ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening Objects To Specific Position?

May 10, 2011

Right now I'm working on a website that has movie clips that I want to tween back and forth across the stage when a button is pressed.

Here's the idea:

When 2_btn is pressed, I want 1_mc, 2_mc, and 3_mc to move from right to left and then stop when 2_mc is positioned on the stage, stop moving and play

Then if 3_btn is pressed I want all three to be animated from right to left until 3_mc is positioned on the stage, stop moving and play

Then if 1_btn is pressed I want all three to move from right to left until 1_mc is positioned on the stage, then stop moving and play

Basically I have no idea how to accomplish this, or how to word it into Google.

What I have right now, which obviously isn't accomplishing what I want is:

Tween from left to right across the timeline, and then using a gotoAndPlay, and then stop(); on the frame..

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(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playHandler);
function playHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
import fl.transitions.Tween
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import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
// var next1Alpha:Object = new Tween(panel1.next_mc, "_alpha",
Regular.easeOut, 100, 40, 0.75, true);
next1Alpha.onMotionFinished = function() {
[Code] .....

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//, .5, {alpha:0, onComplete:removeChild, onCompleteParams:[sndText]});//does not really work; still in DisplayList, .5, {alpha:0});, .5, {alpha:0});, .5, {alpha:0});


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function craDone(e:Event):void {
trace("LOAD"); (portfolioBucket_mc, 0.5, {x:-831, alpha:0, ease:Back.easeIn});

How do I tell it to load to a certain Y position. The x doesn't really matter because x:0 is good.

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Sep 26, 2009

I am trying to load an external swf at a specific x& y pos. from a button. This is the code I am using :

on (release) {gotoAndPlay(4);loadMovie("gallery.swf",1); xpos="7", ypos="119"; 

The movie loads fine if I remove xpos="7", ypos="119";How do I get it to load at that specific position?

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var bb:Vector.<int> = Vector.<int>([9, 8, 7]);

This doesn't seems to work:

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The result is [9, 0, 8, 7].

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I have searched the forum and could not find anything specific, so if you do, please show me the link. Let me set some theoretic environment for the question. let's take a circle that is like an anolog clock but only has 8 numbers; 12 o'clock, somewhere around 1:30, 3 o'clock, 4:30, 6, and so on.

I want to have each number, a button, and when clicked will rotate to the top of the circle.NOTE this is a static image, so the numbers will upside down, etc...the do not need to stay rightside up, as they will rotate with the circle image.

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Jan 15, 2009

I'm doing a flash menu for a site and am stuck with a bit of action script. Below is a link to the swf file. http:[url].........What I am after is for the white bar to follow the mouse when you are over the flash file y axis only (this works on the file), then when you take your mouse away from the file it returns to a specific position.The action I have so far is attached bellow.

onClipEvent (load) {
_y = 20;
speed = 3;[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: AddChildAt() To Add Item At Specific Index Position?

May 16, 2011

I have a textBox and I am using it as a mail address input field where the user can type in several addresses, a bit same as in hotmail. Each address is rendered into a clickable button. Thus upon double-clicking on a specific address I want the item to be editable. After having edited the address when the user taps enter, the item is added to the list of mail adds.I am adding it using the code below:

flowBox.addChildAt( myItem, myindex);

However addChildAt seems to add the item as the last item in the list. But I want it to add the item the position where it was originally. Say the item was at position 2 in the mail list, after editing adn tapping enter, it should add at position 2 itself and not at the end of the list.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie When Move To Specific Position

Nov 15, 2009

I'm working on this scroll from tweener [URL]. I've made a button that lets me reach the position I want on the scroll
this.bout.onRelease = function() {

Now I'd like to load a movie when I move to this or that position. Maybe with if?
this.bout.onRelease = function() {
if (_root.Position=4) {
loadMovieNum("test.swf", 1);
but this doesn't work (it loads the movie alright but not because of the position).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-scroll Text To A Specific Position?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a text document which is several pages long and will use scrolling capabilities. This text document will be contained in an external swf. There will be 6 buttons on the main timeline which will all load the external swf with the text document but I would like the text to autoscroll to a specific postion/part of document that relates to that topic/button. Also, i would like the scrollbar to move in relation to position/part of document in case the user stays in the external swf and reads and scrolls through the document. Is this possible? I have searched for a tutorial on this but have found nothing. I have tried different things but nothing has worked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChildAt() To Add Item At Specific Index Position?

May 16, 2011

I have a textBox and I am using it as a mail address input field where the user can type in several addresses, a bit same as in hotmail. Each address is rendered into a clickable button. Thus upon double-clicking on a specific address I want the item to be editable. After having edited the address when the user taps enter, the item is added to the list of mail adds.I am adding it using the code below:flowBox.addChildAt( myItem, myindex);However addChildAt seems to add the item as the last item in the list. But I want it to add the item the position where it was originally. Say the item was at position 2 in the mail list, after editing adn tapping enter,

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This is the code I am trying (not mine I'm afraid). I have it on the same frame as the MC in "Actions - movie clip". The MC is draggable but doesn't snap.[code]...

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how to make one object move to a specific point with animation in Actionscript ( not MXML code ) ? ( Flex 4.5 )

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Set Specific Size And Position Of Preloader's Empty Movieclip On Main Stage?

May 1, 2009

it's possible to script an external preloader's empty movie clip to be of a specific size and position on the main stage? here's the script i've got for the preloader so far:
var my_pb:mx.controls.ProgressBar;
my_pb.mode = "manual";
this.createEmptyMovieClip("Portfolio", 999);
var my_mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();


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