ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Library Objects At Two Specific Times?

Oct 3, 2009

I want all my libray object that are classes to load on frame 2 except for one which is the preloader class I want this to load on frame one.

I can go into my publish setting and set frame two for all the classes to load, but then my preloader class isn't available until frame two.

can I write a line of code that will make the preloader class available on frame one instead?

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if (numberOfTimesToLoop<3) {


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Nov 6, 2010

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PHP Code:
tim0 = new Timer(1000,30);
private function PrepTime(e:TimerEvent) {


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//About Us Button
function test2(evt:Event):void{


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var image:Bitmap;
case 4:
var chart:IF= new IF(); //Flash CS5 doesn't need the dimensions passed on
image= new Bitmap(IF);

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myDate = new Date();
time = myDate.getHours();
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External Image Multiple Times?

Nov 23, 2010

I am trying to create an interactive 3D canvas, e.g. it loads up the person image and loads it into several - pre warped- movieclips... trouble is when I run this:

ActionScript Code:
function imageLoaded2(e:Event):void


It only executes the last one instead of them all, when I remove the last one (canvas_white_mc)... it goes to the next last one canvas_black_mc...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Movieclip At Random Times On Load

Mar 28, 2005

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Number Of Specific Objects In Array?

Feb 6, 2010

How could I get a number of all same objects in array (lets say I have five "Grass" objects and ten "Wood" objects. Now I want to get the number of Wood objects.

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IDE :: Make Objects Move In A Specific Path?

Dec 1, 2010

i want to make 3 objects move in a square pathi tried to use guide layers but it didn't work good for both three objectsonly the first object followed the exact pathis there some other way to do it??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening Objects To Specific Position?

May 10, 2011

Right now I'm working on a website that has movie clips that I want to tween back and forth across the stage when a button is pressed.

Here's the idea:

When 2_btn is pressed, I want 1_mc, 2_mc, and 3_mc to move from right to left and then stop when 2_mc is positioned on the stage, stop moving and play

Then if 3_btn is pressed I want all three to be animated from right to left until 3_mc is positioned on the stage, stop moving and play

Then if 1_btn is pressed I want all three to move from right to left until 1_mc is positioned on the stage, then stop moving and play

Basically I have no idea how to accomplish this, or how to word it into Google.

What I have right now, which obviously isn't accomplishing what I want is:

Tween from left to right across the timeline, and then using a gotoAndPlay, and then stop(); on the frame..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Manage To Set Different Times When Image Load To Stay In Screen

Jul 4, 2008

the aim of this script is to make a slide show, loading images form an external file (called: images) they fade in, then fade out, then load the next swf in the Next Level.My Question is that I cannot manage to set different times when the image load to stay in the screen (1, 2, 3 sec (1000, 2000, 3000 miliseconds) and then to fade.They Need to fade in, stay 1,2 or three seconds, and then fade out... but its not working, I used the SetIntervalID but nothing after loading the 1.swf this will call a 2.swf with a different time of the image to remain, lets say 5 sec, and then this swf will call the 3.swf and remain 8 sec??[code]

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