AS3 :: Good Library That Makes Objects Detection In It?

Aug 10, 2011

Does anyone knows a good library that makes objects detection in AS3?

Im looking for something similar to detect an hand, like kinectic.

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I have Object "A" that moves around and collides with other objects. There are hundreds of other different objects it can collide with. The only way (I found) to test for collision is to loop through every other object. That seems rather inefficient considering I don't even know how many objects exists. Other objects are constantly created and deleted. So this loop would be rather complicated.Is there a way for object A to receive what other object it collided with so that I can then do some code on that other object. Any way to avoid looping? I later need to find out how to detect what objects are near (within x pixels or so) of object A to decide with which one to interact. Maybe that could also be used now to limit the test of collision? Or maybe it gives someone an idea of what to try?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Collision Detection - Falling Through Objects

Dec 27, 2010


I have a serious problem with Action Script. I'm about to code a new Jump&Run game with a simple gravitation Engine. And this is where I got my problem I can not solve! When moving the player through the levels, I want to move the layers instead of him. So the player stays somehow where he is but the enemies, ground, items ... move around - as in most of these games. The gravitation is intendet to affect every item/enemy (by ENTER_FRAME) and moves every object downwards until it hits the ground.

The problem is, objects of different Layers somehow don't get the right hitTest information. So when having two objects - the first on the same layer as the ground, moving both, everything is fine. But as soon as I put the object into a separate container like "itemsContainer:MovieClip" and I move that, the object doesn't get the right result for hitTestPoints. (Maybe it has something to do with localToGlobal??)


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Flex :: Detection And Moving Objects After Collision?

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I am creating a scheduling application that shows projects (wrapped within a canvas) on a 2 week calendar timeline.If the user decides to move a project over by a day, i need to check and see if the moving project would then overlap with any other existing projects. If it does, one of the two projects would need to move down the screen along the y axis until the two projects no longer overlap.I've created a function that loops through a repeater item which is used to create the projects... the end result of this function is an arrayCollection that holds:

0. the id number within the repeater

1. the project title

2. x coordinate

3. y coordinate

4. the width of the project

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a little while ago I saw something on this website:[URL]...I decided I wanted to recreate something like it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Collision Detection, Stopping Objects From Going Through Eachother?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm running a HitTestPoint to detect when two of my mc's collide, but I don't want them to be able to go right through each other. Someone suggested I find the x,y coords of the moving object when the collision occurs, then update that mc's coords to this x,y each time a collision occurs. I've been Googling but came up empty. Below is my code

private function __checkHit($evt:Event):void {
if (this.coin_mc.hitTestObject(target)) {
if (!hitting) {[code].....

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Nov 13, 2009

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public class MyClass extends MovieClip implements MyInterface and then in MyClass I have a function that implements someFunction in MyInterface.I keep getting error 1044: Interface method someFunction in namespace MyInterface not implemented by class MyClass.

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Use Variables To Call Objects From Your Library Onto Stage?

Nov 11, 2010

does anyone know if it's possible to use variables to call objects from your library onto stage like this:I have an object in my library called Level01 as is it's linkage

Actionscript Code:
var MyMap:String = "Level01";addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,LoadMap);function LoadMap(event:Event) { var myLVL:MovieClip = new MyMap();// how do you use the variable


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// Or canvas.addChildAt(video0, 0);
// video0 should be at x=0 and y=0
// Or canvas.addChildAt(video1, 1);
// video1 should be at x=0 and y=0, while video0 x=0 and y=75

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Feb 26, 2007

I've been heavily mired in 3D recently, and decided to pay a visit back to good ole Flash.

My problem is this. I'm extending the MovieClipLoader class to create a Preloader Class (yes I'm sure it's been done fifty billion times but). I'm trying to refer to a symbol in a common library, the preloader symbol itself.

Inside my class I have this

function onLoadStart(target){
baseClip.attachMovie("preloaderTemplate_mc", "preloader_mc", 500, {_x:0, _y:20, _xscale:75, _yscale:75});

baseClip is a MovieClip object which takes a MovieClip passed to the constructor of the class in the FLA. (say a container movieclip which has a target clip preloaded into it) The class does load the target clip into the baseClip, but doesn't show the preloader, which makes me think I'm not referring to it properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Objects In Library Symbols?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a fairly complex symbol with a few moving parts, and I want to be able to access a label on the symbol to add text. When i just load the clip

PHP Code:
var x = new fm_Input(); // instanc in libraryaddChild(x);
it shows the default text.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Library Objects From External Class?

Jan 18, 2011

I'm currently working on a game. I'm breaking down each piece of the game into individual classes and movieclips. The intro begins by going to the main menu which is a MC in my fla library. This is called through the document class. then all actions the main menu MC performs are commanded through the MainMenu class. When starting the actual game, MainMenu calls a function from the document class, after it is removed from the stage, that puts an empty movieclip called Level on the stage.

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Professional :: Flash File Corrupt - FLA And Library Objects Gone

Aug 10, 2010

For whole damn month I spend writing script for a actionscript application on Flash CS5. I had my Window$ Crashed!! and when I tried opening the flash file, it says "error opening File!". my swf is sized 0 KB, I even bought a decompiler, Trillix Flash Decompiler and tried to decompile the swf, it says swf corrupt. Now all I have is some classes and external swfs. Those thousands of as3 codes inside the fla file and the library objects are all gone.

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Flash :: Load Library Objects By String List?

Mar 3, 2010

how do I load library objects by string list using Flash and AS3? I need to understand string lists, arrays, and sprites better.

WHAT I WANT TO DO Load enemies to stage using a string list "Orange ball, red ball, green ball etc"

EXPLANATION The tutorials I've been given are too basic, or they are incomplete examples that don't explain the classes being used.

Trace statements are not showing me how I'm accessing the name or class of an object.


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Actionscript 3 :: Objects (buttons) From Library Not Accessible From Within Certain Functions?

Nov 18, 2011

I'm working on a simple image processor in AS3 and as usual I almost had it finished when an annoying little problem appeared. I want to open an image using a dialog box, and once the image is open I want the "selectBtn" (which is in my Library) to disappear. However when I try the code below I get a: "Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference". I'm sure it's something simple but I just can't figure it out!

// declare variables
var image:Bitmap;
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Library Objects At Two Specific Times?

Oct 3, 2009

I want all my libray object that are classes to load on frame 2 except for one which is the preloader class I want this to load on frame one.

I can go into my publish setting and set frame two for all the classes to load, but then my preloader class isn't available until frame two.

can I write a line of code that will make the preloader class available on frame one instead?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Class To Display Objects From Library To Stage?

Feb 27, 2011

I am using CS3. And this is all about understanding Identifier and Class from the symbol property under Linkage.

I read some articles where all are using class instead of attachMovie() method on TimeLine.

Its confusing to me and couldn't able to make it work.

The article I read says that attachMovie() method will be in class file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Duplicating Library Objects To Satisfy Var Typing?

Mar 9, 2009

I have a class. Let's say it's a video player and I have a library of art for it. So I now want to load the swf of this video player into another project and type it as videoPlayer (class file).

The problem with this is the class starts looking in the parents library for the linked art. A simple fix is copy over all the objects with a linkage id from the original video player fla. But I would rather not to reduce file size.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Objects From Library Vs Directly On Stage?

Dec 7, 2009

I am a flash developer and I've got some experience in games and applications, but there is a problem that always comes back and that I solve in sometimes discussing manners, but I've decided to find the "good way" of doing it.Ok, here's my problem :I have a game where I set the publish setting to export in Frame 10. Most of the graphic content is already on the stage on the frame 10, but there are a few MovieClips that I add and remove using AS from the stage (a "How To Play" movieclip, for example).All the movieclips I want to use with AS are set to export in Frame 10 and are used in different custom classes.Everything works just fine if I set everything to export on Frame 1 and all my graphics are on frame 10, but not if I export in any other frame than 1.The workaround I've found is to create an instance of the objects I want to load outside of the stage, but I hate that way of doing things :I get no error if I create an instance of my movieclips through AS, but they won't show up when added to the display list (yes, I know how to use addChild )

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