using StageWebView as a bitmap. As per thedocumentation we need to use DrawViewPortToBitMapData. While displaying the bitmap in a
UIComponent, the image is getting stretched. How can I prevent that?

bitmapData = new BitmapData(webView.viewPort.width, webView.viewPort.height, false,
0x000000 );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Loader With PNG Bitmap Mask?

Aug 27, 2009

I'm trying to create a AS3 image loader with the possibility of a PNG (transparent) mask...

Tried and searched for hourse, but I won't get it right...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Irregular Mask From Bitmap

Apr 26, 2010

I am trying to create irregular Mask from Bitmap (Who has Alpha) and then apply it to Sprite. Then register mouse hover on sprite. My mask should be made considering bitmap Alpha, I need irregular shape Mask. I read somewhere that I should set cacheAsBitmap = true for Mask, then it will consider Alpha, but I can`t get it to work.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does Flash Execute Codes Only In The Keyframe Or It Execute Whatever Is In The Frame Regardless Whether Its A Keyframe Or Not

Mar 16, 2005

When I place some codes in a keyframe, these codes are showing on all the following frames up till the next keyframe with codes. My question is, does Flash execute codes only in the keyframe or it execute whatever is in the frame regardless whether its a keyframe or not?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stuck On Flash Bitmap Loading

Mar 10, 2010

I am using Flash CS3 and Actionscript 2.

So I have inherited this flash project which when completely published is basically a tutorial video for software. It is set up such that there is one large movie that loads other flash movies via actionscript (I guess).

The project was supposed to be designed so that it would be easy to make translated versions, so all the software UI items (File menu, tool box, etc.) are cut into pieces and in the library. In theory a person could go and just switch out the library graphics and presto, you have a French version instead of English.

While all these elements are in the library, you can never actually see them on the stage in Flash. When you publish the project, all the items are in place. I have hunted through the actionscript and don't see the images called up.

Does anyone know how these images are being called up into the actual final swf?

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Actionscript 3 :: Loading A Bitmap From The Flash Library?

Feb 7, 2010

I built a game that grabs a tileSheet (bitmap image) and some xml files from an outside source (not from the library). Turns out that this is a bad idea if I want to post my game on most sites. Cause majority sites only give me ability to load a single file. NOW, I need to figure an alternative. I tried doing the cross-domain thing but that is a pain cause I am running into some security issues in which I do not know how to get by. I made a seperate post for that issue, with my code in it. But now I need to know if there is some better hope.It makes sense that maybe I could load a bitmap image from the library.

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Flash :: Reflection Bitmap Not Loading On Page?

Nov 20, 2011

I have a image loaded in a sprite, the image is from a remote location [URL]. Once the image is loaded in the Loader Object i then want to create a reflection of the sprite that contains the image. Now this works when i run the application in flash IDE but when i embed this flash application inside a HTML page the reflection images do not work. Why is this, the code is below.

// Project: Flash 10 Coverflow
// Date: 10/3/09
// Author: Stephen Weber


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Random Keyframe To Keyframe In MC?

Mar 29, 2006

i am creating a game now this is complex but i have been told by my fellow actioncript co worker that its doable, What it is i have a game "Reaction Tester" and It is inside a car going along the road so its psudeo 3d and i have the "walls" and road sorted now i want a movie clip in the road to throw out random objects From a Movie clip, now i will call them from frame names, say..

frame 1-10 is a tween with a box coming down and then frame 11-20 is a cat and frame 21-30 is a hole in the road Etc i want it to call a random frame to frame, to play

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine The Last Keyframe/if A Frame Is A Keyframe?

Mar 20, 2007

i'm making a game and to score some extra performance im rendering every frame of every entity into an array of bitmapdata's the first time the frame is seen, and it works well, but its wasting alot of memory because we have alot of animations, and most of them are double framed at least, so more than half of the bitmaps could be ignored if there was a way to determine if a frame is a keyframe or not

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent Swf From Loading Again?

Jun 13, 2010

I have simple button, which calls loader to load external swf. It works well, but after some time, when I click button again it loads swf from the start. Is there any way to load swf permanently? It will be great if second click on the button would run complete event without loading process.

edit: I use unloadAndStop when I remove loaded swf from the stage. Maybe it has something to it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading The Image Binary (after HTTP Request Headers Are Removed) As A Bitmap In Flash?

Sep 11, 2010

I'm building an image viewer that has violent content (video games), and so it requires users to enter their birthdays. Problem is that because of company policy, I can't expose any of the source images being viewed in the event that someone might use their resources/net tabs (or just sniff the request) and get the direct link to the image. (I know that they could screenshot it, but that's out of anyone's control and not something I'm worried about.)Is there anyway to inherently mask loaded resources (images)? I've been using sockets, which is great, but there's also the problem of actually loading the image binary (after HTTP request headers are removed) as a Bitmap in Flash.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scriptable Mask - Large Mask Behind The Whole Of Flash Site?

Aug 19, 2003

what i am doing is to make something along the lines of the "scriptable mask" tutorial Inigo was kind enough to put up.My idea is to have a large mask behind the whole of my flash site, this masks a colour image with a black & white one (nothing tricky). The image I am using is actually 5 separate images combined, and each is a pic of certain parts of the site.I also have a very basic set of buttons along the bottom... each corresponding to each section.

All I want is to set it up so that when I mouse over the buttons, the _x of the mask moves to correspond with the correct image... really very basic... or so I thought .If anything it should be easier to do than what is in Inigo's tut (where he uses the _x of the mouse to move the mask)... i just cant seem to get it to work with a nice easing effect (its easy to get the mask to simply snap to each coordinate, but I need it to smoothly move).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Prevent Image From Disappearing Before Loading Next?

Jul 31, 2009

I'm loading an external .jpg into a mc. I have the code listed below, the problem is when I try to load another image the first one disappears before the second one is completely loaded. What I'm trying to accomplish is the first image will stay on the screen until the second one reaches 100% then they will simply switch.

ActionScript Code:
var backgroundloader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
function onLoadInit(_mc:MovieClip) {
_mc._height = Stage.height;
_mc._width = Stage.width;
[Code] .....

So again this works fine, but now i have a button that onRelease has :
backgroundloader.loadClip("2.jpg", bgholder_mc);
So how can I keep 1 on the screen until 2 is completely loaded then switch them out ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check When Swf Is Loaded / Prevent It From Loading Again?

Feb 8, 2007

I have a menu nav that loads swfs into a container clip. Once the swf loads, the menu nav unloads and is replaced by a page-specific nav. If the user clicks on the menu button, the page-specific nav is unloaded and replaced by the menu nav. ...this is to toggle back and forth between the two nav menus, as I'm sure you've noticed

Once a swf has loaded and if the user loads the menu nav, the option to load the same swf (current swf) appears. Rather than reload the current swf, is there anyway I can have the button check if that specific swf is already loaded and if so, not load it again?[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent VideoDisplay From Loading The Entire Video

Nov 10, 2011

I want to use VideoDisplay components just to show the first frame of the videos, as a preview. So, what I do is

video.autoPlay = false;
video.autoDisplayFirstFrame = true;
But the problem is that they start downloading the entire videos. I've read some topics and docs and I feel that there is a way to avoid it For example, I've tried this line: video.mx_internal::videoPlayer.bufferTime = 1;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading / Unloading External SWF - Prevent Memory Leaks

Sep 19, 2011

Im creating a flash projector which has a holder swf with an empty movieclip. A series of external SWFs are loaded into the empty movieclip on the push of a button. Once the clip has been loaded, other external SWFs can be replaced in the empty movieclip at the push of a button. As memory leaks and garbage collection seem to be an issue, I was wondering the most memory efficient way of loading, unloading and replacing these external swfs so that memory leaks are kept to an absolute minimum.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mask Is Preventing Dynamic Text / URL Loading?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a MC in my library exported for AS called list_item_mc. Here's its contents:A placeholder MC for an image with the instance name img_holder_mcA placeholder dynamic textbox with the instance name list_txtHere's my code  Below it I will explain what's going on and what my issues are:

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
var xml:XML;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Set Mask - Stop Loading To Other Thumbnails

Dec 19, 2009

i have a problem with setmask. in my current project i used a thumbnails which are loaded via xml. if user click on those thumbnails then in the stage a movieclip loades an image correspondent to the thumbnail and the loaded image will ba mask itself on the background image that is loaded previously. for that purpose i used onEnterframe in the onRelease function of the thumbnail. but the problem is that when user click on thumbnails it will do the all the jobs but stop loading to other thumbnails.the code is below:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Use Loading Bitmap Fonts

Jan 3, 2010

I have spent quite a few hours looking into loading bitmap fonts to use and I cant seem to find anything on it. I have a bitmap font saved in a png file and I'm thinking I will need to create a new font, set the dimensions etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stuck On Bitmap Loading

Mar 5, 2011

I'm trying to do is load a Bitmap from a URL Request. 2 problems really.

1. the mLoader.width and height doesn't return anything
2. When I input the loader manually, nothing comes up just some dots on the screen.

It's part of a vehicle class, I've been searching hours on end for a solution. Even copy and pasted code. Nothing works..[code]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading Images As Bitmap From Externally?

Jul 16, 2009

In the following application images are attaching from library as bitmap. But i want to load it externally.Actually what I am trying to do is that i want to divide an image in to several pieces and giving a disolve effect for transition. I got a code in which images are loading from the library as bitmap object. I changed it and loaded externally using bitmap, but i cant divide images in to small pieces. I think its due to the problem of loading as bitmap.i just want to modify the following code to load image externally.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Display Object Into A Bitmap?

May 13, 2010

I am trying to load an sprite into a bitmap, but cannot get the sprite to fill the bitmap. Here is the results I am getting: [URL]
here is the  applicable part of the code I am using that gets these results:
function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}addChild(container); //add sprite to see true sizebd = new BitmapData(container.width,container.height,false,0xff0000); //colored for effectb = new Bitmap(bd);bd.draw(container);addChild(b); // add bitmap to compare to sprite

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bitmap Exporter And Loading JPGs?

Jul 20, 2007

I'm building an app that allows the user to load JPGs, edit them, and then save them back to their computer.So I have run into some sort of bug. Whenever I load a JPG from another site then the bitmap exporter will just trace a blank image. So it has come down to this: the moment I a jpg, my traced bitmap is broken. It will work at every point before that. I am using loadClip to load the jpgs (flash 8 pro/as2.0).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Images In One Bitmap?

Oct 16, 2009

I have created a class called LoadXML that loads an XML file and parses the data returning various arrays consisting of url paths: background urls (called "hintergrund"), image urls ("pfad") etc. In the main class I am trying to load each of these background urls and insert them each in a seperate cover (for a CoverFlow carousel). The images will then be loaded in the same cover and should appear on top of the background.I havent been able to insert multiple images in one bitmap. This is what my image loading methods look like:(I also added my LoadXML class and xml file in the attachments).

PHP Code:[code].....

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