Actionscript 3.0 :: Function Makes Volume Louder?

Jan 10, 2009

I'm working on an application and have the following button setup:

-a movieclip for the button
-a movieclip to play behind the button on roll over (referenced to by buttonSunArray[x])
-a sound that I'd like to play (starting slightly into the sound) when buttonSunArray[x] gets to frame 14

I've used the attached code used to that end. The problem is: if I quickly pass over a button (before buttonSunArray[] gets to frame 14) and go back and sit on it (until it reaches frame 14), the volume of the soundclip increases. If I pass over the button quickly 5 times and then go back and sit on it, it's extremely loud (increases by a certain amount 5 times, I'd suppose).I've tried a number of things, like adjusting the clip volume when timeHasCome is called, but it didn't help.[code]

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Jan 21, 2011

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Actionscript Code:
buttonGreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, reactionGreen);
private function reactionGreen(e:MouseEvent):void{
blob = new blob_cls() as Sound;;

I made a .swf that shows what's happening. If you roll your mouse over the button repeatedly, you find the sound getting pretty loud. [URL]. My webpage isn't very stable, so this might be better. The volume seems like it could go up to 2 times louder than it originally is..

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but it doesn't work, yet it traces "_level0.but1menu", and trying the function as this: _level0.but1menu.easeY(100) does work. I've also attached a mock up if you want to see what I mean. al input, this one seems weird to me - but I'm sure there is a completely logical explanation. I've used the same sort of idea to open external swfs with no issue.

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Can anyone explain why this is happening? Not just that the mouse seems to be a little delicate, even with the roll over listener called it isn't registering the event unless it hits a specific part of the movie clip enemy, which leads me to believe the movieclip is somehow built incorrectly? But even when testing the game with extreme settings (i.e. leaving the enemies on screen for a long time) the mouse clicks aren't registering still. Something is broken! Here is some of code inside the enemy movie clip, the problem lies on line 11:


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Flash :: Volume Slider - Volume Doesn't Change Until Mouse Over?

Nov 21, 2009

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var song_initvolume:Number = 100;
slider_1._x = groove_1._x + song_initvolume;

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Here is my code below dealing with the volume slider.


The (-4) is an offset value so when you drag it all the way to turn it off, it's 0 and not 4. I need to reverse this somehow, so the traces above will swap... going down will make userVolume = 4 and going up will make it 30.

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if (SoundVolume.volume == 1)
AudioOn.visible = false;[code].....

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on (press) {
startDrag(this, false, left, top, right, bottom);


It seems right to me but I don't know. The movie button slides down the slider bar but it just doesn't affect the volume. Going to try to attach my FLA to offer better insight. Just tried to upload it and no matter if it's FLA or zipped FLA, it says it failed.

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var mclL:Object = new Object();


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onClipEvent (load) {
//because the footer is 30 pixels high
newHeight = this._height+30;


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Dec 20, 2008

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I've got this small library I'm constructing right now. In it I'm creating an object that is rather robust and is constructed from a bunch of smaller objects. The thing is none of these objects are DisplayObjects of any sort... so event bubbling isn't an option here.

The project consists of a public Class object that can be instantiated and a bunch of internal Classes that make up this public one. One of these internal classes is a "backend" to the server. It basically handles communication with the host and makes different netConnections and loads data and all kinds of other stuff. At certain points it updates the front end of different actions that occurs by a custom event type... lets call it CustomEvent... so that way the public frontend Class can do what it needs with it.

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